

"I'm the Queen. And I will do anything I want. So you better tell her to behave because I will punish her. Regard if she's your Mistress. 'No one is above the law, MY KING. "You could have told her politely, not embarrass her. Do you have to disgrace her publicly? And now you're using your so-called law for a personal grudge. "You disgust me. Listen to me well because I won't repeat myself, You will never be my Wife, And this marriage is because of that stupid Prophecy. Your cold and bossy attitude makes me ignore you more. I'll never love nor touch you. I hate you. "But I Love You." And I will do anything to protect you from anyone dangerous towards you, even if l have to use my last breath. In time you will know I am the only Wife and Queen you need. Excerpt: "You look beautiful tonight "My Queen." She shyly lowers her head and asks Do I Yes, my Queen. That dress looks ravishing on you and brings out all your curves in the right places. "But I still prefer the naked you." 'Oh really. So do want to take it off? "Haha" Not yet my Love, the night is still young." "Come sit with me, my Queen. She walks towards him while extending her hand. After a few minutes of staring into each other's eyes, then she looks away. I have a question, your Majesty Hmm, what is it? What If I failed to complete my test then? What will you do? 'She smiled with an unknown smile And said, "Do you Dare to fail My King "YOU DARE"

josephine_john · Fantasy
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14 Chs


With the under storm brewing in Imperial city, the Royal palace became busy, and security became tighter, especially the young Prince quarter. Even though there is a celebration going on, to crown the prince of the imperial city, there is still discussion going on in the darkest place of the imperial city.

Seeing the faces of these people in this discussion will shock the Royal family. All of them look, pleased and agreeable to the conclusion of the discussion.

The person watching this smile, for his trap has fallen in place. Now all he had to do was sit back and enjoy the show. But the smile didn't last long because he remembered, there is something or rather someone capable of foiling his plan, but not if he got, rid of this obstacle. No one can get in the way of his plan, he will make sure that he succeeded in ruining the Royal family even if he had to kill them all.

Taking out his phone from his pocket he made a call... Check all the hospitals for children a week old with a rare blood type, I want it tomorrow. Without saying goodbye the person hangs up. Turning his attention back to the scene before him, he almost missed the shadow lurking around. Wondering whom might it be. This place is far from the city, and very remote. It was known for its privacy and customers here have a special VIP pass. Because of its privacy, no one cared for each other here, but for someone to behave like that, it is very suspicious.

Looking at the shadow he chuckled. Ha... looks like he's not the only one here for the show. But whom might it be? The game has just taken an interesting turn, and more players are added. The man smiles a dark and senile, thinking no matter how many players are added into this game, he will make sure to be the one leading it. With a loud laugh, he disappeared into the dark.