
Hero Story: You Are Special

Imagine a world where magic is real and some possess unique abilities that defy reason. But what happens when you lack both? In a world where being special is common and normal is strange. Asher Himmel is a young boy who lives only with his grandfather, in a seedy neighborhood along with other people that society has turned its back on him for having mediocre or non-existent skills. One day, while cleaning, Asher finds his grandfather's comic book collection and decides to read it out of boredom, not knowing that this would inspire him with the nobility and moral dilemmas of those subjects called 'heroes'. But that would not be the only thing that would change in the young man, as he would be visited by a being of indescribable appearance, which gives him a chance to become a 'hero'. This is the story of a young Argonaut whose ordinary dreams are transformed into something extraordinary, challenging the very notion of what it means to be a hero.

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Chapter 18: Unexpected sponsorship

Asher Himmel

February 13, 2011

Capital, Eternity

Today we had captured over 100 criminals in the 60 cases we had solved. From beast traffickers to muggers and thieves, all caught by us. It was unbelievable how the police, with so much force and manpower, could not make a change.

One thing I realized, is that despite many having unique or magical abilities, not all of them are meant for combat, but that doesn't make them useless. One drug dealer we captured could swap his body with objects, but he was limited to his field of vision and had a slight delay between activations, a moment Lactura took advantage of to throw hot water on the criminal's face.

While we rested for a few moments in my house, I talked a little with Lactura.

-The unique abilities are very curious. They make you break the rules of the universe, but they have somewhat annoying restrictions on their use. On the other hand, magic seems to me more stable in general terms and less restrictive- I commented to Lactura.

-Magic has its restrictions. The aptitude for mana, and the mage's potential are the shackles of a mage. The higher the aptitude, the greater the amount of available mana, being that the violets, the highest ranked aptitude in the electromagnetic spectrum, have an available mana as big as an ocean, while the orange ones like me, the second weakest aptitude, our available useful mana is as minuscule as the coffee a cup can contain. Not only that, a mage's potential grows proportionally with innate mana aptitude. Magic is not that simple," explained Lactura.

-Wao. I'm surprised you can do so much with so little mana.

-It's not always a matter of too little or too much, but knowing how to make the most of what we have. I have practiced a lot for years. Now, if you had violet aptitude or a little more than mine, maybe you would be a higher level mage," said Lactura a little disappointed.

-To me, you are the best wizard in the world. I have full faith in your abilities, and I know you will surprise the world as you are" I said while smiling.

-I wonder if you have any talent for comforting people," said Lactura as she threw a shard of ice from her fingertips.

-Hey that hurts. By the way, I thought of entering the Superhuman Training Institute to meet more wizards and talent users. But after meeting you, I don't know if I need to-

-I'm planning to enter there too. It would be a good idea because we can inspire more superhumans to be like us. Besides you need a little bit of theory about magic, unique abilities and beasts. Let's go in together Ash," said Lactura as she threw another ice shard, this time at my forehead.

Lactura was right. While my [Miracle Machine] was an incredible talent, I needed fundamentals if I wanted to fight criminals, as understanding the basics, could give me more organic ways to fight. Besides I didn't know much about the beasts, which could mean great danger. Also recruiting comrades-in-arms was a priority, since fighting a war against evil as two people was not sane.

-I understand. Well in November we're going in. There's plenty of time left to prepare. At the very least, we can escape at any time using the teleportation crystal.

-Apparently your concept of friendship involves turning me into a transport all the time," said Lactura as she threw a mini lightning bolt at my forehead.

-I exclaimed at the top of my lungs while creating a shield around my face.

-Okay, enough rest. Let's go to the next case- Lactura said as she dusted herself off and formed her armor again.

[Aegis Wings: Assault Mode]

I grabbed my cell phone, and accessed the Helpers For Peace Program website, then clicked on the first case uploaded.

-The next case is to capture some thieves. Although their location is a mystery, they were last seen on the outskirts of the city.

-It's a bit strange the location, because that would mean that the criminals may have set up camp in the Outskirts but when I checked the place, I found no traces of human activity," explained Lactura.

-We don't lose anything by taking a look around. At least it's a place we'd better keep free of criminals.

Lactura grabbed my shoulder and activated her Teleport crystal, taking us to the marked site on the outskirts of the Capital. I prepared to fly through the skies with Lactura but I could see two people running in the distance.

-Lactura, there are two people running towards us.

-I'm going to confirm their identities.

Lactura could manipulate her sight using mana to see at great distances. She told me it was not a persee spell but an application of useful mana.

- I see a thin older man with white hair accompanied by a young lady with green hair and glasses in her early 20s. They fit the description of the criminals, although it seems a bit strange to me.

-What's the matter?

-If you were a thief, and you saw a person, your first impulse would be to run from them, like the dealer this morning. Just in case I'll chant a spell. You stand in front of me," explained Lactura.

In a matter of minutes, the criminals stopped in front of us.

-I can't believe that shitty plan worked," said the green-haired girl.

-You should trust me more. After all, I'm the best detective," said the white-haired man.

-You were lucky. You didn't even put an exact address.

-You can last on my methods but not on my results.

The curious couple began to argue in front of us, forgetting our presence. I could hardly believe I was dealing with criminals. After a five-minute discussion, the white-haired man stood in front of me.

-How do you do? Detective Arthur Miller. I work for the police," said the man as he handed me his card.

My first impulse upon learning that this was a member of the police force was to run. I thought he resented the notes that Lactura pasted on the faces of each criminal, so they put up a fake case to catch us.

-I can guess what you're thinking, and no, I'm not coming on behalf of the police to arrest you. A protector of justice doesn't deserve that. On the contrary, you deserve a thank you for your accomplishments," Arthur said as he knelt down. The girl next to him accompanied him.

I felt calmer at that revelation.

-By the way, can you tell the girl behind you to cancel that spell? My assistant gets a little anxious when a spell is pointed at her," said the Detective.

I signaled for Lactura to cancel her spell. At that instant, the Detective stood up from the floor.

-I don't mind if you talk but I need you to listen to what I'm about to tell you. The police is not a very fair place to be. Most of them are lazy bums who play at work but really dismiss most of their cases by uploading them to the Helpers for Peace Program platform. It wasn't enough for them that I spent my time giving accurate and clear data to facilitate the capture of criminals. I guess you realized it as the cases were being solved," explained that detective.

Lactura and I felt it was very strange that those criminals were free despite the police having so many clear details. In some cases, even exact addresses. I could tell from Arthur's words that the police really are rotten.

-I have always thought that justice is the right of every citizen, but no matter my efforts, things remained the same. I lost hope. But then you showed me today that I didn't do enough for this city. Thanks to your unconditional dedication to solving cases in the last few hours, I was able to open my eyes to finally do the right thing," said the man as he placed his left hand on his chest.

-A good apple cannot save a shipment of rotten apples from being thrown away, but it can be taken away to be sold in another batch," whispered Lactura.

-I put that bogus case, as I felt I needed to provide you with support in some way. Along the way I came up with a way to be helpful to you without hindering you. First of all, I will erase any clues and traces left by you, preventing the police from messing with you".

Lactura told me earlier about being careful when solving cases, since we could be the subject of an investigation. By having a guardian of such caliber in the police department, we could have a little more security.

-The second benefit is that I will give them the information first hand. That way, they can avoid delays and suspicion.

-It all sounds very nice, but... How do you plan to get that information across," said Lactura.

While it sounded good on paper, to get information we had to establish contact somehow, and providing contact information was out of the question.

-About that...

-I'll take care of it," said the green-haired woman.

-How?" Lactura asked.

-Using my talent. I can create telepathic channels between people. One person becomes the host and the others become guests. The host could share telepathic messages in real time to the guests. The messages can only be received by the guests but cannot be replied to. In order for my ability to work, I must have the permission of both the host and the guests," explained Arthur's assistant.

-In case you are wondering, there is no way for my assistant to track them once they agree to enter the telepathic channel as guests. Nor can he read their thoughts," said Arthur.

-Then I will agree to enter the telepathic channel but Regulux will not enter," said Lactura.

-I accept to be a Host- Said Arthur.

[Group Chat]

A light was born from Arthur's forehead and connected to Lactura's forehead, then disappeared in the air.

-You just called your assistant a fool," said Lactura.

-The telepathic connection is working perfectly. Then we'll keep in touch. For today, you can continue with the cases on the website but in a few day I will indicate each case in real time. It was a pleasure young protectors of justice. May God enlighten you on your way," said Arthur as he held his assistant.

Arthur's assistant pulled out a Police badge while chanting a spell.

xxxxx Return: Department No. 15 xxxxx

The bodies of the couple became particles of light until they finally disappeared.

-We have just accomplished a lot in just one day," said Lactura.

-It's nice to know that there are people who want justice, although it made me sad to hear about the situation in the police.

-We are going to change this city with our actions," said Lactura while she took off her mask to show me a beautiful smile.

-United we will win," I said as I took off my solid light mask.

We may have a lot to do, but someday we will change the city and with it, the hearts of everyone.