

“It feels so good to be in a new environment after nine hours on a plane. It’s definitely worth it.” he stretched a little, looking at the clear sky with two luggage in his hands, waiting for the other two outside the crowded airport.

“Fredrick you better hold on to my luggage.” She took off her dark shades, giving him a bombastic side eye.

She was neatly dressed in a white office shirt and multi-coloured palazzo pants with a black headband preventing her hair from sticking to her face. The threesome looked like they were on a vacation as Ethan and Fredrick were dressed in blue jeans and white T-shirts.

“Yes boss.” He overlooked her cranky attitude; all that mattered to him was that he was in America for an event like vacation.

“I’ve booked a cab, it’ll be here soon.” Ethan spoke up, placing his phone back in his jean pocket.

“Whatever.” She put back on her shades, sitting on one of the luggage Fredrick was holding.