
Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic)

The boy who can decipher all and any kind of magic as if they were formulasーーLeonard Taylor. Captivated by magic, the boy used all his talents to research and overturn the common sense of the wizarding world. No one knows what influence his research would have on Harry and the dark wizards. Note: This is a translation

Ginormous_Madman · Book&Literature
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Chapter 25: The Chamber of Secrets Unveiled

Leonard Taylor's Defense Against the Dark Arts reputation was excellent. After teaching the basics of defense, he focused on what each year needed efficiently. This approach considered students' strengths and weaknesses, helping those who were weak improve and those who excelled to develop their talents further. Additionally, because there were exemption assignments, almost all students engaged in mock battles, strengthening the overall fighting capabilities of Hogwarts students.

Harry, Ron, and the Slytherin students, especially, viewed Leo as a rival. Their competitive spirit resulted in significant growth in their abilities.

However, no one had yet cleared the exemption assignments, and time passed.

October 31, 1992

Halloween had arrived once again. Pumpkin scents filled Hogwarts just like the previous year. Leo thought that since there probably wouldn't be anyone setting up tricks at Hogwarts this time, he could enjoy a leisurely meal.

"Trick or treat!"

As Leo walked down the corridor, he heard the customary Halloween phrase and turned around. The mischievous Gryffindor twins were standing there, grinning.

"Hehehe. Brothers, it seems that the Ravenclaw genius doesn't have any candy," one of them said.

"Oh, brothers. Then let the mischief begin!"

The twins began to throw dung bombs and stink pellets all over the place. The surrounding students screamed and scattered.

Leo extended the range of the effect of one of his rings, "Barrier," to ensure that the filth and stench wouldn't reach him. After the bombs exploded, the corridor was a mess. Leo noticed that there were intriguing enchantments on the fireworks. Therefore, he deliberately played along with the twins' intentions and cast a Disillusionment Charm on the fireworks. Instead of disappearing, the spell caused the fireworks to multiply, ultimately resulting in a beautiful display of seven different colored flowers. While Leo was admiring the fireworks, the twins had approached him, attempting to feed him something.

"If you don't have sweets, how about we give you some candy!" 

Leo, intrigued by what kind of enchantment might be placed on it, he intentionally allowed the candy to be placed in his mouth. The moment it touched his tongue, the candy dissolved, and its components spread through his body. Instantly, Leo's nose began to bleed uncontrollably.

(To imbue such an effect into such a small piece of candy, these twins certainly possess remarkable talent in magical inventions.)

While Leo remained calm and assessed his situation, the twins began to look flustered.

"Hey? Are you okay, Leo? Your nose is bleeding."

"Is he conscious? It's not because of the candy, right?"

Leo activated the "Healing" function of one of his rings to remove the foreign substance from his body. His bleeding promptly stopped, and he used the same magic to clean up the bloodstains on the floor, leaving the corridor in pristine condition.

"That was quite entertaining. Do you have any other prank devices you're working on? I'd be interested in seeing them."

"Did you... perhaps eat that on purpose? I had a feeling it was too easy."

"If it's prank devices you're interested in, we've got plenty more up our sleeves. How about it, Leo? Will you lend your genius to help us develop even more amusing ones?"

Fred and George seemed to be suggesting that Leo's expertise could take their creations to the next level. Leo pondered this for a while.

(Indeed, these two are quite entertaining. Magical inventions require inspiration, after all. I might be willing to assist them a bit.)

"Well, a little help wouldn't hurt. I can cooperate after Friday afternoon's study session."

"All right! As expected of our genius, you understand us!"

"But are you sure about this? Associating with troublemakers like us might harm your reputation, you know?"

"I really don't care about what others think. If the magical inventions you're developing seem interesting, that's reason enough for me. Well, good luck with your scolding.

With that, Leo used a Disillusionment Charm to vanish from their sight. The twins tried to escape, but Filch and McGonagall stood in their way. All that remained were McGonagall's stern scolding and the twins' insincere apologies.

"Trick or treat!"

Dinner began with Dumbledore's announcement. The Great Hall was filled with delicacies centered around pumpkins, and everyone had a great time. Even Dumbledore had booked a troupe of dancing skeletons for the entertainment, and the party went off without a hitch, with no trolls or other disturbances.

Leo returned to his study in his room and was adjusting his rings when there was a knock on the door. Responding, he found Professor Flitwick outside. It seemed like he had been summoned by the Headmaster.

Upon entering the Headmaster's office with Flitwick, Leo found Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Harry, Ron, and a tearful Filch.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, what's going on?"

"I am sorry to call you in the middle of the night, Leo. Please take a look at this"

Dumbledore pointed to a motionless cat on the floor. It was immediately clear that it had fallen under some kind of curse. Leo approached the cat to analyze it further. It was a challenging analysis due to the unfamiliar magical formula he was dealing with, but he eventually completed it.

"What do you think, Leo? I've determined it's been turned to stone, but I can't figure out what kind of magic was used," Dumbledore inquired.

"You're right. it has indeed been turned to stone. However, I couldn't determine the exact spell used. This formula is unlike anything I've seen before. It's incomplete as well. If it had worked perfectly, this cat would likely have died. It probably turned to stone because something interfered or tampered with it, leaving it in an incomplete state."

Saying this, Leo touched the cat, allowing his magic to permeate it. After a while, he converted the residual magic inside the cat to cancel out the petrification. In the next moment, the cat twitched and began to move.

"Mrs. Norris!"

Filch rushed over and embraced his cat.

"Thank you! You're the best student I've ever seen!"

Filch shook Leo's hand enthusiastically. After removing the curse Leo listened as the Headmaster explained the situation. Apparently, a dangerous message had been left behind, and this cat had been petrified and left behind. Unfortunately, Harry and Ron had stumbled upon it, and when other students arrived, they were mistakenly accused of being the culprits.

"The Chamber of Secrets? What's that?" Leo asked.

"The Chamber of Secrets is a legendary chamber said to have been created by one of Hogwarts' founders, Salazar Slytherin. When Slytherin had a falling out with the other founders, he supposedly left behind something to purge Muggle-borns. Whether this room actually exists is uncertain; it dates back a thousand years. However, given recent events, it's clear that someone claiming to be Slytherin's heir is indeed at Hogwarts. Everyone needs to be cautious." 

After Dumbledore's warning, the meeting was ended, and everyone left except Leo. Dumbledore then began to speak.

"I apologize for making you stay. You've undone the petrification left by something in the Chamber of Secrets. While your half-blood status may be a reason, you might become a target as the heir. So, I think it's time I share what I know. ...The truth is, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before. Fifty years ago, it was opened, and a student was killed. At the time, Rubeus Hagrid was accused because he was secretly raising an Acromantula. But it was not him, it's impossible for an Acromantula to kill in the manner the victim died. I have no solid evidence of what was in the Chamber, but I'm certain about the heir at that time... Voldemort. He was still known as Tom Riddle then, but even then, he harbored darkness in his heart and had begun to deviate from the right path. I can't say for sure how he's involved in this incident, but I believe he's scheming again."

"I see... Did he implant some kind of enchantment while he was possessing Quirrell last year? Or has he found a way to infiltrate again this year?"

"We can't say for certain about those possibilities, but we must be cautious. No one will die this time."

Leo was less concerned about the victims or Slytherin's heir and more intrigued by the Chamber of Secrets and whatever lurked within it.

(That formula that turned the cat into stone... it wasn't just magic, or perhaps, it wasn't magic at all. It was unlike anything I've seen before. Even in its incomplete form, it was so precise and beautiful... It's magnificent. Replicating it might be impossible for a human.)

Leo set a goal for the year, finding the Chamber of Secrets and thoroughly analyzing whatever was inside.

(To achieve that, I can't afford to die. I should adjust the defensive rings a bit more. Even though it's incomplete, I managed to analyze it, so I should incorporate defensive measures to counter it.)

He planned out his next steps in his mind. Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, the exemption task competition, exploring and investigating the Chamber of Secrets, and constructing defensive measures. This year promised to be quite busy.


Leonard Taylor assumed the position of Mischief Product Development Consultant for the Weasley Twins.

Leo's Ring Introduction Part 2:


Creates a spatial layer that secludes magical energy. The thickness of the layer is determined by the user's magical power.

Within this space, magical energy rapidly diminishes, causing magic used within to gradually lose potency and speed. It also affects the magic used by the wearer, making it challenging to use effectively.

It serves as a slight physical barrier, but it cannot withstand strong impacts.

Its primary function is to block effects that affect the mind. This was what previously prevented Dumbledore's Legilimency.

Leo's Ring Introduction Part 3:


Exactly as the name suggests.

It heals injuries, detoxifies, and removes curses. Healing relies on enhancing the user's inherent healing abilities, so it's effective for minor injuries like fractures but not for major ones like limb loss.

Its effectiveness against strong poisons or curses is limited.

However, once a poison or curse is encountered, it's stored as data, enabling more effective countermeasures over time.

Petrification reversal. Mandrakes are no longer needed.

So, stay tuned for the next chapter.