
No control

Hermione woke up in the middle of the night when she heard the phone ring. It was only Ginny, Harry and the Weasley family who knew the number so she picked up the phone and yawned.

" Hello...?" " Mione..? Is that you?"

" Um...yeah" " What did Harry and Ron use us as in their fourth year?"

" Owls, duh. Don't you remember that?" " Thank Merlin it's you! I'm so scared right now Hermione please come over here and take Draco with you please" Ginny begged and she could hear her crying.

" Okay okay take it easy, we'll get there. What happened....."

But she couldn't finish, someone cut off the signal. She turned around.

" Draco what the hell?!" " You should be sleeping. Come back to bed with me" " Jeez no not now, listen Ginny's in danger. Something is happening over there. Come with me, please?"

" Are you rejecting me?" She saw his dark eyes, he wasn't the same.

" What are you on about Draco..?" He grabbed her wrist and dragged her back to the bedroom and threw her on the bed.

" You're staying with me tonight" he said harshly. He reminded her of Ron now, when he was stuck with.....Darkeye.

" Draco! Snap out of it, now!" " Sorry, love Draco's gone. You have no control"

Two seconds later she punched him super hard in the face, worse than third year, and he fell to the floor. She grabbed her wand and pointed it at him.

" Blimey Hermione, next time you're goin to kill someone!" Draco said in pain. " Thank god you're back!" She helped him up and hugged him.

" Ouch ouch, love you too. What happened?"

She told him about the whole possession and his eyes grew wide. " Holy shit really? That happened? Right now?"

" Yeah it did. It seem like he can possess who want, when he want and how he want"