
HELP! I'm stuck in the Multiverse while cosplaying as Rambo

Naoto, a normal guy living in 2016, doing usual shit like watching porn and complaining about how unrealistic harem is in a knock off comic convention near his house; well... that is, until he notices that he is alone in a white room with this one other guy sitting on a chair. Cover by: Êmɾıöıx#6763 on discord

dio_brando_6470 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

EP 23

That was a weird nightmare… Now where am I? Looks like I'm sitting on a couch, the room looked fucking ugly, I'd rather sleep in the dumpster than this room.

Knight: "Ah, you're finally awake, how are ya feeling naoto?"

Naoto: "Did we lose?"

Knight: "NOoOo wE dIEd! What you fucking think you fucking wanker, of course we won."

Knight: "And before you say 'wow who pissed in your bowl today' it was the guy who fucking who punched your damn jaw. Oh and, I put your other clothes in the laundry machine, they are being cleaned. So how's your jaw doing?"

Naoto: "Not fucking good, it still hurts. Got any pain killers?"

Knight: "If I got any, I'd use it on myself, so no I got none. However mate, I can make sound tea from my stand, Rhapsody Queen!"

Out of a sudden, what I saw was… purple liquid on his hands, and the liquid smell was fucking good, I couldn't describe it.

Naoto: "What are you holding?"

Knight: "It's a tea drink. It might not fix your jaw right away, but it will heal over time for...1 month. BUT! If you get hit again, the pain will be more painful since your bones are fixing."

I drank the tea by holding it like Knight did, the weird thing is that I could feel the cup in my hands but yet, there was no cup.

Knight: "So how's life treating you mate?"

Naoto: "Fucking terrible. The R.O.B got pissed with me and gave me one wish only, got no superpowers or super tech, got teleported in boku no hero, which was bad because I don't understand japanese… got followed by the police and heroes... might have 'accidentally' committed a slaughter in a restaurant. And, sleeping on a dumpster for 5 days, and having nightmares of the people I killed in my dream wanting me to go to hell. So what do you think I feel?"

Knight: "Wow. You might have PTSD, Naoto jeez mate, how did you survive?"

Naoto: "Hey Knight, got a charger for my phone?"

Knight: "Hmm? Oh yeah, you can have it."

Knight gave me the charger and I put it on my phone to charge.

Naoto: "So how long have you been here Knight?"

Knight: "I'm gonna be honest, I didn't count because I was busy trying to survive. I kinda miss the old days where we hung around."

Naoto: "Like that time where we tried to make a case in ace attorney online but I kept saying 'zvarri nibba'?"

Knight: "Then the mod banned you. Ahaha!"

Naoto: "Haha yes, it was funny… I miss those moments."

Knight: "Wait so, you said you got teleported in boku no hero but how are you here?"

Naoto: "Well, I was fighting this creepy guy with a long tongue, then I got thrown in a wall and got sucked in, I was then in the mario world, so that's where I met Fricka."

--20 hour explanation later...--

Naoto: "So yeah, that's how I got here."

Knight: "So you're saying I could leave this fucking shit place? What the hell."

Naoto: "Yeah I don't know either."

Knight: "Let me follow you mate, I don't- I don't want to stay in this fucked up place."

Naoto: "Alright calm down, let me sleep first. My jaw is still hurt for a bit, let's talk later."

Naoto: "Hey Knight... got any blankets and pillows please?"

Knight: "Here you go mate."

And he gave me a pillow and a blanket, it was comfy. I mean, I was literally sleeping on a dumpster once.

Knight: "Good night Naoto."