
Chapter 15 : Dispute

Ramus and Sam leisurely walking around the Mirror Ball city. The city is very lively and quite big and lot of places and sites having disco and dance theme, even majority of the people were have disco attire while lot of them dance weirdly on some open area in the city with loud retro beat and some others beat music.

After buying map, log pose and others item they decide to find some restaurant for quick bites. Then Ramus decide to ask some passerby old man afro hairstyle and funky clothes.

"Excuse me sir !" said Ramus.

"Oh..yes what's do you want tiger ?" said the old man in funky way.

"Sir..where the best restaurant in this city's?" Ask Ramus.

"Oh..it's should be the Fairytales "

"Where is this restaurant locate ?"

"It's just two block from here, near the market"

"Oh..okay thank you sir" Ramus said then he prepared to leave.

"Wait..you two should find another restaurant because the Fairytales maybe closed !!"

"Why is it closed?"

"The head chef there just pass away a month ago, and the new chef who also the head chef oldest son was get injured from his journey a week ago, the second chef which also the head chef youngest son was just arrested marines because he was attacking the stationed marines captain here..damn he was a Tiger...yeah baby" Said the oldman weirdly.

"Oh we so unlucky, how good the others restaurant compares with this Fairytales restaurant?"

"They were good but the Fairytales is on different level tigers!!"

"Okay thanks for the information sir"

Ramus and Sam proceed their way to find the restaurant and finally their arrive at 3 floor exquisite building with the elegant word Fairytales sign on the too of building.

"Captain..look, the door is chained and locked" Said Sam.

"But i can smell some seriously fragrant scent from that building" Said Ramus.

"Captain what kind of training you do for your smelling because i smell nothing" Said Sam.

"Don't be stupid, i ate wind devil fruit remember, i am very sensitive with surrounding air around me"

"I see..so what should we do now, should we find another one"

"Okay let's go.." Said Ramus.

Before they go, several armed men with funky outfits came toward the restaurant.

"Move away you two" Said one of them toward Ramus and Sam.

"What you looking at baldie" Said short and dandy fat man who wear tall afro wig and golden teeth toward confused Sam.

"Captain please let me.." said Sam.

"Calm down let's move there and observe the situation, maybe we will saw something interesting"

"As you wish master"

Soon the arrogant man and all the armed men surrounded the restaurant.

"FAILURE CRAPPY FAMILY DISGRACING THE CITY 🎵 " The fat man began to do some weird raps.

"Boom..Chik..Bom BoBoom Chik 🎼 " The rest of armed guys began to do some acapella as backsound.


Two of the armed guy is stand to the front of the restaurant and started to do some cringe break dance move while other do some awkward robotic dance move.


"GET OUT HERE YOU BASTARD CHEF 🎵!!" The fat man end the rap while those armed guy suddenly frozed with some weird poses.

Immediately the arrogant fat man and his follower started to mocking and trash talking toward the restaurant. Lot of people started to gathering around the scene to saw what happen.

"PUCHI" Sound of glass breaking restaurant windows and something very fast spinning toward the arrogant fat man.

"BANG" a flying pan hit the arrogant man face so hard that it broke his nose.

"Ssshhhhiiittt" The arrogant man is screaming.

Soon somebody open the restaurant door. It was a pretty young girl with glasses and short blue haired, she was wearing chef pink outfit with red apron. She wields a butcher knife and doe grinder within both hand.

"Talk some shit again about my families and i will make sure that i will break every single inch of your bones" Said the pretty girl furiously.

"Cheh you can act smugly for now but i will make sure tomorrow this place will became a rubbles and you second brother Shin will be forever stay in jail for the rest of his life, and you Semi, you better be one of captain Hugo woman hahahaha"

"You fucker !! Pretty young girl name Shemi was so furious and prepared to attack the arrogant fat guy.

"SHEMI !! BACK OF NOW !!" loud shout came from inside the restaurant and Shemi immediately stopped.

A Man with lot of bandage came out from inside the restaurant.

"The deadline is tomorrow why you come here now Kepo ?"

"You Shen bastard..just you wait..tomorrow you will be homeless i will destroyed that your father beloved restaurant , your second brother will be live his life in his jail forever and your sister will have no other choices rather than marrying Captain Hugo hahaha.."

"We will pay the money !!" Said Shemi.

"Hahaha..where can you get that 80.000.000 beli ?" Kepo replied.

"You.." Shemi try to retort but he loss for a word.

"Let's go..tomorrow we will have our big days..hahaha!!" said Kepo and soon he leave with his followers then the crowds started to disperse around the scene.

"Let's get inside"Said Shen to his furious sister.