

"I'm the Queen. And I will do anything I want. So you better tell her to behave because I will punish her. Regard if she's your Mistress. 'No one is above the law, MY KING. "You could have told her politely, not embarrass her. Do you have to disgrace her publicly? And now you're using your so-called law for a personal grudge. "You disgust me. Listen to me well because I won't repeat myself, You will never be my Wife, And this marriage is because of that stupid Prophecy. Your cold and bossy attitude makes me ignore you more. I'll never love nor touch you. I hate you. "But I Love You." And I will do anything to protect you from anyone dangerous towards you, even if l have to use my last breath. In time you will know I am the only Wife and Queen you need. Excerpt: "You look beautiful tonight "My Queen." She shyly lowers her head and asks Do I Yes, my Queen. That dress looks ravishing on you and brings out all your curves in the right places. "But I still prefer the naked you." 'Oh really. So do want to take it off? "Haha" Not yet my Love, the night is still young." "Come sit with me, my Queen. She walks towards him while extending her hand. After a few minutes of staring into each other's eyes, then she looks away. I have a question, your Majesty Hmm, what is it? What If I failed to complete my test then? What will you do? 'She smiled with an unknown smile And said, "Do you Dare to fail My King "YOU DARE"

josephine_john · Fantasy
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14 Chs


'Chen raised his brows at his wife, to let her continue. Chen, I know this is not going to be easy, especially convincing the elders and your brothers, but we have to try and make them see the reason why this revenge is unnecessary and a waste of energy and resources. Chen, I want us to start our family, but I want everything to be safe. I can't have a child when I know we are in a war with the Royals and we are not safe. Chen, think about the incident that happened last year, how many lives were lost on both sides. How many more do we want to sacrifice all in the name of revenge.

'Darling, this is not going to be easy, to convince the rest of the family to forgo the revenge with the Royals is going to be difficult but not impossible. And you know because of that incident everyone has been warned to see the Royals as an enemy and to never underestimate them, so everyone has become vigilant and defensive to them. Chen, sigh, to tell them to forget what happened last year and to never seek revenge is not going to be taken well, especially Elder uncle and his family, because they suffer most from that incident.

'Chen, Elder uncle was ambushed on upper hill cave and the fire started from Quishen office, right?

Yes, and the substance was found in his office. Have they identified what substance?

Yes, glycerol and sulfuric acid, but they still think it was mixed with something else, that cause Quishen crippled.

'Chen don't you think it weird, even if glycerol mixed sulfuric acid can cause a combustion fire but when inhaled can cause lack of breathing and, inhaling too much stop breathing but he was there for three minutes and then he was found, so how can he be crippled? what chemical can he inhale for three minutes from a distance of one point three kilos from the fire?

Hm, darling mandarin, please. Huifen knew her husband was stupid when it comes to science. Chen, there is something not right with this issue, and I don't think the Royals will leave evidence of their work behind for us to find out. That is a stupid move don't you think? And I don't think they will send an amateur for an assassination of the Yangs. What will they get from targeting Elder uncle's family and not you the head of the family, Chen don't you find it suspicious?

'Yang Chen think about her words and he too finds it suspicious, what will they get from this action?

'Chen I don't think that incident was caused by the Royals. Yang Chen was surprised at his wife's conclusion. If it was not the Royals who, then who?