

"I'm the Queen. And I will do anything I want. So you better tell her to behave because I will punish her. Regard if she's your Mistress. 'No one is above the law, MY KING. "You could have told her politely, not embarrass her. Do you have to disgrace her publicly? And now you're using your so-called law for a personal grudge. "You disgust me. Listen to me well because I won't repeat myself, You will never be my Wife, And this marriage is because of that stupid Prophecy. Your cold and bossy attitude makes me ignore you more. I'll never love nor touch you. I hate you. "But I Love You." And I will do anything to protect you from anyone dangerous towards you, even if l have to use my last breath. In time you will know I am the only Wife and Queen you need. Excerpt: "You look beautiful tonight "My Queen." She shyly lowers her head and asks Do I Yes, my Queen. That dress looks ravishing on you and brings out all your curves in the right places. "But I still prefer the naked you." 'Oh really. So do want to take it off? "Haha" Not yet my Love, the night is still young." "Come sit with me, my Queen. She walks towards him while extending her hand. After a few minutes of staring into each other's eyes, then she looks away. I have a question, your Majesty Hmm, what is it? What If I failed to complete my test then? What will you do? 'She smiled with an unknown smile And said, "Do you Dare to fail My King "YOU DARE"

josephine_john · Fantasy
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14 Chs


"Jia you've been sleeping for too long, why don't you wake up and see our son, he has been missing you.

'Oh is that true, I thought you were the one missing me but since you're not then I should sleep some more.

"Jia you're awake, how are you feeling? any pain, maybe you should lie down and wait for the doctor.

'Ling, take a deep breath and relax. I've been awake, enough to know that I have a daughter-in-law already.

"Jia... Stop no explanation until I see my son. So bring my son and let me see how lovely he looked.

The King sigh with helplessness, when it comes to Jia's stubbornness he is really in a defeated area. But he still tries to convince her to wait after the doctor's check-up.

'Jia grew annoyed with her husband. Ling, I'm ordering you as the Queen to bring me, my son, now.

"At the Royal command, the King brought his son to the Queen with a sullen face. He was wondering why the doctors are taking a long time to come.

As soon as the Queen laid eyes on her son she gasps, oh, Ling look at my cute baby, he is so beautiful, his eyes and eyebrow are like you...

"I thought I was your baby. Not anymore, now I have another baby that is cuter than you. But that is my endearment and you've given it to another person, a man for that matter.

'The Queen was speechless seeing his husband getting jealous of his son. Ling, he is your son and not a man.

Even if he's my son, he is still a man. The King said while glaring at his son, for taking his wife's attention from him.

She looked at his husband and wonder where the man got his shamelessness from.

Ignoring her husband the Queen focuses her attention on her son.

The King felt neglected, seeing his wife and son in their loving world.

After an hour of feeding and playing with her son the Queen turned her attention to her neglected husband.

'Okay, Ling starts speaking, what is it about a daughter-in-law, when my son is not even one day old.

"Jia'er I think you need to rest after you wake up we will talk. Even the doctor advises you to rest, Jia you are still weak because of your loss of blood so you need to rest to regain your strength.

'Ling I'm fine, you can go ahead and say it, and I promise not to stress about it. And Ling makes sure not to leave anything out.

"The King looked at his wife and wonder when she will stop being stubborn about her health, but does he have a choice, he has made a vow to never lie or hide things from her.

'Jia it true you're having a daughter-in-law but...

The King explains everything to his wife, leaving nothing out. Seeing his wife silent all through his explanation gets him worried. Jia, please say something...

'So you're saying our son will have to go through all that?

He knew she was going to get worried and stress about this issue, but he still replies, Yes Jia our son will have to go through all that. Jia are you okay, do I need to get, the doctor?

'Ling I think it's time to change the system and activate the SOS elite group.

"Jia I know the system needs to change but to activate the SOS group, do you think it has come to that?

'Ling we are now in a war with them and the best way to protect our son is to be on the advantageous side, we've to do all we can to save and secure our son inheritance.

'The storm is coming, Ling, and we've to prepare.