
Chapter 17 : Late Night Chat

After Shen finished his stories, Ramus secretly ask Sam to get back into the Stormbreaker and take 80 million beli for helping Shen and their restaurant. Ramus really like this Shen and his sibling and he began to have interest on Shen second brother especially after he hear that Shin cooking duel results with Sanji was ended as draw and Ramus excitedly wanted to try his luck with that Shin. Ramus was hoping to recruit Shin into his crew especially the chef who also good in fighting as his core crew. Soon Sam was back with black suit case.

"Shen, this is for you, just take it as payment for the wonderful food earlier and token of friendship from me" Said Ramus.

"No need for payment Ramus, it's part of our hospitality" Said Shen.

"No..no..just take it, i told you guys before that i will try to help you guys right ?"

"That's.." Shen was lost for a word.

"What is inside this suit case" Said Shemi curiously.

"Just open it Shemi" Said Sam.

Then Shemi immediately open the suit case impatiently while Shen watching her with embarrassment. Soon both siblings were very shocked to saw the money inside the suit case.

"Ramus what did you do, why you gave us this lot amount of money"

"Hahaha..just take that money and pay your debt" Said Ramus.

"But this is to much we can't take it" Said Shen.

"Don't worrying to much Shen just take it already, my captain gave it to help you" Said Sam.

"Okay then thanks Ramus and Sam !!" Said Shemi Who immediately closed the suit case and hold it tight with blissful smile.

"As for your second brother i have a solution for him" Ramus said.

"Really..but he was attacking a marine captain how can we release him from there, and that pervert Hugo will not let's this chance slip away and ask us for trading Shin freedom with Shemi as his new wife" Said Shen.

"Hahaha..as for that, i will take Shin as cook on my pirate group and get away with him..hahaha!!" Ramus reply.

"You are a pirate ?" Shen ask.

"Yup..we just start our journey today and we will going around the world"

"But.." Shemi try to retort but Shen look at him seriously.

"Don't worry i will not forcing Shin into joining me, if he want..i will take him if he not, i will take him somewhere else safely and leave him alone there" Said Ramus.

"Thank Ramus, we owe you a lot !!" Said Shen and Shemi was nodded heavily.

"Okay tomorrow take that money and pay that debt to fat Kepo but you must make sure you have civil council or city mayor bear witness, and don't worry in case of something bad happen Sam will accompanying you two on the process tomorrow, and i will releasing Shin after you solve your debt with Kepo tomorrow" Ramus explains.

"But how can you release him ? There a lot of marines there" Ask Shemi.

"Don't worry..my captain is very strong and he was the strongest pirate on east blue right now and soon the world..have faith on him" Said Sam.

Shen and Shemi have mixed emotions but in the end they decide to believe in Ramus.

"Hahaha..okay then have good rest you two, me and Sam will go back to our ship, Sam will came here tomorrow morning, and you two can wait on my ship bid farewell with yours second brother" Said Ramus.

Ramus and Sam walking on the lively street towards their ship. In their way Ramus saw familiar faces and immediately stopped.

"Sam you go first..i have something to do !"

"Oh okay..Is there something interesting Captain ?" Said Sam.

"Maybe.." Said Ramus.

"A girl ?" Ask Sam.

"Just go !!" Said Ramus.

"Beautiful " Ask Sam again curiously.

"Just go !!" Ramus began to angry.




"Damn it, take this.." Ramus said the he take out several red pill and intimidate Sam.

"Have fun and take care captain" Said Sam who suddenly runaway from Ramus with fast Soru.

"That pervert..." Ramus sighed and shake his head.

Ramus immediately walk toward the familiar people he saw earlier. Ramus saw a beautiful tall and slim woman with pink hair, she has a brown eyes and red lipstick. She wear burgundy color tank top with sexy hot pants and higheels. She smoking and seem bit drunk while have several shopping bag with her.

"It's should be Hina the black cage, what she doing here..she so beautiful" Ramus though while walk slowly about 20 meter from Hina on the lively street.

"Hey hottie want to dance with this Uncle huehehe" Said weird fat man with tall afro wig.

"Damit, that is the bastard Kepo !!" Ramus murmured and he got really annoyed.

"Move away..hic..hic up" Said Hina while hiccups.

"Don't be like that sweetie, look a like you are drunk..why don't follow this uncle to somewhere else, this uncle have some dance move for ya huehehehe" Said Kepo.

"BAAM..Hina don't like annoying people like you..hiccup.." Said Hina after gave Kepo a nice kick on Kepo face.

"Fuck..my nose..is bleeding again..teach this ungrateful girl a lesson !!" said Kepo and immediately several armed attacking Hina.

"BOOM BOOM BOOM.." Before those guys arrive in front of Hina, Ramus dashes and suddenly appear between Hina and them while gave those a guys a powerful punch and sent them flying so high.

"What a scum, an armed men try to hit a women !!" Said Ramus.

"You..you are guy at Fairytales gate from earlier, do you dare to attack my men..do you know who am i ?" Said Kepo furiously.

"BANG" Ramus kick Kepo right on his jaw, breaking all of his fake golden teeth and send him flying too.

"Are you okay women !?" Ask Ramus.

"Hina is okay..hiccup" Said Hina.

"You are drunk women, do you need help ?" Ask Ramus.

"I am fine.."

"Let me help you.." Said Ramus and immediately he take Hina shopping bag.

"Thanks.." Said hina smilingly.

"Let me sent you to your home" Said Ramus.

"Im not from here..i just here for having fun and shopping..hic.." Said Hina.

"Then where do you stay..i will sent you there, is not good for beautiful woman like to hanging around this late with that conditions" Said Ramus.

"....." Hina silently look at Ramus thinking of something.

"Can you accompanying me to the bar..i need someone to hear my stories..hic..hiccup.." Said Hina with shy expression.

"It's better for you to get rest..but it's okay i will accompany you, its too dangerous to leave you walk alone.." Said Ramus with serious expression in the outside but very excited in the inside.

"Thank you..hic..hic" Said Hina.

Soon both of them began to walk through the lively street and they later stopped in front of some bar and entered together.

"Are you sure you wanted to get another drink" Ask Ramus.

"Hina will fine" Said Her.

"It's seem you have some trouble in your mind" Ask Ramus.

"Kind off"

"Bad day huh"

"More appropriate to called it bad years"

"Man.." Ramus ask her.



"I dunno "

"One sided love and work too hard for your career.."

"Yeah..are you a fortune teller..ask Hina"

"Nah..im just free ordinary man with extraordinary dreams..haha"

"It's good to be free.."

"Thinking about your jobs again"


"Don't think to hard just do it and enjoyed the process"

"You sound like someone that i know"

"Oh..the one sided loved man"

"...i dunno if i like him or not, he just the man that i spend the most my time with during my younger days.."

"It's look like he was very problematic guy ?"

"He is...i am always help him to solve the problem he make on our workplace since long time, but when i need him to just celebrating my job promotion for just a day with me, he refused it..i have already gave up on him, but im already 28, i can live forever alone..and i dunno other kind guy than him" Said Hina who the face expression become sad.

"Just ask yourself..if you can't live without him then keep it up with him and don't let he go to faraway...if you can live without him maybe you will find your 'guy' soon if fate decided, you never know..world is always unexpected" said Ramus.

"I don't like him that much..but i don't now is there somebody better out there" Said Hina.

"I don't know..but if you find him..never let him go because you don't get lucky everyday and opportunities sometimes only came once" Said Ramus.

"By the way..what's your name" ask Hina.

"Hahaha..we already met and chat for a while and you only ask my name now?" Ramus tease her.

"I am only ask people name that i like"

"So you liked me now?"

"Kind off"

"I am honored to be then.."


"My name is Ramus nice to meet you"

"My name is Hina nice to meet you two"

"Kinda awkward haha" said Ramus while Hina smile gorgeously with the red drunk faces.

Both Ramus and Hina begin to happily chat while Hina keep ordering several drink, even Ramus try to stopped her, he resist. It's been 4 hours they chatted, Both of them telling each other about their background, daily life, favorites thing, even Ramus tell her some stories like Benjamin Button from his previous life and Hina listening Happily but none of them tell others about their jobs.