

"Master Fynn, can i suggest something to you?" Quinn said as he looked at his master working for some papers on his table.

"Yes Quinn, what is it?" Fynn asked as he looks at Quinn waiting for the latter to talk.

"I would like to suggest about you having a vacation. The company is stable and everything is in its perfect place. We think it is just right for you to have some time for yoursel." Quinn suggested to his master which he serve for 12 years now.

13 years ago, Fynn' s family was involved in a car accident which claim their lives. Later did he know that it was his uncles doing because of envy towards his fathers success. After spending his time in the jail for several months, his uncle committed suicide because of shame. Quinn at that time is a special agent and is his fathers best friend. Fynn is just 18 that time and is in college. Everything fall out of place because of what happened but because of Quinn he stood up and decided to learn everything in the company his father build. When Fynn visited his fathers company, what he felt is sadness. His fathers employees are mourning because of the loss. His father is like the root and the trunk that holds the company together. His mother is like the sun that makes it shine brighter and now that the two were gone, they all feel like dying and afraid but they never betray and left the company. That is the reason why Fynn decided that he needs to learn everything so that one day he can help the company progress and become more successful. The pain that the employees felt is the same pain that he felt and so he asked them to guide him so that one day he can call himself worthy of his father's position. After three years, Fynn is 2q years old and he became the youngest successful CEO in the wine and hotel industry. His father started the company as a distillery yet in three months time Fynn expanded it into several branches and hotels in different country. But their is one thing that Fynn didn't do since that day he went into his fathers company. It is rest. He even practically live in his office. His employees and even the share holders in the company is worried sick for him. They wanted him to have some time for himself that is why they are using Quinn to ask him for it since Fynn treated the latter as his second father.

"I don't need it Quinn, what i need is to find ways how to make this company expand in the western countries." Fynn said as he looks out on the floor to ceiling window of his penthouse office.

"Fynn, we are just worried for you. The company is expanding because the vision and mission of it attracts more investors. We have the internal and external presidents that can do it since it is their responsibility. All you have to do is to check the stability of the company and guard it at your hands. That is the reason why we decided to have two presidents in the company and you know that." Quinn explained to Fynn the thoughts of the shareholders and directors of their branches. What made Fynn kucky is that his father made good friends from his business partners that they are so loyal to the company. Fymn on the other hand give his best to provide his business partners and other empoyess the best in their lives.

"I understand your point Quinn but all these years i am more acquainted with the business than spending my time out there. I love to be here in my office and just look what this company can offer for the benefit of the people working for it." Fynn share his side as he look at Quinn intently.

"Do you think your parents are happy looking at you down here worn out? Look Fynn, you may not see me as important as your father but i see you as a son i could never have. I am afraid that i might lose you too. If you continue to do this stressin yourself out then consider me dead as weĺl." Quinn said before he walks out the door and close it forcefully. Fynn knew right there and then that he upset Quinn. He can't blame the latter of its behavior because he himself is tired and worn out with all these expansion plans. For so many years that he only sleeps 4 hours a day that made Quinn and the others being so worried to him. Since that time that he lost his parents, he seemed to gain a lot of family in the company that is why he did all his best to made the company more successful a hundred fold since he seated because he doesn't want that his people will get disappointed of him.

After a day of tlcareful thinking, Fynn immediately called for a meeting.

"The CEO is coming." said his secretary who is a 40 years old woman who served his father even before the company started. Everyone stand and greeted him. "Good morning CEO Fynn Zu".

"Good morning, you may now take your seats ladies and gentlemen." Fynn said as he looks around and look for Quinn. Quinn is supposedly on his side during this time.

"I would like to congratulate everyone for the hardwork for these past months. As you all know, the profit that we gained this year is ten fold than last year and we would like to continue this so that we will be able to support the foundations that we are currently providing of help. However, since you all want me to take a rest for a while then i wluld also like to annouce that starting tomorrow i wont report physically int he office but i want you to send all the daily reports and fax me the documents to review whenever there is. I thought if this for quite a while and so i give in. I just want to thank you all for being there for me and for the company because if it wasn't for you we wont reacht his far. Aside from this, i would gladly like to give this chance that tomorrow you will receive some amount in your account as a bonis for the good year that we shared. Every employees that works in the company will receive it accordingly. I wish is the best year for all of us. And i also want to have a favor to ask. Please, do not share my leave to the outside." Fynn said firmly and directly to everyone in the conference hall. Fynn saw that the discision he made is right because it gives a smile to the people who mattered to him and these are his colleagues in the company. The internal and the external presidents who happened to be his best friends as well as the company's head of the legal team smiled at him. Everyone applaud as they all look at him with a smile. Fynn pulled his phone and dialled Quinn's number.

"Quinn?" Fynn said directly.

" Good discision Fynn. I'll just wait for your further instruction. I am just here in the parking lot." Quinn replied to him with a glad tone.

"So you mean that you slept in the car and you not chose to come home?" Fynn said in a slightly shocking tone.

"You are out of your mind if you call your office your home. Your home is in the Zu Villa Fynn. I hope yuo will visit there soon." Quinn said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Thank you Quinn for sticking up on me. Please prepare us our things and we will travel tomorrow first thing in the morning to Hemena." Fynn said as he walk past through the door of the conference room bidding his goodbye to everyone.