

Green Hills Garden, America.

In the garden of daffodils and roses, beautiful in all its glory; decorated with night lamps stood men and women of high calibre dressed in suits and evening gowns. It was such a lively evening with the guests conversing with each other, waiters carrying around glasses of wine on a tray and a subtle music playing in the background. At the centre of the garden was a huge podium decorated just for the event.

Outside the garden was Ethan, dressed in a simple black shirt and grey suit pant with his suit jacket in his arms. He had his ear pod on and appeared to be talking to someone.

“So you all felt like I didn’t deserve to know.” He spoke calmly, leaning against a wall beside the garden gates.

“It’s not like that Brother Ethan, I didn’t tell you about it because I felt I wasn’t in the position to do so.” Amelia voiced out in guilt.

“Oh…” He exhaled deeply, staring at his shoes and then at the guests who were just arriving at the garden.