
Her thoughts

Her words

Yagya_Paliwal · Urban
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2 Chs

Ch 1

She didn't know why but she felt so alone sometimes that life felt like a battle where there are endless pins and needles waiting for you to walk on them and even smile while in pain.

Life can always be so damn frustrating that even when every one is against you, you still have to fight and become victorious. There is always a fine thread between winning and losing but there is a big difference between winning and winning fairly.

I don't know even with all the victories at my footsteps i still feel alone in this vast world.

I always have had things but never people, is there something wrong with me? Why do I always get betrayed time and again by the people whom I trust the most.

I feel empty inside.... like its an empty bottomless pit where I am drowning and there is nothing that can bring me upwards.... is it too late for me