
Chapter 28: A date at the park

Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.6

- Joubert Botha

Arsala's POV

I still can't come to terms with the fact that I was so gullible. Usually I'm know to be cold and heartless for breaking people's heart. But I'm not at fault here I don't date, if you were fully aware of that why ask me out knowing my reply would be no. All it took was, what I have to tell you is really important please. From Imran and here I was on a date with him, doing the one thing I vow to never do.

The fact that I was sitting at the park with Imran is a testimony of just hoe gullible I was. Sad part is that I was loving every minute we have spent on the date so far. We had some sandwich he brought for lunch and it taste amazing. Its safe to say he is good at making sandwich.