
Heiress, Your Contract Marriage Has Ended (ENG)

Author: keinx
Contemporary Romance
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What is Heiress, Your Contract Marriage Has Ended (ENG)

Read ‘Heiress, Your Contract Marriage Has Ended (ENG)’ Online for Free, written by the author keinx, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering BETRAYAL Fiction, REVENGE Light Novel, CEO Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "Heiress, your contract marriage has ended," he said, his voice so monotonous and yet so mocking. "It's time you come ho...


"Heiress, your contract marriage has ended," he said, his voice so monotonous and yet so mocking. "It's time you come home." "Heiress? Me? That old man's successor? Give me a break. An illegitimate daughter can't be an heiress. Especially when my siblings are alive and living so luxuriously," Yvonne scoffed. ___ Yvonne, daughter of a mistress and an illegitimate child of a wealthy billionaire, kept her identity hidden when she entered a contract marriage with Callum. It was all for the money until she fell in love, and after thinking it was all one-sided, Callum confessed that he had fallen for her too. Three years into their marriage, she still suffers from mistreatment by his family, and her father, who abandoned her, suddenly demanded that she live with him and his audacious family. But Yvonne chose to stay with Callum. . . until he brought up divorce because their contract had reached its deadline. Did he ever love her as he claimed? After being kicked out of her husband's house, she found out that her father was dying and he was leaving all his fortune to her.

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وَمِنْ اٰيٰتِهٖ خَلْقُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِ وَمَا بَثَّ فِيْهِمَا مِنْ دَاۤبَّةٍ ۗوَهُوَ عَلٰى جَمْعِهِمْ اِذَا يَشَاۤءُ قَدِيْرٌ ࣖ Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and all the living creatures He has scattered throughout them: He has the power to gather them all together whenever He will. - (Asy-Syuura 42:29) ──── •✧• ──── Prey to predators. Truth becomes false. Good to evil and— Hunter to hunted. "The Lion Lose His Fang."— Such aphorisms feel closely familiar to Sharim. The once ferocious lion— wild, and free, lose all his meanings during one sullen night. He is no longer their hero nor thier knight. He is no longer the same teenager who was once reckless and lively. Now. He was just a cripple and injured troublesome lion in the eyes of Hunters— who was once their icon. He; himself was unable to stand on his own without someone's shoulder. He wasn't any different from the pebbles on the road side despite, the war still raging under his nose. "Sharim. If something happens to me- please protect Hibion." He failed to keep his teacher's promise. And- "But, this game of tag is over now." — failed to protect his one's friends. "Do not give up." Amid this misery- Allah u Akbar- '... Someone is still chanting the call to prayer?' — The grace and mercy of Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim haven't ended yet. Dua. Something rang in Sharim's head. Because of that- He raised his hands, towards the sky. "— Save 'me' in that world from reaching the same conclusion as 'me' in this world, As-Salaam." When the war hasn't begun yet nor the silent night robbing anyone's life- Sharim Ishraq's eyes flutter open.

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Volume 1 (Arjoona Harristian): Mata hitam Joona yang marah akhirnya beradu dengan mata coklat hazel milik Claire yang berdiri sambil melipat kedua lengannya di dada. “Tidak ada yang boleh mengumpulkan pekerja produksi tanpa ijin dariku, sekarang bubar semua!” teriak Joona pada seluruh pekerja. “Aku CEO di perusahaan ini, aku yang berhak memanggil dan memecat siapapun yang aku mau!” balas Claire dengan angkuh berdiri di atas meja. Arjoona mulai kehilangan kesabaran, ia menarik lengan Claire memaksanya turun dengan cara menggendong pinggangnya. “Lepasin kamu memang kurang ajar, Arjoona!” “Iya, aku memang kurang ajar, kamu mau apa, mau pecat aku!” tantang Joona dengan mata membesar pada Claire. WHAT THE HELL!! Dunia pasti segera berperang karena dua manusia yang saling membenci tapi bekerja di perusahaan yang sama sebagai bos dan bawahan yaitu Arjoona Harristian dan Claire Winthrop harus menikah kontrak selama dua tahun. *** Arjoona Harristian adalah pemimpin kelompok The Seven Wolves yang mulanya hanya seorang enginer biasa di sebuah perusahaan elekronik. Awalnya hidupnya baik-baik saja hingga ia dijodohkan dengan Claire Winthrop, cucu perempuan pemilik perusahaan tempatnya bekerja sekaligus CEO perusahaan itu. Namun apa yang terjadi jika Arjoona tau bahwa pernikahan itu hanya untuk menutupi dosa Gerald pada orang tua Arjoona di masa lalu? Bahwa kebenaran akan menemukan jalannya... suatu hari. Volume 2 (Jayden Lin): "Ratu gak mencintai Om Jay seperti seorang Keponakan. Ratu mencintai Om seperti seorang gadis mencintai pria-nya. Ratu ingin jadi istri Om Jay. Ratu akan buktikan kalau Ratu bisa jadi wanita dewasa seperti yang Om Jay inginkan," ujar Ratu sambil meneteskan airmatanya. Napas rasanya berhenti saat Ratu menyakan cinta. "Kita tidak bisa bersama, Sayang. Takdir menjadikan kita sebagai satu keluarga. Kita saudara sedarah, adalah sebuah dosa jika kita bersama.” *** Jayden Lin adalah pemimpin tertinggi gengster terkenal Golden Dragon, Ia jatuh cinta pada keponakannya yang telah dirawatnya semenjak lahir, Ratu Lin. Tak hanya itu, Jayden bahkan menjadi pendonor hati bagi Ratu. Cinta terlarang dan sedarah yang dijalani Jayden membawa kesedihan dan penderitaan bagi perjalanan hidup Jayden. Apa yang terjadi jika Jayden benar-benar nekat mempertahankan cintanya pada Ratu? **** The Seven Wolves terdiri dari tujuh anggota, yaitu Arjoona Harristian (Alpha/Leader), Jayden Lin (Beta), James Harristian, Shawn Miller, Bryan Alexander, Mars King dan Aidan Caesar. Ketujuh pria itu dipertemukan takdir untuk membentuk kelompok rahasianya sendiri bernama The Seven Wolves. Dari milyuner, petinggi milter hingga pemimpin gangster, mereka berjanji untuk tetap membantu satu sama lain. Tidak ada yang lebih penting daripada memiliki saudara untuk bersama. Follow me on my IG: @nandastrand, FB: @NandaStrand

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