
Heir of Wrath: The Celestial Devourer

Tian Jing, the child of the Dragon God and Demon Goddess, carries the weight of his parents' last will and the hope for their revenge across the Nine Heavens. Starting his life anew, he gradually recovers the memories of his father teaching him about the cultivation world and cultivation techniques. Fortunate to encounter two great individuals, Tian Jing learns that the world can hold beautiful things beyond strength, wars, and domination over the weak. This revelation shifts his personality from being always cold and heartless to being cold and heartless most of the time. Embarking on his journey, Tian Jing understands that he is not a tool for vengeance but also an individual with the freedom to pursue his own desires.

GoofySleeper · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Slave Contract

"Haaaa- finally…. after..... 5 million…. years..." A black dragon soul sighed as he watched a newborn soul descend from the heavens. He directly took it before it was born physically. Using nearly all of his power, he returned with the newborn soul to his ancient cave. Staring at the soul, he sighed deeply. "It was her... her last wish before death."

Suddenly, his eyes bulged with anger as he began to remember what had happened. "THEY…. TH- "


A green dragon sped through the grand halls of the royal dragon palace, holding an important report. After passing the guards, he entered the throne room; it was empty, as usual. After all, he was known as the lustful god. He shouted, "Your majesty, I've brought the report about the war." A few minutes later, from the royal chamber behind the throne, a tall, handsome man with black and gold eyes resembling a dragon entered, accompanied by two women. The first had sun-kissed skin and flowing black hair, with piercing blue eyes and a curvy figure. The second was tall with porcelain-white skin, deep brown eyes, and a slender, graceful frame.

"Your Majesty" The messenger bowed respectfully.

"I hope you interrupted my good moment for something important," the emperor replied coldly.

"Your Majesty, the Great War between humans and demons is almost over, and the demons are about to be wiped out. Your subordinates, Azure Sky Dragon and Golden Dragon, are willing to go to war and await your command if you change your stance on this war. They still think that if we let the demons lose, the natural balance will be disturbed, and humans will become too powerful in the future."

The Dragon God frowned at the last sentence, "Humans? Those lowly creatures? Powerful? What a joke," he said with a laugh. For millions of years, a delicate balance of power existed among divine beasts, humans, and demons, with the divine beasts always asserting their dominance. After thinking for a few seconds, he replied, "Wait for my orders. I still want to see what that old woman has in her sleeves."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the messenger replied with a bow and left.


A woman materialized above the Royal Palace in a swirl of dark energy. As if summoned by the whispers of the night, she descended upon the palace with an otherworldly grace. "HAl-" all the guards stood up, and just as they were about to shout, they froze when they saw who was in front of them. Although they saw her for the first time, they recognized her from the inscriptions: the Demon Goddess herself.

Just then, the voice of another figure echoed, "You are late." The Dragon God appeared before the Demon Goddess with a mocking grin on his face. After a few seconds of silence, as the Dragon God was about to speak, she interrupted him.

"C-Can we speak in private?" Her voice trembled as she spoke.

His eyebrows twitched at her request, instinctively hesitant to accept, sensing a possible scheme. However, as his gaze met hers, a strange feeling weakened his resolve. Reluctantly, he nodded, unable to defy the silent plea in her eyes.

As they stepped into the royal chamber, he swiftly activated all the soundproof formations. After a tense moment of locking eyes, he broke the silence with a command, "You better start talking." Yet, the Demon Goddess remained silent, offering no immediate response. Suddenly, tension filled the air as she froze momentarily, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. Then, with a decisive motion, she dispelled the shadows of dark energy that clouded her presence and spoke with unwavering confidence, "I have come to seek refuge with you."

The Demon Goddess stood before him, revealed in all her glory. Her violet eyes glowed with a mix of defiance and vulnerability. Her smooth, flawless skin and shapely figure commanded attention. The Dragon God's eyes widened, and his breath caught as he saw the Demon Goddess standing naked before him. His gaze instinctively swept over her, taking in every detail. A mix of shock and admiration spread across his face. To see such a powerful and feared being standing so vulnerable and exposed left him momentarily speechless. He was deeply struck by the unexpected sight, frozen in place, unable to look away.

After a few minutes of silence, the Dragon God burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHAHA! Look at the Demon Goddess, one of the most powerful beings of the Nine Heavens, feared by all living creatures. Known as the murderous, cold, and ruthless, yet she stands before me now, asking me to protect her life in exchange for her body."

While hearing his laugh, she still resolutely did not change her expression. After seconds of thinking, he nodded to her and said, "It's good for you to know that I don't care about anything you have except your body, but unfortunately, you know, it's an unforgivable sin for dragons to have intercourse with demons and humans."

The Demon Goddess frowned at his reply and said, "So what? Is this going to stop you?"

For someone who had lived for millions of years, there were no boundaries, but having intercourse with any creature other than a divine beast was unthinkable. However, no matter how proud he was, he could not say that he was stronger than her, and he was curious to experience intercourse with someone equal to him, like the Demon Queen.

"I've never said that," he replied with a smirk on his face.


Just as he was about to voice another concern, she interrupted him, "I'm not going to try anything weird. I don't have any tricks."

He frowned when he heard that. "Did you really think I'd believe that?"

She shook her head and sighed deeply, then replied, "Slave contract."


Hi, This is my first novel, so the first chapters might be a little amateurish, but it will keep getting better as my writing skills improve, too. Also, the first few chapters might be a little boring for some of you, but don't worry, It is only the first few ones as ı wanted to develop the main character logically, without some bullshit lucky system or some op power that we don't know how we get.

hello, You can always criticise me

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