
Hero of Sanity (My Hero Academia x Male Oc)

The boy stared at the ceiling of a white room, blood pasted on the walls with bodies surrounding him. What did he do to deserve such a terrible life? A quirkless kid sold off to a researcher to help the quirkless but it was all a lie and now he's suffering because of their choice. Will the boy find peace? Will he be saved? Or will he become what the researcher wanted him to become?

Arngrim_Asura · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Season 1, Episode 4

A/N: Welcome Dear readers to a wonderful chapter, I have seen that the vote poll has ended. Now here are the two lovers:




Congratulations to the two lovers, now that concludes today's event. Thank you and enjoy the chapter.


"Come on Yin, snap out of it!"

The angry Libur shouted at the white hair boy, he didn't seemed like himself, his eyes blood red and a strange black marking on his left eye appeared from nowhere.

"Shut up...you're in the way..."

His body all pummeled into a pulp his horns grew back, his tone more cold than Antarctica. Heo stood his ground transforming into her sword form, he didn't want to hurt Yin, but his quirk is affecting to the point he doesn't recognize his own friends.

"Enough, or else you'll regret it."

"Hehehe...HAHAHAHAHA! You defeating me, impossible!"

Yin laughed manically, his eyes gaze on Heo and the sword, I guess it's time to see if Heo can truly defeat him.

They both charge at each other, Yin's fist and Libur connected together causing an huge explosion of energy and wind pressure.


2 Days ago


Tornado had us take the hero course training in Ground Omega since Class 1-A had already gotten there first.

Yin and Heo were playing rock, paper, scissors. They were always tying, it made them both mad that they continued to play until one of them won.

"Alright noobies! It's time for a game of search and contain. The objective is simple, the heroes will locate and find a live bomb in this area, if time runs out the bomb will go off and you fail." She explained the training drill. The students were terrified who knew that the teacher would be this insane.

"Yin, Heo. You're up first."

They nodded wondering who will be the villains, they stepped into Ground Omega and heard the buzzard going off they both ran around into the center.

"Do you have a plan? And it better not be destroy everything." Heo grinned at Yin who also smirked.

They both slam their fist on the ground, their attack created a electromagnetic pulse capable of detecting items including bombs. They saw a bright glowing orb, they found the bomb.

"Let's win this Heo!"

"We got this."

Or so they thought when they saw a flaming sword swinging down causing a massive firestorm. The pressure from the the fiery storm almost made Yin scream in pain. His body was absorbing the heat too much causing his horns to grow back slowly.

"This man, it's Kevin Kaslana. The strongest human with the power freeze the city but incinerate the world." Yin thought as he landed back on the ground dashing towards Heo.

"This is a pro hero not a teenager." Heo said sweating nervously, Kevin calm yet dangerous cold aura is what made Heo so scared of him.

"Go find the bomb."

"What?! You don't even stand a chance against him, especially in your current state." Heo stated the obvious, he saw what Yin was doing, his horns growing back his eyes turning cosmic purple. The black and blue electricity aura that surrounded his body. He was getting ready to finally use his quirk for once, he only used it when it's only necessary.

"I know but we have to find someway to win or else we'll fail."

He then turned to see Kevin swing his sword as if he was trying decapitate him. With his reaction time increased when he was forced to use his quirk at 10%. His reaction time was increased to the point he's able to react to things moving at 343,000 m/s.

T/N: Massively Hypersonic+ Speed

Yin leaned back dodging the sword his body still continued to absorb the heat. He then grabbed the sword, kicking Kevin in the face.

He was able to bypass his aura, which means he had a fire type quirk. He felt his hand being affected by the flames but it wasn't enough.

He threw the sword back to Kevin, he didn't seem injured except with a few scratches. He smirked as if he thought what his quirk was, "It seems your truly as they say."

The boy was caught off guard as he felt the sword penetrating into the chest of Yin, he spat out blood, the class in shock after what they saw.

"You thought I wasn't going to notice, Yin Tsuchikawa or should I say, Raijin the Kaiju Eater." The name shocked Yin as he pushed himself off the sword his wounds healing quickly.

"How the hell do you know me?!" Yin asked his eyes glaring daggers at him. Luckily the other teachers and students couldn't hear a thing, so they were safe for a free conversation.

"It's simple, a man eating monster out and about, trying to live for the sake your adoptive mommy. Yet you fail to realize that you're the only Kaiju that can cause so much destruction, or maybe the fact you took many lives." He said calmly, Yin's fist then connected to his face sending the pro hero flying at high speed. He then slammed him down to the ground causing a huge crater which was shocking everyone.

The poor thing, his quirk was turned off but he still had so much strength to beat the so called Strongest Hero.


Heo ran to the bomb in a quick flash, he needed to win this before time was up. He noticed a strange presence behind putting him on guard. It was a familiar classmate in 1-C.

Adam Satiri, his quirk was blood rush, His quirk allows him to increase the blood flow throughout their entire body to increase the speed and power. Bloodrush activates when ever he sees fit but only for a set duration. He can reduce the cooldown or increase the duration of Bloodrush by consuming or absorbing blood from others.

Heo stood back to make sure he doesn't drink his blood, he promised he would get stronger without Libur this time and he won't break it.

"Sorry about this pal, but I can't let win." He felt chafed when Heo somehow landed a hit without him realizing it.

"Sorry about that." Heo apologetically said touching the bomb and it was over.


"How did he do that?"

Kian asked still shocked to see Adam fall so easily.

"He moved faster than the human eye could see, after all he was always the second fastest when he fought Fu Hu." They all to look at Fu Hua sternly focus with the match.

"I'm impressed they all gotten stronger themselves." She said with a small smile, it truly scared Libur and Kina. After all the years they been together, they never saw her smile.

"The Hero Team Wins!"

Tornado shouted from back in the room, somehow Yin and Kevin stood there facing each other, it was a sight truly to behold especially the Kaiju boy knew what it meant.

"It seems you won this battle."


"I know what you're going to say, if I ever tell anyone the truth it'll be my head."

Glad that Kevin knew the danger, he still saw what Yin truly was and it wasn't no human with a quirk....



...It was a Monster born from a 'Human'