

Before ringing the doorbell, she took a deep breath. She clenched her fist as she waited patiently for someone to open the door.

“Ms Kirsi!” the butler exclaimed in surprise

“It’s so good to see you again.” A genuine smile unconsciously grew on her face.

“Your father has been waiting for you.” he led her in.

“And Grandpa Antero?” she took a look around the empty hall. it was just like it had been during her childhood. No pictures on the walls, no flowers and no sign of liveliness. Everything looked exactly the same with the dull curtains and sofas. The house gave her the same chilly feeling she had years ago.

“He hasn’t come here for days now. He must have gone to one of his other mansions seeing how he couldn’t stand your father any longer.” He led her upstairs.

“He should have just kicked him out of the house rather than letting him live here after all it’s his house.” She murmured under her breath.