

“Well, well, well, who do we have here?” the man in front of her hollered in a vibrant voice. He looked manly and handsome dressed in a white and black stripped suit complementing his glistening skin and brown curly hair.

“Fredrick, who is he?” Ethan turned to him with his eyes fixated on the strangely attractive man probably in his age bracket.

“That’s Stanley Divan, the only heir of Divan conglomerate.” Fredrick whispered.

“Divan conglomerate?” Ethan stared at the young man in surprise. He was quite familiar with Divan conglomerate since they were involved in a number of businesses.

“Yes, I’m sure you must have heard of it. It’s a very popular parent company owned by two intelligent personalities but their one and only son has been helplessly hitting on our very beautiful Kirsi.” Fredrick smiled, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Mr Stanley! I never expected you’d be here.” Gritting her teeth and squeezing Fredrick’s arm cruelly, she forced a smile.