

After washing his hands and cleaning them with a hand towel in the restroom, his phone vibrated in his suit pocket. He took out his phone from his pocket as he placed the towel back in its place. Seeing the name of the caller on the phone screen, his eyes almost bulged out in surprise.

“Hello? Sebastian?” if he said he wasn’t inquisitive then he would be lying. The great and mighty Sebastian was calling him, him! Of all the people in the world, he chose to call him?

“Hello? Sebastian, are you there?” he spoke up again but there was still no response from the other end of the phone. He was about to end the call when he suddenly heard him speak.

“Ethan, are you with her?” he spoke faintly, with a hint of worry in his voice.

“Who? Do you mean Kirsi?” he adjusted his tie, looking at himself in the mirror. He still didn’t understand why he was calling him.

“Hmm…” he replied.