
Her Saviour Is A Professor

WARNING: THIS WORK CONTAINS TRACES OF BULLYING AND SENSITIVE LANGUAGE AND MATURE CONTENT. "Who did this to you?" Hayden looked at her wounded body and asked , his eyes spewing anger. Ayla just bit her lips. She just wanted to stay out of trouble, and she didn't want to implicate him. "And, why don't you ever fight back? Why do you let them trample all over you ?" Hayden furrowed his brows and asked her once again. After a short while , She spoke; "I don't have what it takes." It came out as a whisper. But bitterness could be detected in her voice. "And what is that?" He was curious. He wanted to know what she lacked. What she needed to have to fight back "Money and status. I don't have those. So I don't have the right to fight back." Ayla choked on her voice as she said this. "Come here." Hayden stretched out his arms and gently embraced her, trying his best not to press on her wounds. As he hugged her and watched as she cried, he swore to the heavens to get revenge for her. Anyone who bullied her was going to pay the price tenfold! Ayla Williams has been bullied since her high school years because she came from a poor background. She only had herself to depend on as her only family died a few years ago. In order to manoeuvre through life, she persevered the beatings and insults until she went to university. However, fate seems to be against her as she is placed in the same room with her high school bullies, and the bullying cycle continues. What happens when her lecturer and a company owner, Hayden Miller, suddenly plunges right into her life and saves her from her bullies? As she is already broken and scarred, would she be able to open her heart for the man; Hayden Miller, who loves her and is ready to do anything for her even if it means offending the big shots? Hayden Miller has a very huge secret. He is a vampire who lives in the human world. No one knows the fact until he comes across Ayla. What will Ayla do once she discovers his secret? Would she stay with him or run away from him?

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Chapter 6: Framed

Ayla felt like she had been walking on eggshells ever since the manager's threat. His words sounded ambiguous that day, and it only made her uneasy as she had no idea what he was planning. However, whatever it was, she was sure it wasn't a pleasant thing. 

Several days passed, and Ayla decided to let her guard down a little. She had waited for him to strike, and seeing that nothing out of the ordinary happened, she thought that he was just trying to scare her so she could give in to his advances. She sighed in relief. At least he has stopped bothering her. It seemed like her words really worked that day. In a happy mood, Ayla hummed a song softly as she worked. For her part-time job during the day, she worked at a shop that sold vases to put flowers in. She was always extra careful as the vases cost a fortune. She didn't want to break them accidentally , as she had no means of paying for the damage.

"Miss Ayla, please help me place these two vases on that shelf." The manager, who was carrying two vases in his arms, called out to Ayla, who was busy arranging the other row. 

"Right away." Ayla answered and walked over to help.

She extended her hands, and the manager carefully placed the vases on them. 

However, the next moment, a loud crash! Was heard. Everyone turned to look, only to find Ayla's terrifyingly pale face confused. What just happened?

"Miss, what is wrong with you? Didn't I warn you to be careful with them? " The manager yelled at her while pointing at the broken shards of the two vases on the floor.

"I'm really sorry." That was the only thing that Ayla could say. She was feeling helpless. Actually, she really didn't understand what had just happened. Why had the vases tumbled from her hands? Also, how was she going to answer to her boss? 

"Clean the mess up!" The manager ordered coldly and left. 

Ayla nodded and carefully gathered the shards together so they wouldn't prick anyone before throwing them into the bin. 

A few minutes later, she was called into the office by the boss.

"Have a seat." The boss ordered as he showed her a seat. 

"Thank you." Ayla thanked him and sat down. 

"I'm told you broke two vases a few minutes ago?" The boss's expression turned stern, startling Ayla. 


"How do you plan on compensating us?" Ayla has just begun explaining herself when the boss cut her off. 

"Huh? I don't know yet. " Ayla bit her lip and said with difficulty. 

"These two vases go for one million dollars. When are you going to pay for them?" The boss pried again.

"I don't have such an amount at the moment, i-" 

"Then resign immediately!" The boss hit the table furiously, making Ayla jump up in fright.

"Get out of here! I never want to lay my eyes on you again!" The boss ordered and cussed at Ayla, who ran out of his office in tears. 

She was feeling sad and helpless. She had not meant for any of that to happen. As she was leaving, she happened to look back for one last time. However, her eyes met with those of the manager, who smirked evilly at her. At that moment, something snapped in her mind! She had been set up! The manager turned out to be the one who orchestrated everything. But why? Just because she said no to his advances? Didn't she not have the right to express herself, just because she was poor? Ayla sniffed and wiped away her tears. She couldn't be weak. She only had herself, so she had to stray strong for herself. However, it still hurt her. Her five month salary had gone away just like that? Because of the manager's scheme? 

She was about to exit the building when the manager , who had somehow arrived before her, blocked her way.

"Miss Ayla?" He called out to her.

"What is it?" She glared at the manager resentfully and asked. 

"Have fun out there, fighting!" The manager said sarcastically and cackled. This made Ayla clench her fists tightly in her sleeves.