
Hentai Development System

Warning: this is work of fiction that has the ability to be as the MC desires to expect sexual acts that are not humanly possible as he will mold his girls to be the best toys he can imagine. Leo has always been bullied, be it by his family, his classmates and even his teachers and coworkers. Leo suffered through his life since young through neglect and abuse. His only solace being anime and the finer arts. But how could that be all. Leo’s life changed after the time of his birth passed as something new awoke. Any and all images used in this story as of now are not my property and will be removed upon request of the owner. Warning: this is a story of almost pure debauchery so expect everything but the Mc being ntred.

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35 Chs

Time for Training

(This chapter could of been done much sooner but I rewrote it like six times 😭)

[Initial encounter complete unlocking linked item.

New item has been added congratulations host for obtaining (Solid Fluid Injector.)]

'What's Solid Fluid sounds contradictory.' Leo mused as he open the description for it.

Solid Fluid Injector: A applicator that contains a bottomless supply of a liquid substance that after leaving the applicator slowly solidifies in to a silicon like substance. (Need a dildo make one.)

Leo was quite happy with his new item and it will fit quite well with how he wants to train his new little bunny. Looking down his bunny was still coming back to her senses. "Hey little bunny how was your carrot, want another taste I still have more for you to eat." Ivy tried to glare at him through her cum covered eyes as he patted the side of her face. "You know I think this new makeup suits you. But I want to see your face for that I plan to do next." Leo grabbed a nearby rag and wiped most of the cum off her face leaving streaks of her makeup.

She tried to spit at him in protest but failed as she was still on her back making her cum mixed spit flop back in her face. "I know you like being covered by my load but you don't have to try so hard." Leo laughed at her fallible attempt. "Fuck off creep! You know damn well the last thing I want is for you to touch me!" She yelled back. "Really? Could have me fooled with how wet your panties are." As he spoke he reached under her skirt and slid his fingers along her slit enticing a moan out of her as he felt just how soaked she truly was. He didn't believe there was a dry spot left on them as he dug his finger into her small mound and pulling back a string of her juices on his finger.

"See I didn't even need to try but look how much of a mess you made." Leo grabbed her hair and made her look as how drenched she was. It hadn't felt as bad as it looked so she couldn't believe her eyes as he pulled his fingers up leaving a long string attached to it and this was through her panties how much of a mess was she really and he hadn't even touched her down there yet.

"So little rabbit I'm going to give you your last choices. First, do you want to stop now I'll send everything out and never speak to you again." Hearing this Ivy actually thought about it for a moment. "No as much at I hate you I can't let you ruin the only good things I have in my life." Leo snorted at this. "Girl you did that to yourself quit trying to blame me for fucking up your life when you did it I'm just… joining in on the secret. Ok well since you answered no going back. Last question front or back?"

Ivy was confused for a moment till she understood and quickly answered. "Front you aren't putting anything in my butt especially not that." She yelled defensively while pointing at his still hard manhood. "Awww I didn't know you loved me so much as to have my child. Is this what they call love at first skull fuck." His words brought her out of her fear of her butt. "Couldn't you just wear a condom and pull out I would drink it if you need. I don't want that monster in my ass."

Ivy know she was getting penetrated one way of another but she was scared. "No I am going to fill whatever hole I fuck. Also if you are on birth control stop taking it. The only way I'm not going to knock you up is if I fuck your ass." He spoke mater-of-factly. "So I'll be generous and give you a second chance. Front or back?"

Ivy scrunched her nose as she thought about his words. As much as she wanted to keep him away from her ass he had made her choice for her with this. So through gritted teeth she agreed. "Good since you want me to play with you ass so much get on the ground and show me that pretty hole." He commanded as he unlatched the cuffs binding her. Leo never wanted to fuck her pussy he plans on training her to be his anal slut. That's not to say he wouldn't still fuck her pussy eventually.

"On second thought just stand and bend over in front of me we will play a little game." She stood in front of him and bent forward. Her skirt hiking up just enough to see her panties from the position he was sitting on the couch. "I'm going to play with you for 1 hour. If you can stay standing during that time I won't bother you anymore." Ivy's ears perked up at this. Leo then moved his fingers across her small mound and continued. "But if you fail I'll give you another little gift that you will leave her with today and you will have to come back here tomorrow for another round of fun."

"I agree there is no way your sorry skills could make my legs buckle." She snorted in response. Leo just smiled at her confidence. Leo flipped her skirt up and roughly ripped a hole in her fishnets. Her lacy black panties on full view he pulled down and outward and ripped the panties with both hands leaving her slit and rounded ass in full view. He gave the right cheek a powerful smack enticing a moan from her as he commanded. "Spread them cheeks so I can see my new toy properly. That is unless you want me to play with the other hole." Quickly she spread her legs and used her hands to spread her ass wide.

Her glistening pink slit adorned with a little pink button that had another piercing in it. Slightly above that was a tight little hole cleaned of every speck and hair. "For someone who didn't want their ass touched it sure looks prepared." He used his index finger to swipe up from her clit playing with it for a second before shoving 2 fingers in her pussy a few times. After his fingers were nice and lubed he started to rub them around her puckers entrance.

"*moan* I just like everything clean asshole." Her choice of words made him chuckle. "Ha it is a clean asshole indeed." Before she could respond to his provocation he shoved a finger in. Pistoning it in slowly with long strokes. Leo grabbed the training oil and dropped it onto his finger as he twirled it slowly expanding her insides slowly but surely. With her hands holding her ass open for his ministrations she had to try to muffle her voice in her shoulder to no avail.

*Slorp* *Slorp* *Moan*

The sounds of the slicks oils and his fingers seemed to echo in her head as she closed her eyes in concentration. Leo was currently using the oil to loosen her and increase her anal sensitivity permanently. His goal was to train her ass to be far more sensitive that her pussy and it appears he already had a head start if her reactions had anything to say for it. After he felt was loose enough he put a second finger. "What a greedy little asshole you have it hasn't even been a minute and it's already taking 2 so easily. Maybe I could skip all my prep and go to the main course." He stuck a third finger in early causing her to yelp and shake her head.

"No please not yet it hurts. Go easy on it it will rip." As she begged he increased the pace. Spreading his fingers wide in her before pulling them out still spread the after clearing the entrance shoving them back in hard repeatedly. Her moans and the noises from her ass echoing throughout the room.

*Slorp Squelch Ahn* *Slorp Squelch Ahn*

The noises getting more rapid as he added a forth finger and putting all but his thumb in causing her knees to shake under the new depth added. *Slorp Squelch Ahn* "Greedy was a understatement for this ass. No wonder it's so big not even 5 minutes and I can almost fist you." Ivy's words were now lost to moans.

'How does it feel so good. *Ahn* This feels better than when I had sex. He is only using his fingers how would his dick feel.' As she got to there she kept shaking her head as she remembered the massive member that he pounded into her throat earlier and that if it felt so good in her throat what about in her ass. Long forgetting she needs to stay standing and just wanting to feel more.

*Slorp Squelch Ahn* *Slorp Squelch Ahn* *Aahhhnnnnnn*

Her thoughts drawn short by this thumb entering her once virgin ass leading to his whole fist sliding inside like it belongs there. The feeling of his big hand sinking to his wrist causing her face to contort in to pained pleasure as she had the most intense orgasm of her life. Her knees buckled and she started to fall. But before he could fall Leo used his hand to pull her back up causing her legs to waver more.

"I wasn't expecting to fist you so easily you have a great talent in this I might need to make you my exclusive butt slut. But this isn't over yet that's just round one. Now for every time you fail to stand or let go of your ass I will make the present harder on you." He spoke while moving his hand a few more times before spreading his hand wide inside her and pulling out hard. *Slorp Ahn*

"Now first round is over next we are moving on to toys." Leo then pulled a long dildo out of nowhere and showed Ivy. "This dildo is 3 foot long we worked on width and it time for depth." Leo laying the dildo in her back lubed it with a combo of his oils and her owns intestinal juices. Seeing how far up her back Ivy felt scared it's was as thick as her forearm but far longer and he was going to put it inside her. "It won't fit its far to big. It will kill me."

Leo just shook his head as he put the tip to her now gaping hole. "Nope I'm going to put this thing the whole way in. Trust me I haven't got to use my new cock sleeve I won't break it yet. If you don't trust me trust you greedy asshole that looks like it's begging for more." And so before she could continue to beg he started the tip slid in easily. Pushing forward she felt full as he just kept pushing it in with out stop. Inch by inch he continued till it had half disappeared already. Then I'm one swift moment pulled it all out.

*Slorp Squelch Ahhhnnnnnnn*

Ivy couldn't take the suddenness of it and her legs gave again this time however Leo caught her by the stomach with one arm. "Tisk tisk tisk. You didn't even last one round with it. I guess I'll have to take a different approach." Leo tossed her on to the couch face down. He pulled her ass up and put her legs folded under her. "This will be your new pose till I let you go for the day understand. Now make sure you keep the cheeks spread I want to see that delicious asshole of yours."

Ivy still coming down from her second orgasm did as she was told. "Yes" she mumbled with her face buried in the couch.