

HELLION ACADEMY A hell for Nulls, A haven for Elites. It took away my life once, never again. Everything I valued and ever cared for lost in a game they all love to play. Hierarchy. But not this time. Because I have something I didn't. I have power. After all, Power conquers all. Text Copyright © TheLordAlien TM 2019 STARTING DATE: 09-14-2019 FINISHING DATE: UNKNOWN STATUS: ONGOING I UPDATE WHEN I CAN.

lordalien379 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Nothing had changed much at Hellion Academy.

Sure the structure looked more intricate, the designs humming with a faint golden glow that seemed tempting to touch if one didn't know of its danger. Raphael soon realised that this was because the building was powered by the Elite's SoulSpirit to protect the Academy from attacks, something that hadn't been done in his time. It shocked anyone that came close in warning so that it couldn't be tampered with.

But that's where the difference ended.

The students and the Wardens looked no different. They had the same power hungry gazes and desperate movements laced with the same goal: To conquer and achieve.

He could see it in their eyes as clear as the light of day.

He walked past the students, ignoring their curious stares. If he could avoid a conversation, then it was well and good. Conversing meant talking about himself and being polite, something he didn't think he was capable of at the moment.

He pulled out the piece of paper given to him by Chiron. Upon reading it, he found his dorm details and class schedule.

Room No. 379, it said.

Tucking the paper in the pocket of his attire, he headed towards the dorms only to be stopped by a pretty blond girl in a skimpy dress. Her crop top and short skirt looked so suggestive, it made him wonder if underwear actually existed.

To his utmost surprise and horror, the girl leaned against him. Her long sharp nails skimming his bare toned arm seductively. He resisted the urge to smack it away and with great willpower turned his head towards the blond headed shrimp, his eyes giving away nothing.

Oblivious to his distaste, the girl curled her arm around his and spoke,

"Hey there, I'm Kandy. What about you?", her voice was high pitched and raspy. It gave Raphael a headache.

"I am not interested. Excuse me", he said pulling his arm away from her tentacles and proceeded to head towards his room.

The look on her face was enough to almost make him crack a chuckle, before her gaze darkened and she shouted something along the lines of 'You will pay for this'.

Great, he thought, Day one and I've already made an enemy.

Shrugging off his thoughts he focused on finding his room. Upon reaching said destination, he stuck out his hand in front of the door. A golden light shot out of it, scanning his hand before a 'click' sounded, indicating that it was open.

Entering the room he glanced around, taken aback on his surroundings.

The room was huge if not big. There were two king sized beds fitted in the corners, opposite to each other. A grand chandelier hung from the roof, lighting up the entire room and the floors were made of a polished material he couldn't recognise but deemed as expensive. The furniture's polished surfaces glinted along with their intricate details which would have made a sculpture cry.

Everything in the room dripped of power and wealth, he didn't find it surprising since the Head told him his 'Star Student' stayed here. Only an Elite would be so vain.

But what caught his attention was color of the room and its contents.


It was everywhere: the walls, the floor, the beds and even the shared bathroom. Whoever stayed here had a poor choice in colors, he thought. Not that he hated black, he just hated the empty vibe the room gave out.

His belongings were already placed on one of the beds that seemed unoccupied. They made him hand it over for checking, it was one of the protocols taken to avoid any case of harm that may befall on the students.

He knew better than that though.

They didn't need a weapon to crush someone, their presence was more than enough. Shaking out of his thoughts he proceeded to head towards the bathroom for a shower.

Cleaning himself up and wrapping a towel around his waist, he exited the bathroom in search of his clothes.

Picking up two pieces of brown Soulcloth, he wrapped them around his palms till they reached just below his elbow. They had a purpose; to keep his ability in check.

As long as they were there, he wouldn't be able to do something stupid. Controlling his ability was hard, especially since it could consume him if he were not careful enough.

He was about to put on his shirt when the door clicked, freezing his actions completely as he took in the sight in front of him.


Hello Weirdos!!!

Our main character Raphael is kinda quiet as you have noticed but fear not, he will slowly evolve as time passes. He's been through a lot of shiet so its made him a bit of clam shell that has to be slowly opened up, which will happen soon.

Meanwhile I'm stuck to a chair and it hurts like Tartarus.

No seriously, Its legs actually got tangled with mine.

Don't ask.

So while I'm tryna get out of the stupid thing, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

Loads of Love and Happiness,

Lord Alien