
Just a dream

" Blaise! Oh my god you're back! Where have you been?!" Ginny shrieked and hugged her boyfriend.

" Ginny it's horrible Draco's gone!" " You know?'' Hermione said a bit shaky. " Yeah I found your guys apartment when I got there, it was a whole mess and Draco was all gone"

" But...that was like an half an hour ago, what did you do all that time?" Hermione said confused. " I tried to find the bloody git that's what I did!"

Blaise yelled.

" Hey, Don't talk to my sister like that!" Harry said. He got there just a little after Hermione.

" I talk anyway I please Potter!" " Not to the people I love! You better watch your back, Zabini!"

" Oh yeah? I think it should be the other way around"

" Knock it off you two!" Ginny yelled and Hermione stood in the middle so they wouldn't threw themself over each other.

" We need to tell Kingsley" Hermione said. " Ginny and Blaise you two get yourselfs to the ministry and me and Harry is in our apartment. If Draco comes back.

" Fine with me" Blaise snorted. " Me too" Harry retorted.


The day went on and the time just ran away, it was starting to get late and Hermione felt tired. " Ginny just called, Kingsley knows, but they start with everything tomorrow" Harry said and sat down next to Hermione in the couch.

" Tomorrow?! But what if Draco...? And Ron, we have to save Ron as well! We might not have so much time left Harry!"

" Calm down!" He put his hands on her shoulders and shooked her a bit. " It's been a long day and you needs rest. We all do. Go to bed Hermione, I'll wake you up if I hear anything new"


After two hours Hermione was in deep sleep and it was like nothing could disturb her....except her own dreams.

The dream....

" Where do I find the Mudblood?! Where?!" She heard Darkeye's voice. She found herself standing in a dark room and she couldn't see a thing.

" Tell me!" Hermione was like lost in her own dream, she had no way to go. Suddenly she heard Draco's weak voice.

" I won't tell you anything your ugly monster"

" Crucio!" " Aaaaah!!" She got panic when she heard Draco scream. It wouldn't stop.

" Draco?! Where are you?" Hermione practically begged for an answer.

" You'll tell me now! Or else...."

" Or what your fat ugly scumbag?! She's safe and you can't touch her, and when I get out of here...."

" But you won't!" Hermione couldn't take it anymore, she ran through the dark, no idea where she was heading though.

" Draco?! Please if you hear me say something! I'm begging you!" She stopped when she heard Darkeye's voice.

" You have no idea how easy it is to possess someone. Your friend Blaise was an easy one, and so was Weasley."

" Ron...." Hermione whispered.

" If I can't rape her, then I have to take someone who can do it for me" Hermione stopped runing and tried to catch her breath.

" R-rape her..? You mean like...." Draco's voice stuttered.

" That's exactly what I mean. And you can't do a thing about it. Crucio!"

" Noooo!! Hermione!! Please!"

End of dream


Hermione flew up from the bed, she couldn't hardly breath and she was sweating like a pig. She screamed Draco's name and Harry ran in.

" Hermione! What is it?" Harry took a hold of her and tried to steady her.

" I had a horrible dream, Harry. I saw Draco, he was tortured."

" Oh my..."

" I could hear his pain, Harry! "

Harry brushed away her hair and whispered " It was just a dream Mione" Hermione told herself that several times and laid back in the bed, she was breathing normally now.

" Just a dream" Harry repeated and stroked her back and laid down beside her. He embraced her tightly and he fell asleep fast.

But Hermione lay awake for another hour, still hearing Draco's scream in her ears.