

Paul_Schyles_2471 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The hero's life

"Open up!" shouted general firl to the crowd at the market. The princess and the queen in a chariot going to visit an aunt... Or a sister to the queen.

"Mama... People..." said the nine year old princess Aria.

" Be careful Aria... I know there are people outside," said queen Emell.


Hermes a fifteen year old boy with a white hair just got his first pay after hours of working.

"well this might be enough to buy noodles... And save the rest.... Mmmh maybe I can add yum and chicken steak and save later. " said Hermes looking at the three gold pieces.

He puts the gold cons into his pocket and begins walking away from the empty small shop they have just built.

As he walks away he meets face to face with a big slam of metal from a shield of general firl as he falls on the ground.

"get out of the road kid...." said the general as he walks away.

"Well that came unnoticed... They want to ruin my day with a broken nose or what?" said Hermes as he stands up, walks away to a food store.


Just as the chariot reached a certain point.

"It's them... The queen...ready up" said one eyed... A red pirate ally and a leader.

A certai group of red pirates hid themselves ready to take custody over the queen and the princess.


Just as they were escorting the queen smoke bomb came out of nowhere and distracted firl and his men.

Once the smoke was cleared..

"uhm... Where's the chariot?" asked one soldier looking around. The chariot was missing..

"The red pirates," said general firl.

The queen was abducted just like that.


"What do you want?" asked the queen as one pirate showed a knife at her neck... Opposite was fugo, the one eyed leader sitted comfortably.

"Mmmh…come to think of that…money will do right? Plus a bonus of a private land in Archid…" said Fugo giving the queen a dirty smile.

"Who are you? You're…scaring... Me… you are bad..." said the princess hiding behind her mother.

"Don't worry kiddo all shall be well if your father compiles to our rules," said Fugo getting close to Aria...."You majesty… The … Queen… I've received a letter from Firl saying, that the queen and the princess have been abducted by the red pirates…"said Li Fei a messenger to the king.

The king arose from his throne in anger and with an authoritative voice."Send out guards more than enough, my wife and child must be found immediately!" said the king.

"Yes, you majesty," shouted the guards as they walk away in group to search for the princess and the queen.

"Finally some time alone, this is great, those market people were rude but anyway am at peace," said Hermes as he climbs a tree that was in the forbidden forest of the dead knights.

As for him he found peace living alone there. It was like a home to him even though it was a bit scarier but he got used to it.

He finished the food, climbed down the tree and begun walking away deep into the forest.

"Maybe I can find a stronger monster to fight…ok let's see… uhm," said Hermes as he stretches.

"Humph," sighed Hermes ready to sprint.

Then boom he ran at a fast pace leaving only dust being seen.

He ran till he got to one big rock, instead of stopping he jumped higher than the rock.The problem came on landing; the spot where he was suppose to land on was a small lake.

"Great," said Hermes as he gets into the water."What a rough day!" said Hermes as he swims out, stretches and finally begins walking away.…


"The sign says forbidden do not enter," said the red pirates horse/chariot rider as he stops the horses.

"It's the forbidden dead knights' forest," said one red pirate whom sat next to the rider.

"We go in, we don't want those guards catching onto us," said Fugo.

"Buuu…uuut….this place …"said one masked red pirate as he's being shut by Fugo.

"No but we go in," commanded Fugo.They had no option but to go in. once in they were welcomed by a strange cricket sound."Creepy…" said Fugo with a smile to the little princess.

"Stop scaring my daughter," said the queen hiding her daughter from Fugo.

"We search everywhere, we must find the queen…" said Firl to the guards.

"Yes sir!" said the guards in choirsome.

"Have you heard, the queen has been kidnapped by the red pirates," said one trader starting to spread some rumors.

"Those red pirates are sure getting into trouble," said one man, a trader.…"Great you wrecked the one heck of a transport, and you let the horse run away," shouted Fugo to the rider.They looked at the wheel of the chariot.

"That's bad, well we got to walk now" said Tuki one of the five red pirates.

"Wait who is left with the queen?" asked Fugo as he looked inside the chariot. "Catch that Queen, she's escaping!" shouted Fugo pointing the running queen and princess.They begun chasing them, but since the queen had no sprinting power like the princess, she was caught and taken back to Fugo.

As for the princess, her aim was to get help but the two men behind her was impossible to reach that far. They were abit close to catching her when Hermes out of the blue showed up. The two stopped.

"Hmm!" sighed Hermes as the princess hides behind him.

"Those bad men wants to take me away!" said the princess.

"Do I know you?" asked Hermes really confused.

"Hey kid! Why don't you get out of the road and pretend we didn't see you? That would be fair.." said Kurtais, one of the red pirates giving a very unpleasant laughter.

'That laughter, Mmmh!' thought Hermes trying to think where he heard it.

"Hey kid, get out of the way, tsk" said the other as he pushes him away. Hermes falls down.A moment of silence as Flop grabs the princess…then came a hand behind him, grabs his shoulder.

"Now I remember, you're those dudes who stole my coins the other day," said Hermes as he pulls him with an absolute strength and throws him away hitting a tree.

"What was that?" asked the scared Fim, the red pirates rider."Maybe they came face to face with a monster," said Tuki. "Go check it out!" commanded Fugo.When they were about to make a move, two bodies dropped infront of them, the princess shows up quite courageous than before."Where's my momma..," shouted Aria since she was a bit further.

'Did that kid do that? No she was weak… a nine year old child can't do something like that , there must be someone here…' thought Fugo.

"You done thinking?" asked a voice behind Fugo.

Fugo was about to land a hit on Hermes but surprisingly Hermes caught it with one hand. Then a strong punch on the chin sending him into the air.

"Boss!" said Tuki and Fim.

"Kill that bastard!" commanded Fugo.

"Don't worry i got plenty of punches left for each one, don't be shy come get some," said Hermes with a smile.

"Lets kill that brat!" said Tuki as he rushes with a dagger to kill Hermes. His hands together with the dagger were caught up a kick sending him into the air.

"Please don't hurt me!" pleaded the other.

"Tsk….you bloody son of a bitch you won't get away with this, I will kill you myself!" roared Fugo as he rises, takes out a dagger ready up to take a step.

Before he could make a second step, a speed, faster than a regular deer or a cheetah passed him followed by a mighty kick came as he landed on the floor with a loud thud.

That left him paralyzed unable to rise up on his feet.

"That should do it," said Hermes as he wipes his hands.

"Who are you?" asked Fim still shocked at the amazing strength of Hermes.

"Am a nobody," said Hermes.

He turns to head his way when his eyes met with the Queen's.

"Momma! Momma! That boy saved us," said Aria smiling at her mother.

"How can I ever repay you, young master?" Asked the Queen.

"Mmmh, I don't know, come to think…" said Hermes as he is interrupted by a strong voice.

"Invincible blind dragon destroy!" said Fugo as he charges his dagger, it changes to a fire as wind spread throughout the forest.

"Now you have pissed off the boss, you won't survive that attack," said Fim still kneeling down and laughing.

Fugo then released powerful huge fireball heading directly at Hermes.…Silence stroke the forest as Fim's Laughter was only heard as it fade away.

"That's impossible!" said Fugo looking at the stopped fireball he delivered.

Hermes had stretched out his hand and the fireball stopped to his command.

"Maybe a little gift will do," said Hermes as he smiles, he then releases the ball as it returned to the owner.

A huge explosion was heard all round the forest leaving smoke and a huge hole on the ground.

"You are a magic caster?" ask Aria as they begin walking away from the scene."Am not quite an expert at magic," said Hermes scratching his head.

"What were you doing here?" asked the Queen.

"Yeah... I do stay here…" said Hermes putting some long face.

"Wait… what? What about your parents? Do they live here too?" Asked the queen.

"its kinda a long story, my mom was some sought of a monster…that's what the people said…she was burnt down with my father inside the house while I was at the market, as for my sister…she was taken away by some foreign men…" said Hermes.

"That's quite a sad story…so you live here all by yourself?" asked the Queen.

"Not really, I've had some monster friends well I don't know where they went to," said Hermes looking around.

"Mmmh imaginary friends!" said Aria.

"Not really, they are not imaginary, maybe they went deep…without me," said Hermes.

"I can see the market," said Aria as she rushes to see a lot of people.

"Before I go my I know your name?" asked the Queen.

"Hermes," said Hermes.… A huge bell was heard ringing around the market as people gathered around Hermes and the Queen.

"The Queen is back, make way!" shouted Firl as he clears a road to meet the Queen.

"Am glad you are back my Queen, we've been searching for you for a long time, are you okay?" added Firl giving a divine bow to show respect to the Queen.

"Am alright Firl thanks for asking, for now I want this boy Hermes to be my quest at my house tonight," said the Queen.

"Mmmh!" sighed Hermes confused.

'That boy is the hero, but he's too young and I heard he's a curse, surely he's something' said the people at a low tone.

"Hey peasant show some respect to the king," said Firl at the palace as every guard bows except Hermes who just stood there watching.

"so this is the boy…very interesting how can I repay you young master?" asked the king seated at his throne beside her was The Queen.

"Before I say something can I do something first?" asked Hermes with a small smile.

"Sure…what is that…"asked the king as Hermes drops for ten rounds of pushups.

"There! all freshen up," said Hermes as he stands up, wipes his hands and turns to Firl.

'What an arrogant child, why is he looking at me?' thought Firl.

"I like your armour, how strong is it?" asked Hermes.

"More strong than you can never imag…" said Firl but before he could finish he was totally naked.

Hermes had punched it off, shattered into million pieces, "Gotcha, you worked with those thugs I beat earlier, they have the same tattoo as you," said Hermes as he points a red tattoo drawn side of the ribcage.

"Arrest that hypocrite!" Commanded the king.

Before they could arrest Firl, He stole a sword to slay Hermes but something happened, his head broke the sword.

A strong punch on the stomach making him unconcious. Firl was finally taken away.


"that's what I need as my reward, hope it isn't a big deal?" asked Hermes.

" You sure that's what you want? Consider it done then," said the king as he rises from his throne laughing.

Please leave a comment, I wanna know my mistakes so I can correct them... Thank you... Ooh and also vote

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