
Help Me, Dear Pirate Lord!

Basically jack a guy who is around 16 gets An amazing power from a weird type of thing and goes on an adventure to get even more powers to become the king/lord of the pirates and he gets some friends along the way now since you know the main scenario get reading will ya Enjoy!

Nobodyjustawriter · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Jack argues with the crew...?

Hi author here this chapter is sponsored by State Farm! Nah just kidding now sit back relax and read!! Enjoy and remember I will be updating this every 5-3 days!! (

Jack) Hey ma'am when are we arriving I'm boreeeed (jessy) be patient kid. (Jason)yes captain please be patient how about we play a game captain..? (Jack) sure... (Cindy) what's with the serious faces and voices? (Jason) nothing just concentrating.. (Jack) mhmm.. (king) I've never seen the captain so serious to be honest. (Rick) no the kid has been like this since I joined him.. but he will make a massacre when he gets mad. he even took down a whole captain by himself but he was raging. he gets huge power boost from anger..(hang-lee) did the captain really do that stuff and can with his anger..? (King) wow our captain is dangerous we need to keep him calm and not get him mad.. we need to keep him away from fighting..

(Rick) which means we need to get stronger... (Cindy) o-oh m-my gosh jack can really kill anybody with r-rage... I'm s-scared now... (king) it's okay he is our captain he wouldn't hit his own teammates would he..? (Jack) so you guys think I would kill you.. you think I could kill innocent people I'm dangerous... (Cindy) no jack no you're wrong we're just talking how you're anger makes you stronger (Jack) cut it.. I know you acting and I thought I could actually be friends with you but you don't even trust me.. humph... (Rick) you know you're own power you need to control you're anger.. (Jack) leave me 🅰🅻🅾🅽🅴... You filth.. (Rick) what did you just call me... (Jack) I called you FILTH!

(Rick) that's it kid I'm tired of you thinking you can command me like I'm you're pet of some sort.. (jack) come at me I could've kill you whenever I wanted I could've let you rotten away I could've let the marine captain kill you I could've let the pirate captain kill you but did I? Did I save you're life more than twice! Tell me! You ungrateful filth..

(Cindy) guys calm down please calm down (Rick) humph.. (Jack)... (king) shut it just shut it you guys are acting like children (jack&rick) and what do you think you are you are a mere chef (king) What did you tell me!?!? (Jason) guys please calm


(Jessy) are these guys always like this (Jason&Cindy) no.. (Jack) humph I don't have time for this I'll just delete you're memory (Rick) oh so you have been deleting our memory have you? What have you hidden from us hmm WHAT HAVE YOU HIDDEN JACK. (Jack deletes their memory)

(Jack) now lady how longer until we get there.. (Jessy) about 9 hours more so be patent (Jack okay..

To be continued..?

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