
Her Soul

Amelia Paris is a teenager who lived an amazing life. However, she was always lonely, no matter how much she tried to make friends. But, suddenly she got an amazing offer! A guy she met in an alley near her apartment offered her a job and that he would pay her a fine price every month. So, she took the job. And suddenly, she got reincarnated as Charlotte Vouix, the only daughter of Duke and Duchess Vouix, and she is going to have to pick a demon as her husband. Will the angels be able to help her and rescue her before the demons take her soul?

Archangel_Queen · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Starlight Festival

Amelia woke up from her sleep and walked to Charlotte's wardrobe. There are so many clothes to choose from Charlotte's wardrobe, so Amelia picked a simple white dress that had golden decorations on it. She liked the dress. The dress is really simple but beautiful.Amelia thought that she would just wear the plain white dress to the Starlight Festival.

Yesterday Josephine had told Amelia, A.K.A Charlotte now, that today there is going to be a festival that was held every year. The festival is all about the great northern star that they called Fina. They even have a legend saying that Fina was once a village girl who saved over a thousand people from the earthquake that happened a thousand years ago. They said that when Fina died, the Gods gave her a blessing and that made her a god too. After she died, a star appeared in the sky facing the north. They also said that Fina helped people cross another world, and also reincarnating them.

At first, Amelia didn't believe it. But then, she soon started to believe the legend. What if Fina helped Amelia cross from earth to this world? That is a silly thought, but what if it's real?

Amelia brushed the thought off her shoulders and went downstair to the dining room to eat breakfast.Today Silvia had prepared a beautiful omelette with Silvia's secret special sauce. Then, she added some broccoli with the sauce too.Charlotte has always loved this menu.This is secretly Charlotte's favourite breakfast. Charlotte never wanted anything for breakfast, except this menu, Silvia's pancakes, and Silvia's chocolate waffles, all dipped in Silvia's special sauce.

Even Amelia, who wants something different everyday, loves Silvia's menus.

As Charlotte walked downstairs, she heard a commotion going on in the kitchen. She immediately walked over to see what it is all about. When she got there, it appears that the omelette Silvia prepared for Charlotte was thrown to the ground by an apprentice of Silvia. The girl looked mad and started throwing the dishes Silvia prepared for Charlotte. Amelia liked Silvia's dishes so much, and now a village girl threw the dishes. Apparently, the girl was angry because Silvia wouldn't give the girl the secret sauce Silvia used for Charlotte's dishes. I mean, it's someone's secret recipe, why would she want it? She should make it herself.Charlotte who heard what the village girl did, became angry and ordered her guards to take her out and give her a little punishment for her actions. To be honest, the girl is extremely lucky, because if she broke Charlotte's favourite plate, Charlotte would probably lock the girl in one of her special prisons underground.

Silvia was also mad, because she had made the dishes very carefully and specially. She was also mad, because the sauce Silvia made is very special and needs very special care everyday. So, Silvia was very very angry. Not only that, but the others were also mad at the girl, since now Charlotte can't eat breakfast. Charlotte calmed them down, and reassured that she's fine and that she could just eat some bread and tea, but the others were not fine with this. They prepared Charlotte's dish together with the help of Silvia's other apprentices. They are very young girls who have passion in cooking, and because of that Silvia chose them as her apprentice. But it seems that one of them was impatient and did that.

Anyways, after the dish was done, it was a little bit messy, but still delicious. Charlotte ate the dishes thoroughly. It was very delicious. Silvia's cooking skills with her delicious sauce makes it stand out. And plus with the help of Silvia's apprentices, the dish was very fast to make.

They all have the perfect signs of becoming cooks. They all worked very fast in preparing someone's dish. They could even open a restaurant all by themselves with no other helpers except them. After eating, Charlotte said to them,'You guys want to become cooks, right?'. They all nodded and Charlotte gave them a sign. They squealed so loud! The sign is the sign of approval by the Vouix family. Charlotte had told them that she would prepare the places for them to make food and they will give names to their own restaurants, and put the sign next to their restaurant names. But on one condition, and that is putting the omelette with their own sauces as the side dish. They must serve it as bonus to the customers, and they must make a sauce of their own. They agreed to the condition, and when they heard that Charlotte will go to their restaurants every weekend, they were very happy, for the Vouix family is very very popular.

And that is how they got approved of their cooking skills.

Anyways, after breakfast, Charlotte prepared for the Starlight Festival. She was bathed in milk and she also got a manicure. After all that, Charlotte was given the dress she picked. The others were very concerned of how simple it is, because usually someone would use a beautiful bright coloured dress with a ton of decorations.

They actually tried to change it, but Charlotte still wanted to use the white dress. And eventually, they gave up.

When Charlotte arrived at the festival, it turns out that the festival had many games to keep everyone hyped up for ten hours straight. Even there is a special restaurant just for the Starlight Festival. Everything is served just for the Starlight Festival! That is crazy, right? But Charlotte just stayed calm and went to play some arcade games. This festival also serves alcohol like whiskey, vodka and gin. They also serve some wine! Luckily, the kids who came are forbidden to go outside to the games until it is the opening ceremony. Because when it is opening ceremony, all alcohol that is drunk must be thrown into the garbage unless the bottle is still intact, they must lock it up in a safe, so that the kids won't accidentally drink the alcohol. Well, Charlotte played some arcade games that include plushies, jewellery and even food. There is even a machine to give people whatever it is that they need. The machine is gigantic, and it is full of wanted things.

Anyways, when it is time for the opening ceremony, girls with white dresses are supposed to go to the stage, so Charlotte went.

It turns out that wearing white dresses mean wanting to know their own colours. Well, Amelia wanted to know, so she went. Then came a man who looked like a priest and said something in an unknown language. Five minutes later, the other girls' dresses turned different colours. The first girl's dress turned yellow, which means that she is awfully kind to others. The second girl's dress turned dark blue which means that she is kind but not too much. The third girl's dress turned purple which means kind, and then it was Charlotte's turn.

When Charlotte's dress turned gold, the crowd was speechless. The third girl next to Charlotte explained that gold means kind and the kindness cannot be altered. That of course shocked the kingdom, because for ten years, there hadn't been a single gold until now. The gold ones are taken to a special school that was made by Lexi. Who would've thought that Charlotte would be a gold? Everyone was expecting white, because gold means legendary.

Charlotte is a very special soul and it can be the most powerful weapon. That was why the demons wanted her, because whoever wields it can do almost anything.

Hey guys!

Archangel_Queen here!

I am very exhausted guys!

I have over ten assignments due this week!

I am suffering ffrom school!

Thank you, school!

Because of you, I get less time to write my story!

Well, better do my assignments..

Archangel_Queencreators' thoughts