
Chapter 1: awful night

"Mom what are you saying "jasmine retorts. With a loud scoff jasmine's mom rose up from the sofa, In a blink of an eye a resounding slap could be heard 'I said you'll do what I told you to do' she remarked

A low muffled sob could be heard from jasmine before speaking " I'm not going to do it mum,I'll find a job and pay you every month; I can't sleep with men because of money mum don't make me to that I am your daughter for goodness sake mum"jasmine said irritatingly. "What! Who said I'm your mother? I can't have a duaghter that doesn't obey me .you leave this house right now and never come back;I don't wanna set my eyes on you leave" Mally jasmine's mom shouted at her angrily

Shock was written all over jasmine's face she couldn't have heard wrong; mally wasn't her biological mother."you're not my mother?" Jasmine asked with her voice shaking "who said I am? Replied mally asking no one in particular "."As a good woman that I am, I saved you on the street 17years ago when you were three years.I fed you with my money,clothe you with my money and now you want to be an ingrate I now understand why your mother chose to dump you on the street.you get out of my house this moment if you're not ready to comply ".

After taking a deep breathe,she said "I am leaving this house and I'm never returning "with that she walked out of the house with a single piece of clothing .

A petite figure could be seen walking as fast as her legs can carry with her arm trying very hard to shield her from the cold .on the down town road after walking for a few more kilometers,she arrived at an apartment much more bigger and good looking than that of her adoptive mother.after a long sigh she moved closer to the house and gently knock on the door. A voice that's pleasing to the ear could be heard from inside of the apartment .

A lady with a well shaped face and a gracious curvy figure with a shock and disbelief tone belle asked" wait,don't tell me you're walking around in this cold night when you're suppose to be at home in your room covering yourself with a quilt"."it's a long story belle "she replied with a shaky voice .

"What! Your mom saved you from the road and dump you because you refuse to do what she wants? That's uncalled for" ."hmm" jasmine agreed while nodding her head."never mind have you eaten? Are you okay? Do you need anything?"belle asked jasmine with hints of worried in her tone. "I'm fine girlfriend I just needed some rest I'm tired; I'm feeling sleepy and please one more thing I need you help "jasmine said with a puppy eyes looking like a cute little baby. Belle couldn't help Buh laughed at her friend silliness." out with it sweetheart; anything for you.""I need to get a job so that I can rent an apartment and fend for myself " jasmine explained."you don't have to worry about renting an apartment;you can live with me here and you know I live alone in this huge apartment,it will be much more fun with you here and don't worry I'll help you find a suitable job okay?" Belle reassured."okay" jasmine nodded with a smile.

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