
Hell's Eternal (Dropped)

*The last time I wrote a book was in second grade and language arts were always my least favorite classes. So don't expect gold.* A guy dies then meets a ROB who turns out to be a sadist. After which he gets a couple of wishes, and bada-bing bada-boom he ends up in one of the deepest parts of hell next to a certain insane angel. Sounds fun right... yeah... no. [A/N: I don't own the cover, if you're the original author and want me to remove it, please contact me.] [A/N: I do not own Marvel. I am only playing in their universe(s)]

FlammableFire · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

C10 Sapphire Eyes

"Now, onto the skills and abilities, I have."

Because I altered the structure of my soul, so I could easily burn it, I sacrificed the ability to permanently store external energies.

I can still use external energies, but only if it's in the environment or I have another supply.

'But I'm actually happy with this "handicap" because, with the way my soul is now, as long as I know how to convert my soul energy into it, I can make an endless supply.'

"That makes me universe independent!"

I could learn how to use Power Cosmic and become one of the strongest people in this universe, but if I don't know how to make it, then the second I leave the Marvel Multiverse I would be back to square one.

'That and the only power I can truly call my own is that which I can make myself.'

"So. My number one source of strength without a doubt is my soul energy. Not because it can boost my power, but because I can do anything with it as long as I learn how."

"Second would be Soulfire."

Soulfire is completely broken. It is so fucky weird and op, it's crazy. And now it is directly powered by my soul and infused with my will, which makes so much more op.

'Because it is a mystical fire and can interact with other mystical energies when it is infused with my will, I can use it as a medium for channeling other energies!'

Imagine a spell channeled through a disk of Soulfire a thousand feet wide instead of one the size of a hand.

"Granted, it's way less efficient and harder to control, but still. Dat is op!"

"Third would be Magical/Elemental/Soul/Sin Manipulation."

Magical and elemental manipulation I get from my memories as Zadkiel, while the soul and sin manipulation I get from the Spirit of Vengeance and what I learn from my closet.

'Basically, I can wield magic like AO, sling lighting like Thor, read souls, and eat sin for breakfast.'

"Penance stare is also a result of soul and sin manipulation."

There aren't many energies I can't manipulate but Soulfire is still the most powerful and the others get enhanced if I use them along with Soulfire as well.

"Fourth would be my fighting skills, and fifth would be my other misc abilities like size alteration or empathic reading."

[A/N: I just found a good tier list for quantifying strength while the MC is in marvel. So be sure to check the Read Me if the below description isn't enough for you.]

'At full burn, my current strength is Mid-Herald, same as Thor.'

I could still play with Thor like an adult plays with a child though.

"Total power output is my limiting factor."

While my abilities aren't limiting me, I will still improve them. Especially since I need to jump two whole tiers if I fight Mephisto, who is a certifiable Skyfather in his own realm.

'If I can upgrade a couple of my abilities I should be able to escape Mephisto, and just maybe, fight him on an uneven playing field.'

Not because I could match him in power but because I can turn myself into an antagonistic power.

"BUT, if my 'plan' is successful I can do a lot more than just fight him. I could end him."

Yes, I have a master plan, so to speak.

It consists of one, giving the properties of Holy Fire to my Soulfire making what I call "Holy Hellfire", which will make it effective against demons, even soulless ones.

Two, removing the corruption side effect of Sin Eating and using Negative Energy Augmentation.

Three, make it easier to consume souls without having to go through memories.

The last and most important step is Johnny Blaze.

"The first three steps will let me escape Hell and Mephisto, and gain a bit of strength while am at it."

"But Johnny Blaze can turn my would-be escape into curb-stomping Mephisto."

Johnny Blaze is the current ghost rider, and right now he is being forced by Blackheart, Mephisto's son, to retrieve the Contract of San Venganza.

With that contract, Blackheart can make a gateway to Hell, allowing Mephisto's true body to come to earth.

All the while leaving his throne in Hell ripe for the taking…

'Of course, he will leave behind safety measures but if I am empowered by the negativity of Hell I'm sure I can break through them.'

"This will also work as a good test to see if AO can see my involvement in the future."

AO would never let this happen, so if I influence Johnny into following through and Blackheart succeeds, then I can be sure my future isn't clear to her/him.

'Even if she could see that I stop Mephisto in the end, I don't think she would take the risk of letting a Hell Lord step foot on earth.'

"I just have to make sure Blackheart gets the contract."

As for Johnny and Roxanne… well, even if they die I can revive them, so it's no big deal.

"Hey. I may be an angel but I'm not a saint…"

All that's left to do is upgrade my abilities and go over the plan to make sure there are no holes…



It took a couple, maybe three years.

Ironically, making a way to consume souls faster was the easiest. I pretty much just made a filter. Souls go in one side and come out the other as pure nutrients. But there are no memories which means no skills or knowledge, and it won't work on souls at or above my level.

'But, I can speed up the process with external energies if the filter doesn't work. I wasn't able to do so with O.G. Zadkiel because I didn't know how and didn't have access to outside energies.'

As for the corruption side effects… I wasn't able to figure out how to prevent it.

"But that's because I didn't have to."

My soul can't really get "corrupted", and even if it does, I know how to get rid of it after the fact.

Holy Hellfire was the hardest to make. The reason is that Soulfire originates from Hell. It's technically not demonic, but it is still used most often in conjunction with demonic energy.

'And Holy Fire mixes with demonic energy like oil and water.'

But I did succeed in the end, and now my Soulfire has a new "program" I can turn on.

All the modes my Soulfire has so far are: burn physically, burn soul, torture soul, search and destroy sin, wreck the fuck out of demons, interact with other energies, and I can use most of my soul abilities through it as well.

In addition, I have been going over everything I know about how the soul interacts with the body. The reason is Yahweh.

"I know for a fact that Yahweh put 'backdoors' in the genetics of angels, and I am almost positive 'Angels 3.0' the archangels had bottlenecks put on their power."

The backdoors let Yahweh have more control over angels that break his "rules". It's how angels can become "fallen" or even turn into devils like Lucifer. It's also what causes near-blind worship of Yahweh, only overcome by very few.

'Zadkiel had seen many signs that Yahweh wasn't all "there" in his over a million-year life, but they were "conveniently" ignored until it was shoved in his face.'

"I want to have absolute control over my body, especially if Yahweh is still out there, and also remove any physical bottlenecks I may have."

The reason I suspect bottlenecks to exist is that archangels, while "born" fully developed, start life as Low-Heralds.

Yet the ONLY High-Herald was Lucifer until he rebelled and afterward Micheal "miraculously" went from Mid to High-Hareld and Zadkiel from Low to Mid-Herald.

'It took Zadkiel hundreds of thousands of years just to go up one sub-level and even then it was a "miracle".'

If that's not a hidden bottleneck I don't know what is, and I highly doubt Yahweh would consider archangels his magnum opus if they had no potential for growth.

"There is only one teensy-weensy tiny problem… I know very little about genetics, let alone angel genetics."

I only know the basics of what my soul can do to my body.

'I know there have to be some good geneticists in Hell. Hmm, I'll make a second filter to set aside any geniuses of various fields.'

"I have my own way to solve these problems though."

I can "save" my current physical state and then revert/repair my body back to it if a backdoor gets activated.

Also, I don't have to worry about the mental backdoor because of my soul. Though, I would still prefer to remove it eventually.

And for the bottlenecks, I plan on doing a "rebirth".

I will basically, be regrowing my body while pumping it full of my soul energy, hopefully breaking any bottlenecks and expressing my archangel genes to their full potential.

If successful I will be the "perfect" archangel. It would kinda be the angel version of Steve Rogers and his serum.

"But all the genetic stuff is for after I deal with Mephisto since bodies don't grow on trees and take a while to make."

'And I need to actually learn some genetics…'


"I believe I'm all set!"

"I just have to absorb that last sapphire and I'm free."

I absorb the last piece.

"It was just more golden paperwork..."


"Umm. Why isn't anything happening?"

"Any minute now."

"Hey ROB! If you're watching this I'm ready to- Woah! Oh, Shit!"


In a dark, abyss-like room only ever visited by one "man", a pair of sapphire eyes opened for the first time in what seemed like centuries.


Ohhh boiz! We're almost there!

Won't be long and Hell will be getting a can a whoop-ass opened on itself!