
Her Loss

Author: DaoistLoauvB
Ongoing · 2.5K Views
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What is Her Loss

Read ‘Her Loss’ Online for Free, written by the author DaoistLoauvB, This book is a LGBT+ Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Mia is separated from her fiance when a war starts in Europe. When she finally manages to escape to America to find him and his little sister/daughter, Kellie, she finds that the last location they were in was the CG Facility, a massive worldwide organization that supposedly makes "better" humans that can't get sick. Mia arrives and finds the entire main facility abandoned. Mia, after entering, immediately notices that something is horribly wrong here with blood and dead bodies and abandon military vehicles. She soon finds herself in a sewer on the ground level where she meets the patients of this facility. She finally learns the horrible truth of what is happening here...or what has happened. The CG Facility was making people who could rival superman and God. A lot of the tests were successful, however, all the patients became insane with only a few exceptions. One day, without any known reason, every patient escaped...and they ranged in the billions. 2.8 out of the 6.4 population in total are patients. Mia now must try to find her friends, fiance, and Kellie through a facility of insane super-powered killers. However, she'll soon learn that not everything is so black and white. The patients, while insane, were still once human and still have morals. The survivors on the other hand are willing to do anything to just get by. Mia will have to face hard choices that will test the entire definition of morals. For example, You can kill a child who is in control over an entire infection, and doing so will get rid of the infected. However, the infected will only attack if provoked or disturbed and the child has no idea that any of this is her doing and just wants to be left alone. Or is it better to kill a bunch of semi-sane patients over a group of survivors that have done things worse than the patients have ever done? Mia also is beginning to learn that she might not be normal herself as she gets a horrible vivid glimpse of the future that shows her dying, which she uses to avoid dying in the same horrible manner...only those glimpses may not be glimpses. (I wrote the original one but low and behold, it got lost since I changed accounts and I currently can't get it back. I have a chapter that was in the future here so enjoy that for now!)

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Journey Through The Universe

«To get through the hardest journey we need to take only one step at a time. The key is, we must keep stepping.« ¶•¶•¶•¶ Highest ranking: 1 in self-management on Wattpad. ••• Started: 27-March-2019 Ended: God knows when. ••• Believers are Readers. Readers are Leaders. Believe that you can change by reading. Read because you're capable of leading. ••• In a world, where the word unfair can barely describe it I believe it's the duty of who can guide others who are yet to face these obstacles of the universe and to go through the journey of it to help them. In order to help you, a team of 10 members is working to present the best content and give you advice through painful, happy, nostalgic, euphoric, and sad experiences I and they were forced to learn the hard way. But guess what? You're not. You can simply click on this to learn things we've spent years living through and discovered how to survive them. While you, my pal you got the chance to survive them by a few minutes read. Man, today's technology is amazeballs. Read with heart and mind open. Join us with each and every single obstacle we went through. You can go on laughing your ass off at us but believe, it wasn't funny while we lived it. You can go through the embarrassing experience of school transferring, stage acting, bullies, self-love, food disorder, goals, and how to be productive. There are two sides of your brain. The emotional one the limbic system. And the logical which is the prefrontal cortex. In almost, 95% of your brains the limbic system wins by dragging you to read the other fanfictions, romantic novels, mysterious murders, hopeless love, teen fiction, and the list never ends. 95% percent of who's reading this will ignore it. However, to the rest of you the %5 who fought off their limbic system and went on into this book because they seek to change, you my friend deserve the hats to be raised for you. Now, to build stronger relationships with the readers we wanted to make a bond. You are free to reach out to me by sending a pm to my Wattpad account which is @LuLu_2004. You can share any experience you wish and we'll talk about it in our book. You need someone to talk to? The team is a message away. Tighten your seatbelts, this will be a bumpy ride.

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Les Péchés Sournois de Sa Majesté

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