

Will the new set of people she encounters be able to make her see her life in a new light? A year before, she hated the idea that she had to move because of a man she wished never came into her life nor existed, but, a year later, moving was the best thing that happened to her life. And it might just be the starting of a better life for her.

choisoojoon02 ยท Teen
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32 Chs


"Bye, mom" I greeted my mom as I walked out of the house and entered my car

As I was driving, Kim called

"Hi" I spoke

"Look beside you" she said

"What?" I asked while doing what she said

She was driving beside me. She waved at me

"What are you doing here?" I asked into the speaker

"Driving to school" she replied in a duh tone

"This is not the route you usually take"

"Oh, you're taking about that. I followed you"

"Why did you follow me? Are you a spy?"

"It seemed fun"

"You have issues" I told her

"And so do you" she responded

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"I want to eat at the cafeteria" Kim said

I looked at her

"You want to eat at the cafeteria?" I asked again in case I didn't hear her well


I turned to her

"Have you forgotten your experience with the cafeteria? Mine?"

"No, things never go well when we enter go into the cafeteria" she said closing her locker

"And you still want to go"

"I miss it. And beside, you're with me" she said

"Do I look like a bodyguard to you?" I asked her closing my locker

"Isn't that what you said. You changed your chosen character, or whatever, because of me"

"I'm sure I also said I don't go around looking for trouble. I only respond when it comes"

"How is going to the school cafeteria looking for trouble? What relation does food and trouble have?"

I signed

"You're seriously ..."

I completed my statement with a breathe of frustration

"So, we're going"

"Let's go" I said reluctantly

We went inside, got our food and went to the table we used to sit at, quietly

"See, nothing's wrong" Kim said

I didn't bother to say anything

My hand stopped, the spoon mid air from entering my mouth as I someone in front

"What? Why are you frozen?" Kim edged towards me and whispered asked

Jung Oh-je? I asked myself

A smile graced my face

"Now you are creeping me out. Why are you smiling?"

She turned back, answering herself

"Jung Oh-je?" she asked

As if on cue, his eyes landed on us and his face turned from one of confusion to smiles. he walked towards us

"Can I sit here?" he asked

Of course. Where else?

"Sure" I told him and patted the place beside me. He came over, dropped his food tray and sat with a smile which, as expected, automatically created a smile of my own

"You guys attend this school?" he asked

"That's why we are sitting here" Kim replied

I eyed her

"Oh, I see" he said

"What of you? I'm sure this's my first time seeing you here" I asked

"I transferred this morning" he said

"Oh, I ...."

My remaining statement were consumed with screaming of hysteric girls

I gave a small smile to Oh-je's surprised and confused face while

"Wow, there're finally here" I said to myself with mocked enthusiasm, turning my head to where the screams were directed

"What's going on?" he whispered asked to me

"Nothing much. This's what happens anytime they're entering a place, it's kind of like a routine" I whispered back

"Who are the 'they'?"

On cue, the three on them entered the cafeteria. I rolled my eyes, as the three of us watched the ceremony until they went to their table. Some left, some who were about leaving stayed behind to catch their attention, while some were talking about how 'wonderful' they were and asking themselves if they were really humans

"Does this always happen everyday?" Oh-je asked

"Yes" I answered

"Doesn't someone get tired?"

"I know, right? It's not as if this's a movie or something" Kim said

"You're talking? Wow, you sure have gotten braver" I edges towards her and teased her

She kicked my leg painlessly under the table

"What?" Oh-je asked

"Nothing" I said while smiling at Kim

I winked at her when she looked at me. I looked towards their table , then to Aiden to find him already looking at me. We had eye contact until I removed my eyes

"If this was a movie, I wish the director would change the actor leads" I said

"Are you sure you wouldn't be sad?" Kim teased

It was my turn to kick her

"Why would you be sad?"

"Don't mind her"

"Sure, don't mind her. I'm just saying some things to the main female lead of a love hate relationship drama"

"Just eat your food"

She chuckle before she shrugged and went back to her food

"Have you gotten your schedule?" I asked him

"Yeah" he said and handed it to me

"You have first period spare, lucky you. Second period with Kim"

"You also take French?" she asked

"I guess you also do"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kim" she introduced herself, bringing her hand forward for him to take

I scoffed

"This's long due" I told her

Laughing, Oh-je took her hand

"I'm Jung Oh-je" he said

"Why are you studying French?" he asked her

"My mom. She's the owner of Dynamite"

"The famous international Clothing retail company?"

"Yeah. Apparently I might take over her and this's one of the languages I have to learn along with starting from the bottom. What of you?"

"I guess we have many similarities. My dad owns a food company, IC"

"Where have I heard that before?" I asked myself out loud

Kim banged the table

"I know. Itaewon Class, right?" Kim asked

"Yes" he replied

"You don't mean that same IC, right? The renowned food company that started from Itaewon in Korea and is known right now as the best food company? It's not that same one, right?" I asked

He smiled

My spoon dropped on the floor

"You.. you... you are his son?"

He nodded

"Then that was your dad's restaurant?"

He nodded

"Then you are working for your dad's company?"

"Yes, I'm also starting from the bottom"

I covered my mouth then uncovered it

"Heol" I said

He tilted his head

"Heol?" he asked with a chuckle

"I teach her" Kim chipped in

"You're really amazing" I told him

"I hear that pretty often" he said

I leaned back, looked at him before laughing


I went back to his schedule then back to his face. He raised an eyebrow, smiling. I chuckle and looked at the paper in front of me

"You are alone third period. Fourth is lunch. Fifth is spare with all of us. And lastly, we all have ELA sixth period" I finished and handed him back his schedule

"I like your schedule" Kim said

"I have Pre-cal first period with Shannon, French with you, spare, lunch, spare again, then ELA with you all. How can we have Pre-cal first thing in the morning?"

"I'm sure it's not that bad" Oh-je said

"Should we swap schedules?" Kim suggested

"Naega wae?" Oh-je leaned forward and said, or asked. Why should I?

"Aish! Jeoliga!" Kim said. Aish! Go away

"Neo... gwiyeobda" You.... are cute

"Mwo? Ya, jugule?!" What? Hey, do you want to die?

Not able to hold my patience anymore, I slammed my fists on the table, though not loud enough to be the whole cafeteria's focus

"Seriously. Why don't you guys just write on a big card board that you're Koreans while I'm not?" I suggested

I then stood up

"Where are you going?" Kim asked

"Well, since you guys are so much into your conversation that you forget me, I'll just take my leave then. Don't mind me" I said and left, ignoring their calls

I went to the dark room and placed my head on the table wishing to sleep, but that wished totally disappeared when a nonsense combination of perfume wafted through my nose. Annoyed, I look up to see the BBP girls

"If you guys want to be flocking around like headless chicken all over the school, I get it, but can't you at least get matching perfumes, or at least, ones that go together. First, it was your ridiculous name that also completely wrong cause you guys have nothing that resembles a brain, now this disgusting smell. What going to be next?"

"If you want to be among us, just come front and tell us" Britney said

"Really? Can I really do that?" I asked with a smile

"Sure, we might actually need someone like you with us" she said

"Okay then, I'll just say it"

I went around the table to where they were standing, and whispered to them

"You're all a bunch of pathetic headless chickens, and I really pity, and am disgusted, at girls like you"

I took my bag that I placed on the table and left

There was no other place I could go, so I went to my usual place hoping not to find Aiden there. Thankfully, my wish was granted this time