
Her Young Amorous Husband

Many say love is a fleeting emotion. But to them, love is an amorous devotion. … Cassandra Qin, a woman of grace and feminine perfection. Renowned as a charismatic and regal chairwoman, a prime woman in her late thirties whom all could only yearn in their most beautiful dream. Seen as a woman who has it all; exquisite beauty, success and outstanding daughter. She is revered by all, yet little do they know that behind her veneer of perfection, she has to nurse her own wound in darkness of night when no one is around. A woman whose heart is encased frozen to the heat of intimacy is what she believed she is, or so she thought until she meets him, the younger man who melts her coldness and ignites a flicker of passion within her into a storming inferno. A wet dream dressed in a hot suit, the finest womanizer. Her sweetest mistake. Him, whose presence sets her body aflame and whose smile features upon her dirtiest fantasies. Heir to the dark household. A man with whom she should have no contact with, yet the maddening temptation is just as irresistible as his vixen smile. Their passionate romance is like an exquisite painting, a captivating blend of raw passion and intimacy. Two dominant man and woman who get very lost in their amorous yet loveless affair, neither is able for fall for the other. Their coupling is one of unbridled passion, wrapped in the shroud of secrecy and danger. Will they end in timeless devotion or be consumed by the flames of their alluring affair? ... Sensuous fingertips traced down the lines of masculine perfection and up rippling pectorals. Hot and wet tongues locked together as silken thighs straddled with sinuous motion. Inhalations whisper of passion and desire. Their breaths mingled while fingers orchestrated an exhaled symphony of amorous moans. "Dance for me." The lady demanded, biting his neck as she pinned him down against the soft velvet sheets. "My pleasure." The man rasped, swallowing down, as he caressed the silhouette of smooth, contrasting thighs. "Anything you desire, my dear Queen."

BlaccLotus · Urban
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82 Chs

Exquisite Couple

[ Chapter 2 ]

The sound of mellifluous melody permeated throughout the magnificent hall as the waltz instrumental was echoing in the background.

Holding her gaze at the man whose impressive figure was approaching her direction with elegance. Cassandra gently caught her lip between her teeth as she could hear her heartbeat through her ears. Those pitch black orbs were suffocatingly arresting as he locked those eyes on her.

Downing the last sip of the White Russian, Cassandra inhaled deep and calmed her heated nerves. She then returned his stormy gaze with her lips curled into an enchanting smile. With her back straight, she sat appealingly in a flawless ladylike posture, oozing with her unique confidence and extreme sexiness.

The man finally halted his steps and stood in front of her. Her mind went blank for a brief moment when he bowed a bit and raised his left arm, posing a very classy gentleman invitation pose.

The time seemed to stop for her and her mind returned back to her senses just when he smiled and gentlemanly asked,

"May I have this dance?"

The man invited. His well-pitched voice was velvety and smooth, and there was an edgy husk to his tone that churned her stomach.

Cassandra sized him up and got herself captivated right away, he's intensely attractive from afar but up close, he was otherworldly gorgeous. His pose was beautiful and his prepossessing smile was enough to get any heart melted, coupled with that deep charming voice, he's irresistible.

Pressing her lips gently into a soft and equally attractive smile, Cassandra put down her cocktail glass with elegance and stood up, she took a graceful step and closed the distance between them.

Cassandra graciously raised one of her very womanly arms before placing it into his strong, masculine arm.

Her every movement flaunted elegance and nobility, she was like a medieval royal queen honouring a dance to her fateful knight.

The man smiled as he looked at her straight in the eye, no word came from his closed lips. Straightening his back, he made a turn and Cassandra gracefully followed behind his lead.

The sight of them look picturesque together, just like an art that just came out straight of exquisite painting.

The man was gorgeous but the lady next to him was equally enchanting, her set of shining hazel orbs that were seemingly carved out from purest almandine emitted the same golden hue like her hair and her appealing snowy skin glowing in the pale hues of a ripe apricot.

Walking next to the man hand in hand, her statuesque figure was displayed in all its magnificence and perfection. Her waist was slim and her hips had a distinctive womanly curve that completed her violin shaped figure.

She was a vision in her glamorous ebony gown. Her impressive figure was adorned by a cocktail off shoulder gown with the front side of the gown stopped just three inches above her knees, showing off a great deal of her long elegant legs.

The gown provided a glimpse of her bountiful bosom and a deep valley formed between her tantalising breasts. Her enormous womanly assets were proudly pressing against the fabric while the garment was synched tastefully showing off her willowy waist.

Classy and graceful, everything of her flaunted class and elegance. Her not too revealing gown didn't hinder her extreme sexiness from shining through. Given that she was a natural born babe and stunner she didn't need to dress in revealing or tight-fitting outfits to look sexy as anything would look gorgeous on her flawless curvature.

Her mature charm only further heightened her already extreme alluring charm. To say that she was youthful was an understatement, she was like a fine wine, the more she matured the more beautiful and sexier she became.

What a sight to behold, worthy of be called as exquisite couple of perfection.

Following the waltz tune which originated from the composer's personal memory, the man brought Cassandra to the middle of the dance floor.

Slowly, he held her back with one of his strong hands. Cassandra could feel the callousedness of his hand under the gown made of silk.

The fingers of his another hand intertwined with hers as they looked into each other's eyes. Her breath caught.

Holding her lower back firmly, which the feeling of it was uncomfortably arousing for her, he pulled her closer, leaving no gap between their pressing bodies.

"Julian." He said low, sexy rumble.

How could one word managed to convey so much sexiness she had no idea, but sweet damn it sounded so illegally seductive in her ears.

At this close, his scent was overwhelming her senses in a very pleasant way. His expensive cologne perfectly complimented his masculine scent, it's making her dizzy yet she couldn't help but breathe for it was intoxicating.

His scent was vibrant, sexy and virile.

"Cassandra." She replied, before gracing her eyes looking straight at his charming, adonis face.

Cassandra had to raise her head quite a bit when she looked into his features. She was tall standing at six feet with her heels but compared to his towering frame, she looked delicate.

Now that she was this close to him, she finally had the chance to study his beautiful, perfectly-structured face.

His set deep eyes, his aquiline nose, his high cheekbones, his succulent lips and every lineament of his face was just perfect, there's no other word to describe him.

She could also see that he must be around twenty four, young yes yet he gave off such a strong and sexy mature aura. The thought of her actually dancing with a young man almost half her age was unbelievable.

Looking at his face, she realised that he wasn't entirely Huaxian, as half of his features was that Caucasian, such as pale white skin and athletic build. He sure inherited the best features of his mixed blood.

He also had a strong, defined masculine jawline, it's perfection in her eyes. She kind of wanted to touch it, as she was a sucker for strong, prominent jaws.

"Like what you see hmm?" He said low with a playful undertone, lips curving up into a teasing smile, startling her from her reverie that was almost gone south.

Feeling cottequish and somewhat tipsy, Cassandra admitted unashamedly, "Yes."

"You're just gorgeous." Sweet it might sound but she meant it.

All of him, was the epitome of perfection, everything was attractive to the highest level and his adonis face was insanely handsome that she might get herself drunk just from staring at it.

Feeling somewhat dry, Cassandra slipped out her tongue to moisten her lower lip and she saw his attention dropped to her lips for a fraction of a second before he quirked up his lips into a fine smirk, drawling out,

"Getting such a compliment from a prettiest lady like you, sure is my honor."

Cassandra could feel a blush was creeping on her cheeks. Prettiest? Lady? How long it had been from the last time gentleman addressed her like that, and from the way he voiced it, it made her feel, desired. The feeling she had been yearning.

Their eyes were shining under the bright crystal chandeliers, she looked straight at him in the eye and pursed her lips softly.

"You sure know how to win over a woman's heart," Cassandra cooed as she put a faint blush on her cheeks.

A mirth dancing in his eyes. "You know how to captivate a man's heart yourself."

Cassandra laughed beautifully, "Coming from a man whose mouth was sweet as honey."

The man just huffed a soft, charming laugh in response.

They then silent for a brief moment, simply marveling each other's allure whilst letting the mellifluous melody to prickle upon their warm skins.

Cassandra could feel the heat of his calloused hand as he held her naked back firmly, and she so damn liked the way his fingers intertwined with hers, they felt warm and strong.

Simply curious. She couldn't stop herself from asking, "Why me?"

"I mean," she added as her eyes sparkling with impish glint. "Look around, I almost feel guilty for taking the finest man from all of those young ladies."

There were lots of beautiful young ladies in this hall who were dying to get his attention and to be honest, their envious gaze were suffocating on her, yet why did he choose her? After all, she's a woman almost half of his age.

Julian simply stretched wide a devilish smile in return to her question and looked straight at her in the eye, staring deeply into her, she then felt like her soul was being grasped firmly yet pleasantly in his grasp. What a dangerous yet enchanting feeling.

Honestly, she wasn't into young men, as a woman who had experienced a lot in life mature men were more appealing in her eyes, in a sense, they could give the sense of warmth and protection.

However she didn't know why she's drawn into him the moment she set her eyes on him, on the first sight. He's young yes, but there's something on him that she couldn't explain, something that pulling her further into him.

As she's standing there with his hands around her, almost in a passionate embrace, she felt warm and comfortable. He gave her the feeling she had been yearning for.

It wasn't love, there's no such thing like love at the first sight, only lust at the first sight.

What she felt from him was something more carnal, primal, the need of heat and intimate touch of man was what she yearned for.

"I desire only the finest things in life." His drawling voice replied to her question.

"And you." His gaze penetrated deep into her and her heartbeats quickened.

"You're the finest woman I've set my eyes on. Prettiest and ripest flower I desire and want to possess."

Cassandra just looked at him with her eyes widening out of astonishment, her beautiful pupil dilated, her lips slightly parted yet not a word came from them, she wasn't expecting such an answer. What an arrogance.

Julian just let out a playful chuckle at her expression, seemingly quite amused.

Cassandra knitted her well-maintained eyebrows but decided to play along, "I'm not a possession."

"How do you know?" He smirked deviously.

At the moment, Cassandra felt like she's some kind of a trapped cat in the embrace of a devious wolf. She felt like all of her was now being grasped by him, her mind screamed to get free yet her body didn't.

"How do you know that you're not my possession?" Julian gave her a soft enchanting smile, flashing a set of his silver white teeth.

Cassandra was smitten and simply bit her lip, "Gentleman shouldn't speak such a word to a lady you know it."

Honestly, she had already known what kind of man he was. Dangerous and womanizer, yet after seeing what lies behind his perfect gentleman mask, she felt she was only further drawn into him.

"I'm not a gentleman. I've never been."

Julian gave a charming laugh and the corner of his lips curved slightly upward giving the illusion of a smile that was definitely not a smile.

Suddenly, Cassandra could feel that he withdrew his arm from her waist. Following closely, her other arm was pulled, allowing her body to move with him.