
Avada Kedavra

Draco stood outside the livingroom, he could hear every word Darkeye said. He could hear how Lucius tried go get free and reach for his wife. He could hear Narcissa's heavy breaths. He have heard about this '' Darkeye''.

He was like a gangster among the death eaters. Not like Voldemort, but he had horrible abilities how to hurting and killing people.

' What does he mean the-Weasley-boy?' Draco thought. Had something happened at the Burrow? Was Hermione safe? He was worried, but for the moment he was worried about his family.

'' I'm asking very nicely Cissi'' Darkeye said. " I don't know" Narcissa said, she gave him a stern look. Draco was just about to go in when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He was just about to hex the person to oblivion but stopped himself.

" Blaise?! For fuck sake, you can't just go around and scare the hell out of people!"

" Sorry! What is goin on?" " Darkeye is here. He got my parents and is about to kill them if I don't do anything soon and what the hell are you doin here you git?! You're not safe here"

" If you think I'm goin to back off now you're wrong!" Blaise hissed. "If you're in problem I am as well. "

Draco hesitated for a while but after a few a moments he gave in. " Okay, but please be careful" Blaise nodded assurely.

The both of them could hear Lucius beg for mercy but it was no use.

'' Please Darkeye...She and Draco is all I have left" Lucius begged.

" Well...?" Darkeye's eyes were still on Narcissa. But she still shook her head.

" I don't know. He ran away and didn't come home for Christmas and...."

" Avada Kedavra!" Narcissa could see the green flash of light shoot is way to her, but didn't hit her. It hit someone else. Lucius.

Lucius had in some way breaked himself free from Imperio and jumped infront of her and caught the curse for her. Now he lay dead infront of her, his eyes staring up at her.

The other death eaters walked into the living room pointing at Narcissa.

Draco had seen it all, it felt like a thousands knives stabbed him right through his body. He couldn't think, he couldn't breath. He tried to run in but Blaise held him back.

" No! If you try anything now you'll be dead as well. Think of Hermione.''

Draco's eyes was getting teary and tears streamed down his face.

" Let her be, she won't say anything. She even let her husband get killed because of her son who should be ashamed. What a disgrace. Don't worry, we'll find him ourselfs."

With that, they all disapparated and left Narcissa with her dead husband infront of her. Tears streaming down her face.