

After paying for the groceries, he left the store and met Fredrick’s glare. He had refused to enter the store with him and decided to wait outside.

“You said we were only going to get some snacks for the tea but look at you trying to buy the whole place.” Fredrick complained.

“If we were only here to get snacks, we’d have been at the apartment by now.” Ethan led the way home.

“Then why did we come here?” he followed behind him, his lips twitching in anger.

“Kirsi has been in a bad mood and I figured we should give her some time alone. I wonder what happened to her.”

“I guess it has to do with what happened at the office.” Fredrick suddenly remembered something.

“What happened at the office?” Ethan halted in his tracks. What could possibly make the almighty Kirsi grumpy?