
Hell Flame Saga

A story as old as time, a world filled with magic and swords, plagued with demons and dragons. However deep in the heart of a city there lives a boy called Badurad. After the unexplained disappearance of his father he is thrust into the brutal and dangerous life of a knight, forced to fight and kill for his family. But as he grows he finds a power hidden deep inside, a flicker of an arcane hero a flame that is undying and unrelenting, What would you do if you met the Demon inside? And what would you do if the only way to survive is to become one?

Alex_N67 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

The Demi Giant

Looming over them was a demi giant. One of the most powerful monsters in existence. Its shadow plunged each and everyone of them into darkness. The demi giant's fiery red eyes glinted through its muzzle staring at them. Remy dropped to her knees in desperation. The beast in with no hesitation brought its club down onto the girl. It seemed to be her final moments but at the last second Hiro, John and Badurad jumped in front and blocked the blow with their four blades pushing with all their strength. Using this chance Koto jumped onto the club and ran his way up the arm of the Demi Giant. Using the same strategy as badurad had in his fight against the hobgoblin. However the Demi Giant swiped him off like a bug running up his arm. Koto flew across the battlefield rolling and flipping through the snow. Eventually he rested when he hit one of the tents. And slumped into the fabric, blood rolling from his mouth. John started muttering words and suddenly he started to glow with a holy aura. Knives and swords from the corpses started to drift upwards as well as the knives in his armour. Then plates of steel drifted up from the corpses. QAll the pieces of weaponry and armour formed together to make a giant fist. The fist that was still floating pointed towards the giant and flew at him like a powerful cross. The Demi Giant had to remove his club from the huddled and strained knights to defend himself. He pulled his club around and caught it with his other hand blocking the punch. As the hit connected he swung his club back around counter attacking. The devastating swing shattered the armour at the front and made the aura around John flicker and disappear. The rest of the weaponry dropped to the floor. John fell to the floor gripping his eye and writhing in pain. Remy was still kneeling on the floor paralised with fear and Koto had passed out his blood staining the tent and the snow.

Badurad knew he couldn't go berserk again. If he broke limbs or got seriously injured he would die out here being at least a week from the nearest doctor. The Demi Giant, having disposed of the giant fist, turned to face the two knights left standing, his lumbering body moving to face them. Badurad was afraid he couldn't do anything. The club would kill both of them with an indirect hit let alone a direct hit. Badurad looked at the Demi giant towering over him, his certain doom. He looked at his friends all on the floor. He looked at Hiro, His best friend, the person who he had known for his entire life, the one who had been beside him through everything, the one he would do anything to protect. Badurad closed his eyes and fire oozed from his body. All the snow around him melted revealing a muddy ground below him. He remembered the control that Zel had had over the flames. He remembered the mages he had fought against in the cultists camp. He remembered the spells that Graham had used against him. In that moment he dropped his sword and the flames engulfed him and then he was gone. He reappeared behind the Demi Giant tensing all the muscles in his fist fire burst out of his elbow thrusting it forward so quickly that it couldn't be seen by the human eye. The Demi Giant turned its head to see the knight redying his attack. The fist shot forward into the Demi Giants face exploding on impact knocking off its muzzle and revealing a huge jaw with six rows of teeth. The demi Giant extended out his left arm and swung it round with such force that it broke the sound barrier. The air from the swing pushed Hiro and Remy back burying them in snow. The shockwave demolished the camp. The flames engulfed badurad again, swallowing him and teleporting him to the Demi Giant's shoulder. He then concentrated them in his palm condensing them all into a tiny sphere. Then in an instant the flames shot down, cutting his shoulder and making him howl in pain. However it wasn't enough to just copy the magic he had seen before he had to improve on it. Badurad teleported back to the ground and tried to remember more spells. However, taking things seriously now, the Demi Giant swung his club down on Badurad Badurad summoned the shield that had been used against him before wrapping him in a sphere of fire that pushed the club back. Then behind him appeared hundreds of arrows made out of fire. The arrows shot forward hitting the stationary monster but they barely did anything. The shield shrunk to fit his body completely and then swallowed him teleporting behind the giant. Then He summoned the same mass of arrows and forced them together to make a giant lance that hovered above his head. The giant swung his left hand around to connect with Badurad who raised another bubble that absorbed the hit and sent Badurad flying. However the lance still shot forward. There was an instant where the Demi Giant realised what had happened. A look of terror shot across his face as the lance pierced his arm, taking it completely off. The Arm fell to the floor with a crash and the Demi Giant's black blood sprayed across the destroyed camp staining the snow black. The Demi Giants screams echoed through the wasteland deafening anyone in the vicinity. Badurads ears began to bleed and his vision became blurry, his flames disappeared and he fell to the ground being soothed by the snow. The Demi Giant lumbered across to where badurad was lying. It picked him up with its remaining arm tears still falling from it's eyes, blood still flowing from it's arm. It brought Badurad up to its head and opened its giant mouth. This was it. Badurad could hardly move, nevermind focus enough to use magic, then suddenly something hit the Deni Giants head and fell from the rock hard skin. It was an arrow. Remy had shot at the Demi Giant and then slumped to the ground. Badurad grabbed the arrow and jammed it into the roof of the giant's mouth. He forced it all the way up until only the feathers were visible. The beast slumped to the ground, relaxing it's grip. ["There you go again passing out you really are his son huh?"]