
Her Name Is

Her name was Flo. That was what she said, but no one knew of that name. She was the perfect girl. No one noticed her. She had a magic book that helped her. Yet Xavier felt like she was hiding something.

trackernim · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Bright blonde hair that had the glow of the sun.

Pale, milky skin that was as soft as cotton.

Dark, brown doe eyes that could capture the heart of anyone.

A perfect figure that not any normal highschooler could obtain.

Who had these features? There was only one person that came to mind.

It was no one but Flo Zhang.

Flo was perfect, yet no one noticed her. She had a smile brighter than many stars, and her heart was warmer than any fireplace.

No one made an effort to give her a glance however, everyone's gazes quickly shuffling aside when she cones. Flo always wondered why that was the case, but she never pursued it. She simply accepted it as it.

Whenever she came home, she went straight to her room. Her sister was never there for her, she was always out with some friends or flat-out ignoring Flo. She was always alone. In her room, with nothing but a book to accompany her.

The book was leatherback, seemingly withered in age and all but one page has faded from time.

When Flo opens the book, she searches for that page. She can tell which page is the page she's looking for. After all, she's used this book many times over and over.

When she finds it, she finds a spell that's helped her everyday. A spell that helped her find her true self. A spell that made her days brighter, and dimmed the looming shadows in her room.

"I trade my mind and soul for my happiness under rose tinted irises."

And she continues on with her day. And the next day. And the next.

Only one person ever looks at her, and that's her best friend, Xavier.

He doesn't look at her with kindness or sincerity, however. There's nothing but contempt in his eyes. Maybe under those shining glasses that he wears, he's hiding his true feelings. Maybe he feels something for her.

But oh, she can't return those feelings to him, for she already loves another. Such a tragedy, is it not? If only he could have his happy ending too.


Yet that wasn't it.

He held nothing but contempt for Flo.

He already knew, and he already suspected.