
Her Minds Instinct

"It was wild to think that maybe I could be normal, wild to think that maybe I had left this dangerous lifestyle," I murmured, taking a shot as I turned around only to find the gun pointed to my head. "You should know by now, love. No one ever escapes..." he said. I once believed that I was his and he was mine but now look at him, a fool with no conscience. Or maybe I had lost mine... "You better aim right and not miss because if you don't... I will kill you myself." I whispered, taking a seat and watching him with a teasing smile. I knew for a fact that I would never miss. A young woman on the rise, living a life that most can only dream of. Having no one but her colleagues from childhood. Dreams can only fathom reality until a taste of desire and love changes the rise. Having been betrayed, broken, rejected, and lost. Unico finds her purity stained with blood but no regret. In cuffs but no denial. Being sentenced, to tell the truth, therapy may be the only redemption. Unico Thora hopes to find a balance between the past and the present as she figures out the lead to her downfall.

Serial_seresposa · Urban
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Chapter Three: Present: Therapist

I could hear her pen against her notepad as she jotted down some of the things I told her. Well, I assume she jotted down some of the things that I wrote cause if she jotted down everything I would literally crazy. Especially since I knew she would need a bigger notepad, that one wouldn't fit everything.

"So, you get the dream position and you meet a weird but good guy," Olivia says, more like ask. I wondered if she knew that. 

"Yeah and nothing seemed to be a problem, or well I thought it wouldn't be a problem" I whispered.

"Why do you say so?" Alex asked.

"You want me to get straight to the point so we could leave or do you want to hear everything buster?" I asked, rolling my eyes at this. I could feel that I was already getting agitated by this.

Would I even last with all of these questions?

I was taught to always keep my mouth shut, no matter what but right now this was me exposing myself. Yet it would involve people I didn't want to talk about. it would drag my family into a mess that I would create... again. No no no, this was a horrible decision.

Maybe calling them would be a smarter idea?

No, that would mean being dragged into the family business again. 

They will kill them...

Oh well.

Sighing, I rubbed my face as I thought about this... I needed to put myself through the torture of these memories after taking so long to pack them away. I needed to get out, so why the hell not? I remembered him. His eyes and laugh but right now I remembered how he looked at Owen from afar that night. He didn't want him. He couldn't stand him... and I should've trusted him for that.

"Justin doesn't do much when I'm in a club or party or simply letting go but the look he gave Owen that night…" I shivered as the memories and emotions began to sink in.

"What type of look was it?" Olivia asked

"Confusion. Intrusion. As if someone had stepped into his territory without knocking. Messed with everything that belongs to him and played with his toy, right in front of him."

"But he seemed to have feelings for you?" Alex prompted as he squinted, looking at me as if what I said made no sense.

"You figured that out just from the first five minutes of my storytelling," I said, letting the sarcasm lace its way in.

He shrugged.

"His acts made it seem so but he had my best interests at heart but something about that night made it seem like… I don't know…" I sighed heavily.

"Alright let's get back to the story…" she said.