

Descending the stairs after changing into clean clothes, he bumped into the butler.

“leaving so soon, Mr Ethan? I was just about to come to you.”

“For what exactly? I have to go now; I don’t want to keep Kirsi waiting.” He adjusted his crooked necktie.

“Speaking of Kirsi, I heard you brought her home.” The butler grinned at him.

“I didn’t bring her home, she tagged along.” He gritted his teeth, remembering the incident that had happened earlier.

“Ethan.” The butler sighed, drawing him into his embrace.

“You need to be careful young man. I know she’s pretty but you never can tell what will happen to you if you involve yourself with her.” He whispered to him.

“What’s with everyone telling me to be careful around her. Is there something you aren’t telling me?” he was getting tired of hearing the same thing from everyone and he didn’t think of her in that way, not because she wasn’t pretty but because It had just never occurred to him.