

Paul_Schyles_2471 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The villain is born;

The waves of the ocean casted a beautiful scene around the lonely stone built house that only stood for ages since the reign of the demon king, Chavorle gastia. Inside was a woman who was to conceive a baby from the race of Hades the king of all death ihe world. But it was no safe yet since the humans wanted to what belonged to them, what the demons took from them. Powerful heroes were sent to destroy the demon race. The kingdom begun to fall as each demons had to escape but no chances were found. All passages were destroyed and in first time in the great demon reign, the demons were overshadowed. Herdes turned to Asthia, the wife, touched her belly and said "Name him Hermes."

"I don't think you should go,we should flee from here,we can hide and.."said Asthia as her husband silence her.

"Keep him safe we can't run or hide...I'll cover you"said hades.

" come with me..." said Asthia tears flowing down her cheeks...


" If I go with you we'll be followed and eventually our baby might be at risk, I'll stay to protect you against those hunters." said Hades


Hades sensed a great fireball heading towards his house, quickly provided a powerful shield power to protect his wife Asthia and telekinetically outside the house. A loud bang and a huge fire begun eating the house that Hades was....


Luckily being a demon general that was nothing, he came out of the house without smoke or fire burning his shirt..

He looked at his wife who seemed to be covered in tears. All was just not enough to cope up with... First the unbearable pain of the upcoming baby and second the uncomfortable situation they had found themselves in. All was just a complete stress... She missed all the fun and peaceful co-existence between them and the humans.... But what really happened to be turned as the enemies rather than the alliance they had. It was just a mysterious question that went round Asthia's head.


"You okay? ..." asked Hades.

"am okay... I just feel the baby coming out..." said Asthia touching her belly giving a very potent joys smile she could afford.


Hades then turned to the fire, stretched out his hand as the fire begun to look thinner and eventually turned into a small ball. It slowly came to his hand as he closes his eye... A deep scary voice was heard though the silent moment...

"Arise and fight for your master...." Hades said as the fire opens up to unlock the underground dead barrier. Then undead armies arose and begin fighting the heroes.


"Hah... This should be interesting," said a man wearing a hood and a mask to cover his face. His eyes were evil shaped and a red glowing eyes. In other terms he was the great demon eye eater... Fang.


As the war was happening, Hades was confronted by another villain. Ernesh, as the name deprived from a battler to the death. No mercy was another name to describe his behavior. He never wore any shirt whatsoever plus his body was covered with lots and lots of tattoos. His smile was a killer and menacing.

"Hello my friend, at last we meet," said Ernesh followed by a devious evil laughter that looked scarier than the horror shows.

"Why are you attacking?" asked Hades.

"Mmmh, come to think of that, you are just in my way, you and that so called demon king" said Ernesh "why don't we just finish all this errors I hate to chit chat" added Ernesh as he stretches his hand and magically a sword appears. Hades did the same as a flaming sword appears.


In a blink of an eye, slashing begun...a great speed that no one has ever seen.....only the blades crushing each other were heard nothing more.


As for Asthia, she was still making sure the child that was to be born would be safe. She got herself into the thick forbidden forest of the dead knights, as it is always said by the people around.

"A scape goat,no one leaves his territory," said Fang looking at the direction of the forbidden forest.

"Aim!" Said a voice in a hooded cloak that hid his face.

"Sure do master!" Said Archer, one of the best arrow shooters there is.

He got out his bow and an arrow, aimed and a powerful shot was released.

As I said the best archer there is, the arrow got its direction to Asthia's limb making her unable to run.

"Nice shot Archer," said Fang with a bright smile, a terrifying smile infact.

"The best there is,"said Archer.


Asthia was unable to walk, so she decided to take a rest under one big tree. She looked at the arrow, broke it and removed it. There was a pain but she had to be strong.

But that wasn't the beginning of pain,the child was coming out,she had no choice but to bear a baby right there.

A little push and being strong was the only option she had as she was alone, no maiden or anyone to help. Then thunder begun to rumble as Asthia tried her best to push out the baby and then finally, the little hope she had was turned into a reality. A baby boy, beautiful like the mother and a little nose like the father. Her eyes filled with tears she let out a little smile to show that she was blessed atlast. Footsteps then begun to be heard as Asthia tried her best to make the baby not to cry. But as for the baby, he wasn't even crying, he was just looking at his mother trying to picture her in his mind..well for her it was rather strange than normal, a child born not crying, totally not normal.

"Go check over there no one should be alive to remember this day," said one troop who seemed to have a position in generalism.

The search for the woman begun as they had to be keen and straight.

The hiding went well until the kid let out a small laughter. There location was finally found, but she was strong, she kicked one troop in the balls and ran away. She begun running towards the river of the dead knights. That was the dead end.

She looked behind her and saw that the troops were heading her direction.

She looked for anything that might help but the only thing there was a small log that can fit the baby. She loaded the sleeping baby onto the log and released her into the river.


Asthia then took a turn as she had to distract the troop from finding the baby.

The troops begun following her instead.

And that how the family was dispatched.


The river was flowing just perfectly, the wind blowing the night, but also the log. It took a dark turn into another stream an finally the deep end of the thick forest. It stopped at a very rare place where the great giant dragon lived.


The moment of silence came as the dragon slowly walked to the river to quench its thirst. Well and that's how it saw a food. It forgot that it was about to drink the water.

"Too small, I think a taste might give me an appetite..." It said in a low female voice as it seizes it puts it down away from the water."just to make sure..."said the dragon as it smells the baby...

"Strange, no smell like the humans....maybe this one is more delicious," said the dragon as it slowly lowers it's mouth to eat the baby whole.

Just as it was about to take a bite, an intense lightning from nowhere stroke it turning it into a beautiful lady. She fainted.


The night ended as baby cries was heard by a man who considered himself a hunter. He followed the cry until he reached where the sleeping lady dragon and the was. He hurriedly withdrew his sword and pointed it to the awaking lady.

"Woah... chill out,....wait am

human....no....no...no I ....I...I... can't be human!" said the lady looking at her hands, body and feet...

"Are you the mother?" Asked the hunter.

"What? Mother...mmmh.."said the lady...'wait it's the dragon hunter if I mess here I'll be all out ..the only option is to claim the baby mine ...well am a human..'the lady thought, turned to the hunter and noded.

' maybe someday this baby is going to be my feast, a little growth and it would be more delicious,' thought the lady as she smiled

"I think the child is hungry, should you breast feed him?" Asked the hunter as he safely keep the sword away.

'wait, breastfeed how should I know how to breast feed, I think I should come up with a plan,' said the lady to herself.

"Oh...we haven't had anything for the past few days, we were casted out of land and had nowhere to stay...we decided that this would be our new home..."said the lady as she pretends to be sad...'that should do it, oh am really good at this,' added the lady to herself.

"maybe you can stay in my house there's slot of foodstuffs.... My daughter might need a company... You can also take a rest.. Said the hunter.

"Thank you kind master.... I'll be sure to repay you, " said the lady as she bows showing respect to the man.

'odd... The baby stopped crying... Now he's looking at me' thought the man as he looks at the baby whom stopped crying and looked up to him with a smile... Totally odd.

"No need to bow you can stand up... What's the baby's name? "asked the hunter.

"uhm... Hermes... " said the lady as a whisper of wind is heard on her ears... The whisper of the name that would be.

"A pretty good name, " said the hunter as he picks up the boy.... Hermes easil gave in to him and begun being playful.." I think he likes me. " added the hunter.

"He likes alot of people, "said the lady.

A voice is calling in th wind, follow it and it'll show you your dream

Paul_Schyles_2471creators' thoughts