
Chapter 2: A nanny

Bang! With a thud;the alarm went flying accross the room.

A delicate feature with a well chiseled jaw rose from the king sized bed,his morning looks is so temptating .his eyes shines very bright under the reflection of the sun , his disheveled curly brown hair and a muscular body .

With a loud yawn; Alexander went into the bathroom and freshen up to get ready for the day. "Good morning mom" Alexander greeted."good morning my gem hope you slept well?" Kelly asked with a smile on her pretty face "yes mom I plan on going to a café to have a coffee with my friends they insist I go with them" Alexander explained."it's okay son my regards to them"she said with a smile."one more thing I'm planning on getting a nanny for you I've seen one and she'll be starting tomorrow "she said out of nowhere "what! Mom why a nanny I don't a na any I can take care of myself mom" Alexander replied almost immediately "I know son you need one you need to be taken care of "Kelly explained." fine mom anything you want" Alexander said with a smile

****At the café****

" man; we waited for so long we didn't see you" Davies one of Alexander's friends complained."I'm so sorry mate I woke up late today I'm sorry" Alexander pleaded."it's okay" Davies smiled.

The same day in the café's shop**

"What about the job I asked you"jasmine asked her friend with curiosity written all over her face."well I Di…d find one but I don't think you'll like the job" belle replied with a voice more like speaking to her self jasmine could barely hear her voice Buh she did."what kind of a kid is it? Just say it girl" jasmine retorted." well it's a nanny job"belle said dropping a bombshell "hmm well it's not that bad, who are my babysitting?' She asked. "A grown up guy" belle said almost immediately." what!!"Jasmine exclaimed almost spitting out the coffee in her mouth."girl leave that think about the money they'll be paying handsomely.twenty thousand dollars every month"belle said with a wild grin on her face "omg!! Heck yeah I'm in"she said very excitingly

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Alexa_paigecreators' thoughts