
Hentai Development System

Warning: this is work of fiction that has the ability to be as the MC desires to expect sexual acts that are not humanly possible as he will mold his girls to be the best toys he can imagine. Leo has always been bullied, be it by his family, his classmates and even his teachers and coworkers. Leo suffered through his life since young through neglect and abuse. His only solace being anime and the finer arts. But how could that be all. Leo’s life changed after the time of his birth passed as something new awoke. Any and all images used in this story as of now are not my property and will be removed upon request of the owner. Warning: this is a story of almost pure debauchery so expect everything but the Mc being ntred.

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35 Chs

Now this is deepthoating!!

(Yay down to some heavy congestion so I can write easier!!)

Against her better judgement Ivy fallowed Leo into the back room. This room was the only room that was splurged on by the old man. This room is his "office". His office consisted of a couch, a small chair in the corner, a large tv and a mini fridge. The Tv connected to the only working camera in the shop. Leo has broken more cameras than he cares to admit, but the old man is surprisingly committed to them. The room was also made soundproof.

As Leo made his way into the room ahead of Ivy he cleaned the room because he wouldn't set foot in her otherwise. Leo walked over and grabbed a soda out the fridge and flopped on the couch. As he sat he gestured for Ivy to sit on the small wooden chair. She went to set on it where it was in the corner but Leo called out to her.

"Why don't you pull the chair closer it's not like I'll bite…. much." She stiffened at his words and slowly brought the chair towards him till he could almost reach it with his feet before Leo nodded for her to sit. Leo was enjoying this her normally relaxed and arrogant demeanor long gone as she sat there like a statue. After looking at her for a while drinking his soda he stood up quickly causing her to jump like a startled rabbit.

"So the big bad fox that always rubbed my face in the dirt is actually a scared little rabbit. So little bunny after all you and your friends have put me though why shouldn't I wreck your relationships. I was abused daily by what y'all did. Why shouldn't I destroy the only positive relationships I've seen in your miserable life. Why shouldn't I destroy your life like you have tried to do me! There have been people who killed for less. But no I didn't snap I just dealt with it." The anger in his eyes making her shrink further from his gaze as she refused to look him in the eyes.

"LOOK AT ME!" He screamed at her as he pulled her chin up so she looked him in the eyes. "Why shouldn't I just end everything around you with one press of a button. I could send this picture to all of the students in the school with just one little click." Leo stared at her sharply as she looks away from his gaze with tears in her eyes and whispered. "Pl….. don…. I ....." her voice so low even with his close proximity he couldn't hear her. "SPEAK UP I KNOW YOU HAVE THE LUNGS ON YOU!" His yell made her jump again terrified.

"P-please d-don't I'll do anything." And thus the magical words were spoken but that didn't end Leo's actions as he back handed her with all his strength knocking her from the chair. "Why should I just agree just because you asked nicely and made a small promise. I've begged your friend group with something similar before." He slowly stood over before grabbing the stunned girl by a fistful of hair and dragging her to her knees.

"Why is this any different from what I usually go through?" She just looked up at him trembling non responsive. "Fine I'll give you a choice." He spoke reaching behind his back. Her eyes brightened slightly at his words before dimming back as she saw his hand. "You have two choices no second chances. First choice I tell everyone and you will be all alone from now on and will probably even be bullied like I was. Second choice and my personal favorite. I…. Own… you. You will put these on and your body would be mine. You can't touch Chad again or I will tell everyone anyway. I will train your body and you will never be the same but you can keep your little friendship. Hell I'll even let you continue to bully me to keep appearances. But I will punish you for everything you do to me."


Pov Ivy

She had no clue what to do and she was terrified. The weak creep that's normally her and her friends punching bag some how got a photo of he secret meeting with Chad. She knew that she shouldn't of kissed him but something made her made a sudden action and kiss him. He seemed happy that she did but she immediately regretted it before she even ran into Leo.

Emma and Sarah were her only friends. Sure she could make more but they had been friends since childhood and have become true sisters. They didn't have to worry bout each other sucking up to them to get closer to her family or as a walking wallet. They had all tried at one point or another and that's all it turned to.

She had no clue why she made a move on Chad he wasn't even her type. Hell the man currently holding her hair was more her type than Chad. His black hair and those circles enhanced his charm in her opinion. He was actually handsome but years of maltreatment made obvious changes that only made her like it more. To make matters worse she was currently wet. No not because she peed herself when he slapped her although that was the cause.

The only thing she liked about Chad was how dominant he was but the Leo in-front of her was even more so. Although she trembled in fear as she looked him in the eyes she couldn't help but want more as she felt a liquid roll down her thighs to the originally clean floor. Definitely not wanting to accept the first choice and not feeling to bad about the second she slowly nodded her head.


Normal pov

Seeing her nod so easily Leo smiled at her making her shudder as he slipped a collar around her neck. "Now little rabbit why don't you show what that mouth was meant for before I give you your cute little tail." At that he flopped back onto the couch making her crawl forward to start. Reaching her hands forward she Slowly unbuckled his pants her hands shaking as she pulled them down.

Her hand paused as his little brother sprang free smacking her hard in the face. The impact stunned her far worse than when he slapped her earlier. After a brief moment she worked up the courage to touch it. Her hands no longer shaking she stroked along the shaft carefully tracing ever vein as she went from base to top and back down again. Her eyes never leaving his cock as she slowly stroked it.

"Like what you see little bunny. You better get a taste of you carrot before this big bad wolf decides to just eat you." His words startled her as she stoped stroking as she looked away. "I've seen bigger. I bet you are also a quick shot with this virgin dick." As much as she wanted to call it small she couldn't in good conscious. The massive thing in front of her was bigger than her forearm. "Haha I'm no virgin (anymore) my last partner passed out on me. But since you say you have see bigger that means I can expect so in 'depth' treatment."

Her face paled at his insinuating the only time she did this the other party was at most 5in but now her big talk got this guy to want to have her take the whole thing. "What the little bunny scared it the carrot to big for you. All you have to do is say so I'm sure we can work something out." This caused her to frown. This man in front of her that was always their punching bag is now talking down to her. "No thanks I can handle this little thing no problem."

She started to lick the tip carefully as she realized how fucked she was literally was she would have to open her mouth the whole way just to hope to get the tip in let alone the massive shaft. She once again went back to tracing every vein and ridge on the shaft with her tongue placing kisses periodically. The shaft before her glistening from her saliva made it seem more intimidating. "Come on little bunny the carrot might have to find another hole soon if you don't eat it."

The thought of this thing entering her scared her. She knew she needed to prolong that as long as possible. "Fine." At last she move and put the tip in her mouth her jaw stretched to the limit. But despite her best efforts she couldn't go much deeper than the tip without gagging heavily. "Where did all that confidence go this isn't even enough to count as a blowjob. Fine if you suck this bad at it I'll just have to teach you to eat carrots like a good little bunny."

Leo grabbed her hair pulling her off his cock as he stood up. After he stood up he tossed her on to the couch and flipping her upside down so her head hung off the edge. Ivy didn't exactly have a lot of experience but she knew what he was about to do. She tried to turn away but this only annoyed Leo as he pulled leather manacles from his inventory latching them on her hands and feet before binding them all together and grabbing them to hold her still.

"Bad bunny now you owner is going to have to punish you. I was going to be as gentle as I could but now you are getting the rough treatment." Leo roughly pulled down her shirt exposing her small chest that had small pink cherries with little barbells through them. Seeing that Leo smiled and grabbed one with his free hand before pulling and twisting roughly. *Moan* this got a surprisingly deep moan from her.

"Awww these are cute I might need to train these cute little nipples." Moving his hand to the base of his cock he started smacking her in the face with it. The sound of it significant as each hit caused a deep thwack. "You better open that mouth before you have to explain how you got a black eye from a dick smacking you in the face." Reluctantly she opened her mouth.

Leo not missing a chance shoved half of it in her mouth causing her to squirm as her throat started to spasm around his cock. Leo pulled back till only the tip was in her mouth as he spoke. "That wasn't so bad right? Halfway down halfway to go. Her eyes widened in realization as he shoved his cock back in further. Every time his cock entered her throat would spasm trying to shove him out. *qwock* *qwock* *qwock* the sounds she made echoed in her head as he reached the base smacking her face with his balls right as she was about to throw up. However she didn't more like she couldn't. Leo actually cleaned out her stomach of all it contents as he didn't want to deal with vomit also she wouldn't be able to do so pass his cock that almost reached the whole way to her stomach.

*qwock* *qwock* *qwock*

The tightening from her throat made him redouble his efforts as he moved his hips far faster. *qwock* *qwock* By this point Ivy's eyes were rolled up her face covered in tears in snot. Her panties were soaked through. She had orgasmed six times so far just off him throat fucking her. *qwock* *qwock* *qwock* She couldn't help but think if it felt this good in her throat how would it feel in her pussy.

*qwock* *qwock* *smack* *moan*

Leo noticed her lack of resistance and started to pull on her nipples and smacked them. The results for his efforts were her body trembling as she moaned in response. The vibrations feeling great caused him to pump a few more times before he bottomed out while pulling her nipples almost as hard as he could. *Moan* *Spurt* *Spurt* *Spurt* His massive load filling her currently empty stomach and causing her stomach to swell slightly. As he let out rope often rope in her stomach he put his hands on her throat now bulging tightly against her new collar as he watched her throat move up and down attempting to swallow unconsciously. His right hand traced back up before landing back on her small chest.

Done with the last shot he gave one final pinch before he pulled out suddenly. The pressure on her stomach to great to bare for her current posture caused all his cum to shoot up and out her throat drenching her face in his seed as he watched his handiwork. He was now glad he cleaned her stomach as all that was there was his seed. His member hardened further seeing her state breast red mouth hanging open with cum dripping down her face and into her black hair staining it white.

[Initial encounter complete unlocking linked item.]

(I tried some slightly different writing this chapter compared to the other chapters let me know if y'all like it over the previous.)