
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Two Equal

"WHAT!" he exclaimed as soon as he heard this; he was not expecting it at all. But after a while, he relaxed and asked with a smirk, "Aren't yo-."

"-with a condition," she interrupted, not caring what he would say. He nodded, understanding that there was no way she would want to be a slave, which was far worse than death.

She crossed her arms under her chest and began to state her condition, "Soon, I'll be the only one of my kind left, and I want to recreate my kind in the future, and you know what that means."

Normally, demons can reproduce like humans, but the Demon Goddess can give her own blood essence to create a demon superior and more powerful than other demons. That's why, even though humans have dozens of gods, divine beasts have several, and demons have only one. The Demon Goddess's ability to create powerful subordinates allowed her race to be equal to them.

He frowned, "Did you really think I would fight all the other races, or at least humans, just for your body?"

"Yes" she said with a confident smile.

He wouldn't have any problems with her since he had a slave contract, but he would have trouble with other divine beasts and humans if he were found to be hiding the Demon Goddess, especially if he helped bring back her kind. Demons were hated by almost all divine beasts.

'Just don't get caught.' There shouldn't be anyone to know but his servants, subordinates, and concubines who are totally loyal to him. So he thought it shouldn't be difficult to keep a woman secretly in his palace.

After thinking for a while, he looked at her body again and said, "You'd better start spreading your legs," looking into her eyes.


"Are they still doing it?" one of the Dragon God's concubines asked disappointedly as she approached the bed where the other two were sitting.

One of them sighed deeply and said, "I've forgotten the last time he even paid attention to us, all because of that stupid woman."

The one who approached shook her head and muttered, "You still think it's her fault?"

The other woman, who had been silent until now, opened her eyes and mumbled, "This can't go on like this. He's used us and thrown us away just like that."

Then she sneered and laughed sarcastically, "He chose a demon woman over us."

Not only the three of them but almost all the concubines and subordinates of the Dragon God complained about this situation; their ruler was no longer ruling as before, spending all his time with the Demon Goddess.

Meanwhile, the two in the royal chamber were breathing heavily.

"haa....haa....haaa" "haa....haaa....haaa"

While on top of the Dragon God's body, the Demon Goddess was looking directly into his eyes as she tried to control her breathing.

"Who would have thought you could care so much about me instead of just thinking about getting laid?" the Demon Goddess asked with a warm smile.

Over the years, they had become so close that they would chat and joke with each other. For the first time, the Dragon God was having fun, and he wasn't just thinking about making love; he was enjoying spending time with her. It was a strange feeling. And it was no different for her, either.

'Is this what it feels like to be with an equal?' he thought to himself as he lost himself in her eyes.

Normally, since he was the strongest producer of Yang Qi, no single dragon could satisfy him. But the two were satisfying each other as if they had been born to do so.

"Oh?" she asked as she saw him staring at her, lost in thought.

She teased, "You haven't used your slave command in years, and look at you, pondering deeply while looking into my eyes. You would do everything I want as if you were the actual slave; I really tricked you, huh?"

He came to his senses and, without warning, thrust his manhood into her with full force in response to her teasing.

The Demon Goddess's eyes widened, and a loud moan escaped from her mouth at the unexpected attack. She frowned slightly in annoyance.

With a chuckle, he asked, "When will you start creating your species?"

With a serious look on her face, she replied, "The human gods are still looking for me, and they will be suspicious of divine beasts if they are not now. Besides, it is very difficult to find the right candidates because they must have enormous willpower, and their hearts must be filled with hatred and revenge. It would be very suspicious if you ordered your servants to find someone like that, and I don't think they could. So it would be better to wait until I am a bit more forgotten."

He nodded in agreement with her answer, his thoughts the same. Her species was the most important thing to her before they met, so he was genuinely worried about her. While he was deep in thought, she said with a seductive smile, "So?"

"So what?"

Slightly annoyed that he had forgotten what he had just done, she asked with a fake angry face, "Are you taking it out or moving?"


As the years went by, everyone in the royal palace bitterly accepted this behavior of their emperor as they were loyal to him, except the concubines, as they were the most affected ones. Five of the Dragon God's concubines secretly used an artifact to see what was going on inside as they could not believe that their emperor chose a woman of another race, and it was not even a divine beast.

While five of them were watching, the two on the bed were in the middle of a chat as they finished their session not long ago.

"hahaha" She laughed and said, "You haven't changed at all."

He smiled wryly. Just as he was about to say something, he noticed that she was deep in thought. 'Again?' he thought to himself. "Are you okay? You know, you can talk with me anytime. I thought you trusted me," he said jokingly with a warm smile and added, "Come on, tell me."

She hesitated for a moment, but she knew she would eventually tell him. "I always wanted to have a child, but I couldn't find a suitable partner because I was the progenitor of the demons. I can't just have a child with them," she said with a timid face.

"Oh? So you are sad because you will never be a mother?" he asked, blankly.

She shook her head and sighed deeply. "I know this will sound crazy to you, but I.... I want your child," she said with determination before calming down.

Having a relationship with another divine beast race was a taboo for divine beasts, but having a child was the greatest crime for their own blood, so having a child with other than divine beasts? it was not even a question. No one ever dared to think about it.

She knew he was different; he did not really care about these taboos; he was the first divine beast, older than the taboos. But even he did not think of having a child with his concubines, his own race, as he did not consider them worthy.

As she thought about what he was going to say, the Dragon God's eyes sparkled with fire. He unleashed his full aura with a strange expression on his face. 


She was scared not because he was going to hurt her but because she thought he was not just going to reject the idea; he was truly against it.

He said by forcing her face towards him and grabbing her shoulders. He said with a passionate smile as he looked into her eyes. 

"You... you better make sure she gets your eyes."

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