
Chapter 26: A burning bridge.

“Sometimes, mental illness is terrifying because you feel like you've lost control of your mind and nothing makes sense. It's like watching yourself on autopilot and having little to no control.”

- Anonymous

Arsala's POV

I held my hand up asking him to give me a moment. After I was done eating the chocolate in my mouth, I put down the rest.

"I have never been in love or had a boyfriend." I pick up the bottle of water by my side, uncap it and gulp some water.

For the few seconds that went by he stares at me in a strange way.

"You're joking right?" He laughs out nervously.

"Nope." I pick up my chocolate, to continue devouring it.

"No! Come on? You have to be joking." His face bears a terrified yet surprised look.

"I'm being serious, I have never." I nod my head a bit.



"Wait do you believe in love?" He asks interrupting me.

"Um......" I'm hesitating. "I think I do, I just haven't experienced it yet."