
Her New Neighbors

15 year old Mýa has lived in the woods with her family for her entire life. She lives with her dad in the first house in the woods, her uncle lives in the second house deeper in the woods, her great grandparents used to live in a house by the opening of the woods and owner a trailer they rented out, and her cousins live the farthest in the woods closest to the river. Her mom died giving birth to her so she lives with her dad and their pets/animals. Her life has always been pretty simple, she would play in the woods, fish, hike, tend gardens, take care of her animals, go boating, have bonfires, play softball, go to school, and always hang out with her family. Things changed, however, when her great grandfather passed away and something needed to be done with his property. After a lot of clean up and repair, it was decided that it was time to sell his house, sheds, and trailer. They happened to find the perfect family of three who wanted to buy all of the property and fix it up. That is where this story starts. •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~ I had been planning to make this novel for some time but decided to make it now because it fit this contest entry needs. It is a Sweet Love romance that has some funny parts, a modern teen view point, and a independent feminist female lead. I also am working on Sealed With Blood, and I have a book called Coincidentally Fated that is at a bit of a stand still. There are no major misunderstandings or abuse or any type of suggestive parts. This is not my cover, all rights go to the original creator. This is a fast paced book. •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~ Sneak Peaks "I think it would take a very long time for the neighbor girl to fall for him." He stared at her intensely before asking "So you really have never had a boyfriend before?" "I haven't let any other guy be close to you. I wouldn't want anyone else to have this with you." "Me Too..."

aimlessly_inspired · Teen
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18 Chs

First Impressions - 1

Mýa was working in her vegetable garden one Monday afternoon in July when she noticed a moving truck pull up to her great grandfather's old house. She watched another car pull up and realized that the New Neighbors must be moving in. She finished watering her plants, grabbed the vegetables and fruit that she had picked, hopped in her dads black Ford truck that he let her use, and rode back up to her house.

When she got there her dad was mowing the lawn. She quickly got his attention and told him, "The New Neighbors are Moving in."

He got off the lawnmower and said, "Let's go get changed and then we can greet them. I will also text Uncle Mike."

Mýa ran inside the house and quickly got changed, fixed her hair, and put on some deodorant. She then went outside and waited for her dad. She was excited because she didn't know anything about the neighbors other than the fact that they are a family of three, and before moving in they fixed the property up a lot. She was secretly hoping that someone her age would move in because she would love to have a friend to hang out with in the woods. She would also love it if a younger child was in that family because she loves little kids and it would also be fun. However, whether the neighbors were her age or not, she wanted to greet them and help them move in. After a few moments Mýa's dad walked out if the house and said, "Let's go."

When they got there Uncle Mike pulled his white truck up beside them and they walked up to the moving truck where one of the new neighbors stood. Mýa's dad (Mr. Caleb) began introducing himself to the neighbor. "Hi, my name is Caleb Poltar, this is my Uncle Mike and my daughter Mýa. We live back in the woods, you must be Ms. Elly?"

"Nice to meet you guys!" She said as she waved at Mýa. "Yes I'm Ms. Elly, my daughter Riley and my son Zeke are around here somewhere. It is so nice to meet you all but right now everything is very hectic and I don't want to bother you, so could I invite you to dinner after we move everything in and get settled?"

Uncle Mike replied, "Of course, we understand. When you bought the house we gave you our numbers so if you ever need our help feel free to contact us."

After he said that, Mr. Caleb and Uncle Mike waved good bye. Mýa, however, hesitated and said, "I have nothing I need to do and if you need any help moving things in now I wouldn't be a nuisance and would love to help. If that is fine with everyone."

Mýa's dad and Ms. Elly exchanged glances and Ms. Elly said, "That would actually be lovely. I need some help keeping Riley safe and out of the way so Zeke can get his things. As long as it is fine with Mr. Caleb."

Mr. Caleb nodded and said, "Sure, Mýa just make sure to walk back before it gets too late. And Ms. Elly, call me Caleb."

"Alright Caleb, call me Elly, and Mýa will be fine I promise."

As Mýa's dad and Uncle Mike walked back to their trucks and left. Ms. Elly turned to Mýa and said, "Thank you so much for wanting to help. Riley is only three and unintentionally gets in the way, so if you could help me keep an eye on her and bring some of the boxes by the back porch into the house that would be awesome."

Mýa nodded and said, "Sure thing Ms. Elly." Then the two of them went to find Riley.

As they walked to where Riley was, Ms. Elly and Mýa were talking. "You really are an awesome person Mýa," Ms Elly mentioned, "You also seem to be around my son's age. Ig you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

Mýa smiled and said, "I don't mind, I am fifteen years old and am going into 10th grade."

"Oh that's wonderful," Ms. Elly said, "Zeke is sixteen. You guys will probably go to the same school. Zeke is in 11th grade though, you might still see him."

"Yeah, I think I will still see him. The 9th grade classrooms are mainly to the left of the school near the front entrance, the senior classrooms are to the right of the school near the back entrance and sports fields, and the 10th and 11th grade classrooms are in the middle of the school closer together. The 11th graders also come to lunch ten minutes or so before the 10th graders leave lunch. So I am sure I might see him around at lunch or in the halls."

By the time Mýa and Ms. Elly were done talking, they had reached the spot where Rilet was sitting and playing with flowers. The first thing that Mýa noticed when she saw Riley was that Riley was a little girl with blond hair that almost touched her waist and beautiful light blue eyes. She looked so adorable!

"Riley, this is Mýa. She is one of our neighbors and she wants to be your new friend." Ms. Elly said to Riley while pointing at Mýa.

Riley looked up at Mýa and Mýa said, "Yup, that's right. I would love to be your friend. We could go play together, if you'd like?"

Riley gave a big, but shy, smile and nodded happily. Riley then took Mýa's hand which Mýa outstretched, and they headed towards the house together. When Mýa looked back, Ms. Elly gave her an appreciative smile which Mýa gave a little smile and a nod in reply.

As Mýa and Riley went inside, Zeke who had walked up besides his mom asked, "Who is that?"

Ms. Elly who was startled by Zeke's sudden appearance, turned around and said to him, "That is Mýa, she is one of our new neighbors. She also goes to your school. You guys can talk later. For now let's get back to work."

~Two Hours Later~

Mýa and Riley were sitting in Riley's new room playing with Riley's three favorite baby dolls. Mýa had successfully found a way to make Riley stay out of everyone's way and unload some of her stuff. Mýa ended up doing most of Riley's unloading but all of her boxed were in her room and her toy box had been filled up with all her toys. Mýa and Riley were playing and Riley was telling Mýa all about herself when Ms. Elly came in to check on them.

"Good job girls!" Ms. Elly said, and both Riley and Mýa looked up at her. "We got a lot done thanks to you Mýa, we are finished for today. It might be best if you head home before it gets too late."

"That's a good idea Ms. Elly, I'm glad I could help," Mýa said while standing up. "I have to go Riley, I'll see you soon."

Riley stood up and protested, "No! Don't go Mýa, pwease." Then she gave Mýa puppy dog eyes.

Ms. Elly smiled, "I'm glad you like Mýa, Riley. You will see her again I promise but she has to go now." Riley sighed and sat back down to play with her dolls. As Mýa walked out the door Riley waved goodbye to her.

However, before Mýa walked out the front door, Ms. Elly stopped her. "Wait, it's getting dark and you don't have a car or anything. Let me get Zeke to take you home, you guys haven't even met yet."

"I'm fine Ms. Elly, really. My house it just a two minute or so walk down the road in the woods." Mýa argued. "I have walked on that same road so many times, I often am out in the woods when it is much later and darker than this. Trust me, my house is closer than you think and the woods are about as safe as it gets."

Ms. Elly relented, "Okay. Can you at least do me one more favor and get Zeke to come down here while I start dinner. I need him to help me out down here."

"Sure, I can do that."

"Thank you, his room is in the attic/second floor. I'm guessing you know where that is." Ms. Elly said happily. She just wanted them to meet.

"Yes, I do." Emily laughingly said, then started walking to Zeke's room.

When Emily got to the top of the stairs she opened the door and was about to open the door to Zeke's room when she paused. She thought she heard voices..... wait, she did. She listened for a second to see if she was disturbing something before knocking and heard something that made her hesitate to knock on the door.

Hi! This is my first chapter of this book and I hope everyone likes it! I apologize for any grammatical error I might make. This is technically the third novel I am working on, my other two are Sealed with Blood and Coincidentally Fated.

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aimlessly_inspiredcreators' thoughts