
Her Saviour Is A Professor

WARNING: THIS WORK CONTAINS TRACES OF BULLYING AND SENSITIVE LANGUAGE AND MATURE CONTENT. "Who did this to you?" Hayden looked at her wounded body and asked , his eyes spewing anger. Ayla just bit her lips. She just wanted to stay out of trouble, and she didn't want to implicate him. "And, why don't you ever fight back? Why do you let them trample all over you ?" Hayden furrowed his brows and asked her once again. After a short while , She spoke; "I don't have what it takes." It came out as a whisper. But bitterness could be detected in her voice. "And what is that?" He was curious. He wanted to know what she lacked. What she needed to have to fight back "Money and status. I don't have those. So I don't have the right to fight back." Ayla choked on her voice as she said this. "Come here." Hayden stretched out his arms and gently embraced her, trying his best not to press on her wounds. As he hugged her and watched as she cried, he swore to the heavens to get revenge for her. Anyone who bullied her was going to pay the price tenfold! Ayla Williams has been bullied since her high school years because she came from a poor background. She only had herself to depend on as her only family died a few years ago. In order to manoeuvre through life, she persevered the beatings and insults until she went to university. However, fate seems to be against her as she is placed in the same room with her high school bullies, and the bullying cycle continues. What happens when her lecturer and a company owner, Hayden Miller, suddenly plunges right into her life and saves her from her bullies? As she is already broken and scarred, would she be able to open her heart for the man; Hayden Miller, who loves her and is ready to do anything for her even if it means offending the big shots? Hayden Miller has a very huge secret. He is a vampire who lives in the human world. No one knows the fact until he comes across Ayla. What will Ayla do once she discovers his secret? Would she stay with him or run away from him?

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Chapter 12: First friend

Hayden watched as the girl smiled at him one last time before she ascended the stairs and wondered. Was she also a person who was easily swayed? After all, guys, especially on campus, couldn't be easily trusted. Why was she laughing a lot with him? 

Either way, Hayden decided to stay away from her issues. He had no obligation to her life, so he had no say . Even though he had settled on this at the end, he still felt uneasy. His heart, to be precise, felt uncomfortable. He was beginning to wonder if he was becoming sick or something along that line. He went back to the office as though nothing had happened. 

Ayla's heart thumped in her chest as she made her way to her room. That was a reflexive action as long as she was around her bullies. As she softly pushed open the door after unlocking it, she silently prayed that she wouldn't find them in the room. Fortunately, it seemed like her prayers had vern answered as she found no one in the room. She was so happy that she cried. To avoid wasting time, she changed into her night gown and got onto the bed. She didn't know when they would be back or what they would do, but she needed to sleep at least. Before they brought chaos with them.

The two didn't come that night, which made Ayla relieved. She was woken up by the alarm . She immediately took a shower before going to class.

As usual, Hayden made sure to test Ayla's thinking and wit by asking her several questions about the topics he had just taught. To his surprise, she still got all of them correctly. This made him have a very good impression of her. It seemed like he had totally jumped into a conclusion. The girl didn't seem to be the kind that would be easily swayed by these deceitful men as he had thought. He was very happy secretly. As he wrapped up the class for the day, his uneasy heart had already calmed down, but there was still something bugging him internally. What exactly did that man want from her? To think that he even asked for her contact information? Hayden had thought the guy was from the software engineering course, but he was wrong. He had mastered his face, so he searched for him in his class but found none that looked anything close to the guy. If he could, he would have asked Ayla about the guy, the course he does, what he wanted from her, and why he had asked for her number, but since he didn't have the right as he held no position in her life . After casting one last glance at her, Hayden left the class and headed to his office. Ayla and the other students also went their separate ways when the class was over. Since Ayla was always alone, her safest place was her own space. So she headed for her room. She hoped they were yet to come back. Just as she arrived in the room and found no one, her phone rang. It was a new number.

"Hello." Ayla spoke softly the moment she pressed the answer button. 

"Hi, it's Shay. Come downstairs. I'm waiting for you." Shay said and hung up. 

Ayla didn't mind. Instead, she chuckled before putting on a pair of flats and going downstairs to meet him.

"Let's go for ice cream?" Shay immediately suggested after they had exchanged pleasantries. 

"Sounds good." Ayla answered, and the two left together.

It was relaxing for Ayla, as this was the first time she had found a friend who would choose to hang out with her and set everything aside for her. They chatted along the way and laughed, this somehow made Ayla's dimmed eyes suddenly regain some light.It was no doubt that she was very happy, something she had never dreamt of feeling ever since her mother died. 

As they ordered ice cream, Shay folded the sleeves of his shirt. He looked at Ayla, and his face revealed a trace of confusion.

"It's so hot, why didn't you wear something light?" Shay asked as he glanced at her thick and baggy sweatshirt. It didn't make sense. It was summer, after all.

"Oh, I don't like exposing my skin. Moreover, I still feel cold." Ayla motioned the direction of the infirmary. Her meaning couldn't be more obvious: she was still sick. 

"Oh, how could I forget that." Shay clicked his tongue and said . 

Fortunately, their orders arrived as they were still on the topic, which made Ayla heave a sigh of relief. 

She thanked goodness. She didn't know what she would have told him had he insisted. Should she have told him that it was because her arms and legs and the whole body are filled with unsightly wounds and scars from the bullying? Of course not. She never wanted anyone to know that she was being bullied. 

Shay watched as Ayla happily munched on her ice cream. He couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey, slow down, okay?" As he said this, he reached out and gave her a serviette. It was only then that Ayla realized that there was ice cream on the corners of her lips. Her face blushed in embarrassment, but Shay pretended not to have seen it. They continued conversing the whole time until they finished the ice cream. Ayla instantly felt refreshed after having ice cream. The truth was, she was feeling so stuffy and hot, but because of her unsightly scars, she had to wear heavy clothing just to hide them. They were so gory that they even traumatised her every time she showered. She didn't understand something. Why couldn't people coexist in harmony and peace instead of fighting all the time? It had to take a toll on her. She didn't know if she would ever get to heal.

Shay watched as Ayla zoned out and sighed. He knew something had to be disturbing her. He just didn't know exactly what it was. He was tempted to ask, but he decided against it. Who knows if that would make the two of them become distant? Shay didn't want to lose such a beautiful and fun to be with friend. He didn't want to. 

"Let's go for a walk, okay?" After calling her for several seconds without her responding, Shay had no choice but to shake her a bit to get her attention.

"Huh? Sure , I have no other class in the afternoon anyway." Ayla shrugged as he said. 

"Should we use a bike or just walk?" Shay asked as he looked at Ayla.

"Hmm, let's just walk." Ayla thought for some time before she answered. Yes, since he said it was a walk, was there a need for the two of them to use a bike? She didn't see the need to.

"As you say, milady." Shay said and rwm away. She knew Ayla didn't like being called milady, so he ran away the moment he said it.

"Hey, wait for me!" Ayla called out as she tried catching up to him. She was basically panting. Who exactly was this guy? Usain Bolt? Otherwise, who could explain to her why he sprinted so fast? It was so unbelievable. 

Shay saw her sorry state and decided to stand and wait. His heart ached when he saw how tired she looked. 

"Meanie!" Ayla pouted and accused him. 

"Yes, I'm a meanie, okay? Dinner's on me. " Shay raised his hands in surrender and offered to buy her dinner to make it up for it.

"Let's go. Why are you still dawdling?" Ayla said and began walking. Shay chuckled and followed her. He slung his hand on her shoulder, and the two walked away. Ayla was already used to Shay, so, him putting his hand o. Her shoulder didn't have a negative effect on her. After all, he had never bullied her, so her body was welcoming to him. She didn't flinch like she does whenever Aurelia or Charlotte touches her. 

Hayden, who was passing by the road while driving, happened to witness the scene of Shay placing his hand on her shoulder. From Ayla's reaction, he could tell that theirs was just a platonic attraction. He didn't know about what Shay thought. What made him more uncomfortable was that habd on Ayla's shoulder. He had the impulse to go and chop it off her but held back.