
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


I walked through the dark tunnel light drifting through the entrance. Standing with his back against the wall Ririam was staring at me as I walked away from the blood soaked field.

"How did you like my scheduling?"

"Did you know he was going to turn into that? What was that anyway?"

"It was likely but I wasn't certain, and that was what happens if a noble brat gets the power of prayer before he's ready."

"Power of prayer? I thought it was a miracle."

"That's a stage of it. Our power is a blessing and a curse. Using our own will and beliefs we can grow our power to our perception of it so a noble brat like that who thinks he is the most powerful in the world could've been great but so sad he was faced against the 'Blue eyed butcher'."

"What? So this is what happens when a prayer user loses faith?"

"Of course that is the final and most savage stage, the curse. It turns you into a demon with power equal to your break in will hence why he became so dangerous."

"So why didn't John become that?"

"Well isn't it obvious? He didn't hate you or want revenge, he wanted to surpass you and become more powerful hence why he trained so hard over the last three years. I have a match now, see you in the next match, kid. Then I'll do something I should've done a long time ago."

Ririam walked off to the field, his hand gripping his sword as he walked towards his opponent. I watched from the dark as he stood in front of the man, his smile fading as the kid fell to the ground, throwing up and bowing before Ririam. Applause sounded from the arena as Ririam walked back to the tunnel, but I was already gone. The next match was in an hour.

Hiro walked into the stadium with his daggerby his feet, the silver blade shining in the sun. Before him was John, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

"Hey, lets have fun alright?"


Hiro slit his wrist the liquid pouring out to the ground and pooling on the floor, as his knife clattered To The ground he ran forward the blood rushing after him. It formed around his fist as he launched forward. But as Hiro flew towards him, Hiro's fist covered in crimson blood, a sparkle came from the sky. Then a loud high pitched screech as a great shield landed in front of him smashing into the ground dirt exploding from the impact. Hiro's fist slammed into the shield, the noise ruining out through the arena. The blood then wrapped around his legs thrusting him upwards above the shield as the blood coiled round to his arm forming into a sword. Hiro's chained blades flew to his hand as the silver chain wrapped around his hand. He swung both the swords out, holding onto the chain as they struck hiro. But the word had split in two forming a set of knives as Hiro fell to the floor his eyes started to glow he stared up at john for an instant, time froze.

John's swords were in the air crashing to the ground as Hiro, hunched and crouched after landing, stared up at him. The blood helixed and spiralled from hiro's wrist pillering into a set of swords, the blood covering hiro in armour. Hiro pounced up his swords flowing like living things. But as he did a roucast sound reverberated through the arena as thousands of swords shot into the arena, a beautiful golden glow lighting up the arena. The sky was littered with blades.

A broadsword flew to John's hand as he slashed into Hiro blood pirouetting into the sky, a red spray spurting out of his chest, the blood stopped in mid air turning into spheres as the rocketed forward, hitting John, Hiro followed his swords dragging behind him. He ran towards John as swords flew at him, Hiro dodged them, his glowing eyes following every shimmering blade. Axes spiralled towards him in a hurricane of steel. As his blood poured out a shield formed in front of him blocking the weapons the blood splashed back into hiro forming around his back, wings spreading from his back. He flew towards John, his wings making him soar over the sand, clouds of dust bellowing in his path. Swords flew into John's hands as he fended off a flurry of blood bullets. Hiro hugged the ground, his feet whipping up the sand and dirt as he ran chasing Jhon blood flying from his back.

However, John ran out of swords, his hand empty as Hiro closed in, Hiro's blade raised above his head. The blood crashed into John's shirt falling to the floor as rivers of red liquid.

"I think, I win?"

"Yeah, dammit. How do you all get so strong?"

Hiro smiled and walked back to the tunnel away from John. my heart was pounding from the fight, they were so intense and it seemed like they really wanted to kill each other.

I walked down to the tunnel, the darkness illuminated by Hiro's glowing eyes.

"Hiro?! Well done!"

"Badurad I nee..." he started to growl saliva dripping from his fangs. "I lost too much, I need it, I need more blood" I stood over him as his eyes glowed, he sat on the floor his back resting on the wall as he clutched his chest, his hand pressing over his heart. He was crying but his body dripped with his own blood as he stared up at me hungrily.

"That's fine ta…."

"Take mine!" Remy appeared from behind us, her shoulder exposed. Hiro leapt forward pouncing on her, his teeth sinking into her skin as she winced in pain.

"Th… thank… you" Hiro said standing back up wiping the blood from his mouth. Remy smiled and walked forward stepping into the arena her hands gripped tightly around her bow.