


The black SUV arrived at the villa after a long drive from Eira, the southern part of the city. They all stepped out of the Jeep and then into the house where Laine and some maids were awaiting their presence. Kirsi left them at the living room while she went up the stairs to change.

“Does she leave alone?” Ethan admired the living room with his eyes scanning through the wide room. He had never seen one so sophisticated yet simple before; since Kirsi loved mahogany, every cushion in the room was made of it.

“Not really. As you can see, she has Ms Laine and a few maids living with her.” Fredrick sat comfortably beside him.

“What about her family?” he had only met with grandpa Antero and was really curious to know about her family especially her father whose issue seems to be a hindrance to the hotel.