
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

The Holy Knight Tournement

I was the first to arrive, my wings folding behind me as I landed on the roof of the building watching over the stone, sleeping city as the sun rose over the green fields. Drifting above the lazy mills and streams carving across the land. The tiled roofs reflecting the soft golden glow back to the grey city as the mist and smoke rose from the floors.

I climbed down into the small house that was our base, I opened the door and sat down at the desk, the wooden chair creaking under my weight. I sat as the sun rose over the cold grey city, the orange light filtering through the windows. Koto walked through the door, his knives dropped by his legs in leather sheaths. We talked about what we'd done exchanging stories until John joined us wearing a plain shirt and trousers. We all talked and laughed as Hiro and Remy joined us. They were talking and laughing as they entered the hall. The entire room was filled with life and smiles.

"I didn't believe it, you're back?"

Ririam walked into the room, his smile creeping into our minds.

"What do you want, now?"

"Well I wanted to invite you to the five yearly holy knight contest because for some reason Quinten thought you should, obviously that goes for you too John and I suppose the rest of your household.

And also Badurad a letter from the eastern federation arrived for you a year ago don't make us go to war with them"

He then left, leaving the hall silent.

A few days passed until we all walked into the arena, the same arena where I'd trained all those years ago and where I'd met John. The stadium held so many memories and so much death.

There were eleven other people. The four other holy knights and some noble knights,

Badurad was placed in the first bracket against a knight he was supposed to be a candidate to replace John. As I walked into the sandy stadium the sun bared down on my back as my feet crunched on the gravel, the familiar sight of crowds covering the stadium like ants. The sun shining off the yellow walls.

The noble walked in from the other side, a thin sword at his hip and a set of metal armour covering his arms and legs. He had a familiar smirk cracked along his face. My eyes widened as I saw his face, the memories and anger rushing back and filling my body as I remembered the sensation of his boot kicking my body as blood trickled from my limp corpse. It wasd the noble who used to torture me, he used to beat me and kick me. My fists curled as I walked towards him. The flames curled from my feet and unfolding onto the ground spreading behind me.

"Wait, aren't you?? Hold on, is this a prank? Am I really supposed to fight some lowly commoner? Hahaha this will be too easy."

Flames rocketed from my feet and my arms swelling behind me as a wall of flames erupted from the ground bellowing behind me as my clothes whipped and waved from the air. I reached behind me with my hand plunging into the dark red flames a sword curling from the flames as I drew it, the embers falling from the polished silver blade. The flames compacted around my feet curling under the soles of my feet. My blue eyes gleamed and growled as I stared at him.

Why am I so angry?

It was so long ago so why the hell do I want to kill him so bad?

The Nobles sword glowed a light green his blade enclosed in that sparkling light. He started to swing the light thin blade at unimaginable speeds the blade seemed to be in eight different places at once. Then in that moment the green turned to gold arms popping from his back and thousands of blades surrounding him as he stood looking down at me, the arms sticking out like a fan from his back.

My feet exploded as I ran forward, my sword shimmering in the sunlight as I ran thousands of blades closed in on me but a gate of fire formed in front of me as I dived through, appearing behind him the swords twirling round to attack me. My flames plumed from the blade melting the swords as I cut through them the tips of the swords dropping to the floor smashing into the ground my flames were controlled and pinpointed, explorations of fire moving my body like a puppet as I slashed at the arms blood spraying from the limbs as I cut through them. Soon there weren't many left. My flames were burning brightly behind me as I slashed through the arms like hordes of goblins. My years of fighting culminated in this vicious attack as I struck at the noble, his face sweating nervously, his arms falling to the floor like autumn leaves. Soon there wasn't any left and I rocketed to his neck my bolade pressing his chest as I cut into him a small drop of blood spilling from his chest. And with that the match was over I walked off into the small tunnel leading out of the arena.

"Just what are you? How did a stupid lowly comoner defeat me??? I WON'T ACCEPT IT!!! NO!!!!!!"

His body started to contuirt his arms and limbs glowing with a sinister black light the nswords on the floor drawing back to him as he became a huge monster with fangs ripping from his mouth and drooling down his mouth his eyes started to glow a bright white and his skin turned an eerie dark blue, cracks of white light broke down his skin. As he growled the entire stadium silent. It charged at me the giant body lumbering towards me on all fours. Flames erupted from my right eye as the demonic armour formed around half my body covering my arm and leg a small black broadsword with red runes flowed from the flames as I grasped it the flames burning brightly as I walked forward my fire towering high into the sky, so high that it seemed they would burn the sun, the flames started to creep along my chest and into my blood boiling by body from the inside.

The massive beast charged at me, its jaws open as it lunged, biting at me. I raised my arms above my head and the sword with them crashing the blade down to the ground. The entire world went silent for what seemed like an eternity, until everything resumed, the beast splitting in two blood spurting from the monstrous corpse as it fell beside me,

My flames retreated into my eye as I walked back to the tunnel, the sword disappearing again. The crowd was silent as people stared at the beast and then at me their faces filled with bewilderment and surprise but as I entered the dark tunnel a roar of applause filled the floor.