
The Devil's Agent

The sound of blaring music could still be heard from inside the private room in the night club. With four drinking glasses and a bottle of whiskey on a tray, the bartender walked into the room and placed the tray on the table where two people were already seated. Once he was done serving the drinks, he headed for the door when two other individuals walked in – A young lady wearing dark shades who had a lollipop in her mouth and a young man who seemed to be her P.A.

“I’m so sorry Ma’am.” The bartender apologised repeatedly after bumping into the lady but threw a quick wink at her. She winked back at him before waving him off with a smile that swiftly ran through her face. As soon as the bartender came out, he placed an ‘out of service’ sign in front of the door and left.

“You are rather late than early Kirsi. You choose the venue but make me wait.” A young boy dressed in expensive clothing with a glass of whiskey in his hand spoke nonchalantly. He had his hair soaked in pomade and a weird smile on his face and by his side was a man who seemed to be in his mid- 40s and sort of his P.A- Mr Andrey.

“It’s not like I’m meeting with someone important.” She spoke in the same manner with which he spoke to her, taking her seat and removing her shades from her face while Fedrick remained standing.

“Let’s get this over quickly. You know how much I hate impromptu meetings especially with delinquent kids like you, Young Master Charis.” Putting her hands on her chin and staring intently at him, she maintained her composure.

Charis was the typical picture of a young, foolish only child who took over his multi billionaire’s father’s business after his death and unlike his father, he was a promiscuous, greedy fellow who had his hand’s deep into the illegal business. Due to his ruthlessness in business and how mercilessly he dealt with those who stood in his way, he was nicknamed the devil’s agent.

“Don’t you think it’s surprising that you are the only one who gets to talk in such manner to me Kirsi?” he took a sip from the whiskey before closing in on her face until their lips were few inches away from each other.

“I also wonder why?” He was dampening her mood with his actions. She wondered how a teenage boy could be so vile but then again, she wouldn’t be there to teach him a lesson if it wasn’t for his vileness.

“It’s because I like you.” He suddenly moved his lips slowly to her ears whispering a heartfelt confession. His somewhat disgusting and despicable behaviour got Kirsi to chuckle. As soon as his lips brushed against her ears, she exploded in rage and without a warning, she grabbed his neck and smashed his face right into the table earning a loud groan from him.

When Fedrick saw that she was extremely angry, he hurriedly ran to Andrey who fell due to the impact and took him out of the room despite his unwillingness to leave his boss.

“You piece of dirt, you’re really asking for some trashing huh?” she rolled the sleeves of her jacket with her eyes fully on her target who was wailing in pain on the hard tiles.

“It’s bad enough that you called me here like I was your doll but you dare to act so cheesy with me?” she held him by his hair, standing him up to face her.

“Do you have a death wish?” she yanked his hair without pity. Despite the fact that he had blood all over his face, she didn’t let him go.

“Kirsi, you look sexy when you act like this.” He laughed out loud, ogling at her body.

“What? you are really one hell of a crazy bastard.” She slapped him across the face but all he did was laugh like a maniac.

“I should really help your dead father in training you. I’m sure he’d be glad that you are taking lessons from me. Let’s see if you’ll still think of me as sexy after breaking all your bones.” She threw a punch at his face.

“Who the hell do you think you are?!! You think you are all that huh? What makes you think you can do this to me and go scot free? You’d definitely regret this… I swear on my life.” He fell on his knees due to the strong punch which she threw at him.

“Regrets? I have a lot of things to regret in my life, I might as well add this to it. The regret of letting you go in one piece is far greater so don’t worry about me, I can pretty much take care of myself you brat.” She threw a kick at him with all her might.

The loud screams from the private room couldn’t be heard due to the blaring music so no one could come to his rescue.

“That dirt bag better be glad that he dampened my good mood just a little today.” After torturing him until he passed out, she came out of the room; wore her dark shades before leaving.

Few minutes later, the bartender returned to the private room.

“Oh my God!!!” he exclaimed at the sight of the room and the young man who was hanging upside down.

“It’s time to clean up.” He had a cheerful smile on his face as he got to work.