
Her Husband is My Lover

"I Love You." Valentina said as she wrapped her arms around Xavier's neck. "I already have a wife, Val." Xavier replied making Valentina chuckle. "Do I look like I care?" Valentina asked as she pressed her lips against his lips making Xavier's eyes widened and he pushed Valentina away making her angry. "We are not in high school anymore, Val! I'm not yours anymore! I have a wife waiting for me at home!" Xavier yelled making Valentina laugh out loud. "Not mine? Babe, you are mine! I don't remember you breaking up with me or caring about your so-called wife when you were f*cking me a day before your wedding!" Valentina replied wrapping her arms around Xavier, crashing her lips fully against Xavier's lips. Xavier couldn't resist his first love anymore and gave what she wanted to her. ***** Every story has a Villain. The Second Woman. Who Everyone hates. Who seems to be Madly in love with the Main Lead. She can go to any Limits to make him hers. But no one seems to know about her story or even cares to know about her story. So, this story is about hers. The Second Woman. - He is not hers to keep but she wants him! ********** Genre: Romance. Mature Content Please bare with the gramatical and vocabulary mistakes. Under Editing! ..... Join me on my discord server! https://discord.gg/y9rDnHM5TH or Instagram. payalsingh_2608 **** I don't own the cover. All the credits goes to the rightful owner. . Cover edited by, Pixie Graphics (Instagram)

PayalSinghRajput · Urban
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363 Chs

Do you really love me?

Valentina opened her eyes and rubbed them as she felt so tired! 

She felt a weight kn her chest! She frowned and looked down and saw Xavier sleeping peacefully on her chest! 

She smiled looking at him as he looked so cute like a baby sleeping in her warm arms! 

Valentina caressed his hair and kissed him! He looked so tired for Valentina but she is happy that Xavier is finally her's! And she is proud of herself that he came to her without even asking her or doing anything! 

Valentine thought to do anything just to make Xavier hers but no, Xavier came to her without doing anything! She is happy for everything but she was not sure If Xavier wants to continue their relationship or not! But if he doesn't want, Valentina is ready to do anything to make Xavier hers! 

But... Things will surely will not work out between them! Because Rose and Xavier are married and this relationship is bad for them to continue but Valentina is sure that he can't leave Valentina in his life! She saw how much he still loves her! And that is proof that her love is true! And no one can separate them no matter what!

Valentina didn't think that all these will happen so fast in their lives! She thought she needs talk to try harder to make Xavier hee but it didn't take any time for her! It was so easy for her to make him hers again... Maybe, that's what love does to everyone... Don't want to let go of their love! True love will always find you no matter what and Valentina found that true love again.

She just hopes right now that he will not regret anything that he dies with her! But if he does, Valentina can never forgive him again! 

She again caressed his hair making him open his eyes!

"Ohh... Did I disturb you?" Valentina asked making Xavier chuckle! He hovered over her and kissed her forehead! 

"Not at all!" Xavier answered and Valentina pressed her lips against Xavier's lips! They both again kissed passionately! Soon, released themselves as they were out of their breaths! 

"Xavier..." Valentina called as he started caressing her hair abd while Valentina kept her head on Xavier's naked chest!

"Yes, Love?" Xavier asked and Valentina looked up at him! 

"What are we right now?" Valentina asked and Xavier took a deep breath! He shrugged and looked at her! 

"I don't know!" Xavier answered!

"Why we're you here earlier?" Valentina asked! 

"I went to your company to tell you that I will not accept to model beside you but your PA told me that you suddenly got sick... And went home! I was scared and rushed to you to see you!" Xavier explained!

"You are worried about me?" Valentina asked!

"Of course, I am worried about you!" Xavier answered as he caressed her hair! 

"Why?" Valentina asked anf Xavier looked at her! 

"Why are you so worried about me when you left me and married another girl? Didn't you think how much hurt I will be when my boyfriend betrayed me and married another?" Valentine asked making Xavier take a deep breath! 

"Love... I didn't mean to do all these... I don't love Rose! I love you! But... Things are out of my hands right now!" Xavier answered!

"Do you really love me?" Valentina asked!

"I do, Val... If I don't, I wouldn't be here right now with you!" Xavier answered looking into Valentina's eyes! 

"What things are stopping you?" Valentina asked!

"Love, it's not so easy to tell you everything!" Xavier answered making Valentina roll her eyes!

"Is it your Dad who is stopping you? I hate him. I really do hate your dad!" Valentina said and Xavier sigh!

"And your wife... She is proud that she made you yours finally!" Valentina said and Xavier frowned!

"Rose knows that we love each other?" Xavier asked with a confused face and Valentina shook her head in No!

"No! She just knows that I like you and nothing else!" Valentina answered!

"Ohh... How did she know that you like me?" Xavier asked!

"It's a long story... I will tell you later about it... I am tired! I want to sleep right now!" Valentina answered burying herself more into Xavier's warm chest! Xavier chuckle looking at Valentina!

"I thought to continue our lovemaking session..." Xavier said with a smirk!

"Later, Mister!" Valentina replied making Xavier chuckle again! He nodded his head and wrapped his arms around her and they both drift off to sleep peacefully in each other arms!